Удивительные налоговые истории в США #жизньвсша #финансывсша #налогивсша #возвратналогов

by | Mar 21, 2024 | Fidelity IRA

Удивительные налоговые истории в США #жизньвсша #финансывсша #налогивсша #возвратналогов

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Открываю предзапись на курс/серию вебинаров/групповой коучинг (пока не определила формат):
Все, кто в предзаписи получат скидку 75%!!!
Курс из 7 шагов по прокачиванию финансовой грамотности в США – пошаговое руководство к действию для желающих построить свою собственную автоматичекую систему личных финансов (personal finance)!
✍️Предполагаемый запуск: Май 2024
Составляем чёткий план финансовых действий по пунктам:
💥 Aнализ финансовой ситуации
💥 Oсновы бюджета
💥 Кредиты и кредитки
💥 Сбережения
💥 Пенсия
💥 Инвестиции
💥 Автоматизация финансовых процессов

История канала:
3 Авг 2023 Создание канала
28 Сен Первое видео (День 1)
11 Окт 50 подписчиков (День 13)
20 Окт 100 подписчиков (День 22)
3 Дeк 500 подписчиков (День 66)
27 Дек 1,000 подписчиков (День 90)
29 Фев 2024 – монетизация канала (День 154)

#финансоваяграмотностьвсша #жизньвсша #финансовыйкоуч #деньгивамерике #недвижимостьвсша #налогивсша #финансывсша
Добро пожаловать на мой канал, канал о финансовой грамотности, Ваш домашний консультант по финансам в США.
Меня зовут Оксана. Я живу в США около 20 лет (с августа 2004) и имею американское высшее образование по специальности Finance & Investments (CUNY, Baruch College, GPA: 3.99).

На этом канале мы будем разбираться в следующих темах:
✅ Social security benefits
✅ Кредитная история и кредит скор (credit history and credit score)
✅ Как инвестировать на фондовой бирже
✅ Как открыть брокерский счёт (Fidelity, Vanguard, Schwab и другие)
✅ Какие бывают сберeгательные счета в Америке (Savings accounts: HYSA, CDs, Treasury I-bonds)
✅ Как инвестировать в недвижимость (rental income, REITS, fundraising companies)
✅ Как начать откладывать на пенсию
✅ Все о пенсионных вкладах IRA, Roth IRA, 401k, SEP IRA, Solo 401k, HSA
✅ Финансовая грамотность
✅ Денежное мышление
✅ Как стать богатым в Америке (building wealth)
✅ Как достичь финансовой независимости в Америке
✅ Как создать пассивный доход (interest income, dividend income)
✅ Как создать свою собственную автоматическую финансовую систему
✅ И многое-многое другое

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Этот контент предназначен только для образовательных и развлекательных целей. Любое инвестирование сопряжено с риском, включая возможную потерю основной суммы…(read more)




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Stunning Tax Stories in the United States

Tax season in the United States can bring about a mix of emotions for individuals – from stress and worry to relief and excitement. The US tax system is known for its complexity and numerous tax laws that can impact the amount of taxes individuals owe or may receive as a refund. And sometimes, the tax stories that emerge are truly breathtaking.

One such story involves a man who mistakenly received a tax refund of $980,000 due to a clerical error made by the IRS. The man, who was expecting a refund of just $980, was shocked to see the additional three zeros on his refund check. Although initially tempted to keep the money, he eventually contacted the IRS to inform them of the error and returned the excess amount.

In another jaw-dropping tax story, a couple in Georgia discovered that they were under investigation by the IRS after the agency mistakenly deposited $120,000 into their bank account. The couple had reported an income of around $15,000 for the year, so the sudden windfall raised red flags. It turns out that the IRS had confused their account with that of another taxpayer with a similar name. The couple ended up facing an audit and had to repay the money.

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On the flip side, some taxpayers have shared incredible stories of receiving unexpected tax refunds that have helped them in times of need. One woman in California shared how she received a surprise tax refund of $10,000, which she used to pay off medical bills that were piling up. Another individual in Florida received a tax refund of $5,000, which he used to start his own small business.

These stories serve as a reminder of the importance of filing taxes accurately and promptly. Mistakes can lead to serious consequences, whether it be receiving a hefty tax bill or facing an audit by the IRS. On the other hand, taxpayers who are diligent in reporting their income and deductions may be pleasantly surprised with a substantial tax refund.

As tax season approaches, it’s crucial for individuals to stay informed about the latest tax laws and regulations to ensure they are in compliance with the IRS. Seeking assistance from a tax professional can also help in navigating the complexities of the US tax system and maximizing potential tax refunds.

In the end, while taxes may not be the most glamorous topic, the stories that emerge during tax season can be truly captivating. Whether it be a shocking error made by the IRS or a surprising windfall in the form of a tax refund, these stories remind us of the impact that taxes can have on our lives.

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