ما هي آراء الشرع حول البنوك التعاونية في محور فقه المعاملات المالية؟

by | Jul 15, 2023 | Inherited IRA | 10 comments

ما هي آراء الشرع حول البنوك التعاونية في محور فقه المعاملات المالية؟

يسألونك محور فقه المعاملات،القيم و الأخلاق
اسئلة حول الفقه الاسلامي
لا تنسوا مشاركة الفيديو مع الأصدقاء لتعم الفائدة
نرجو منكم تشجيع قناة اللوح المحفوظ عبر الإشتراك في القناة والضغط على زر الإعجاب وتفعيل زر الجرس ليصلكم كل جديد
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Title: Perspectives on Islamic Banking – A Guide to Shared Profit Banks

Islamic finance adheres to the principles of Islamic law (Sharia) that govern financial transactions. One important facet of Islamic finance is the concept of shared profit banks, also known as Islamic cooperative banks or Islamic participatory banks. This article aims to shed light on the Sharia perspective on shared profit banks and the principles they operate on.

Understanding Shared Profit Banks:
Shared profit banks are financial institutions that operate based on Islamic principles. They aim to provide banking services while avoiding the interest-based transactions prohibited by Sharia. Instead of charging or paying fixed interest rates, shared profit banks emphasize risk-sharing and investment in productive assets.

Sharia Perspective on Shared Profit Banks:
Islamic scholars generally view shared profit banks as an acceptable alternative to conventional interest-based banks. The validity of these banks is derived from the concept of Mudarabah, a partnership contract where one party (the financier) provides funds, while the other party (the entrepreneur) manages the business.

According to Sharia principles, shared profit banks can operate under two main models, namely Mudarabah and Musharakah:

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1. Mudarabah Model:
Under this model, customers deposit their funds in the bank, which acts as the financier. The bank then utilizes these funds for various investments and business activities. Profits generated from the investments are shared between the bank and its customers, usually in predetermined ratios. If the investments incur losses, the bank alone bears the financial burden.

2. Musharakah Model:
The Musharakah model is based on a full partnership, where customers and the bank jointly invest in different projects. Profits and losses are distributed according to the partners’ agreed-upon ratio. This approach promotes shared risk and reward, making it a more equitable system.

Benefits of Shared Profit Banks:
1. Ethical Finance: Shared profit banks provide an alternative for individuals seeking financial services that align with their religious beliefs, as they operate within the boundaries of Sharia principles.

2. Risk Sharing: The risk-sharing aspect of shared profit banks ensures that both the bank and its customers share the consequences of investment decisions, promoting a sense of fairness and justice.

3. Economic Development: By investing in productive activities rather than focusing on mere financial transactions, shared profit banks can promote economic growth and development.

4. Financial Inclusion: Shared profit banks aim to provide banking services and financial products to a wider range of individuals, including those with limited access to traditional banking services.

Challenges Faced by Shared Profit Banks:
Shared profit banks face certain challenges, including:

1. Limited Availability: Shared profit banks are still relatively new and less widespread than conventional banks, limiting their availability in some regions.

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2. Lack of Awareness: Many individuals are still not familiar with the concept of shared profit banks, which can hinder their adoption and growth.

3. Compliance with Sharia Principles: While shared profit banks strive to operate in line with Islamic principles, there can be differences in interpretation among scholars, leading to varying practices among different institutions.

Shared profit banks offer an alternative financial system that adheres to Islamic principles while providing essential banking services. By operating on the principles of risk-sharing and investment in productive assets, they promote economic development, financial inclusion, and ethical finance. Although these banks face challenges, there is a growing recognition of their value and potential, ensuring a promising future for Islamic cooperative banking.

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  1. Mustapha Nekrachi

    النتيجة النهائية بالنسبة للابناك التشاركية هي نفسها لابناك التجارية مع تغيير في المصطلحات التشاركية يعتبرونه ربحا والتجارية تعتبرها فوائد مع امكانية ان يكون نفس العقار يختلف ثمنه ويكون اغلى عند الابناك التشاركية وهذه المعاملات البنكية فيها اختلاف حتى بين رجال الدين لماذا يتم التركيز فقط على القرض لشراء بيت وما حكم القروض البنكية للشركات وقروض البنك الدولي حلال علىيهم وحرام على من يريد شراء بيت لم اسمع قط عالم دين تكلم في الموضوع الجميع يتكلم فقط على قرض البيت

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    الابناك التشاركية تملك الاموال وتسترجع الاموال 🙂

  3. Hiba Arfaoui

    عندي قدر من المال احتفض به في البنك هل ممكن اخرج الزكاة من الفواءد

  4. Hiba Arfaoui

    سلام عليكم جزاكم الله خيرا
    انا عندي مقدار من المال ودخلته في البنك هل فواءد المال اخرج منه الزكاة

  5. Abderrahim Madani

    هذا ماشي تشارك هذا ره تحايل لاحيلة مع الله سبحان الله

  6. Amazir Mohamed

    Na3le chitan alf9ihe la hila m3a Allah riba haram haram haram

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    الربا تبقى ربا بدون فلسفة

  8. rabha dirrouch

    نمرة تليفون ديال هد البرنامج الله اعطيكم الخير

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    بارك الله فيكم

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