第225期:Roth IRA提取资金需等待5年吗?如何处理通过backdoor转入的资金?解题挑战,答对请举手(下)

by | Aug 19, 2023 | Backdoor Roth IRA | 25 comments

第225期:Roth IRA取钱到底要不要等够5年?Roth里面有backdoor转过来的钱怎么办?给你出道题,做对的请举手(下)
第224期:Roth IRA取钱到底要不要等够5年?什么情况要交税和罚金?CARES法案有什么变化?

第223期:今年要做Roth IRA conversion/Backdoor IRA?你要知道的几个陷阱

第61期:什么是 Backdoor Roth IRA? (Roth Rollover; Conversion; Transfer) 上期

第133期:Backdoor IRA 下期:Backdoor IRA 会不会被双税?Backdoor IRA的计算及税务筹划

第132期:Roth IRA 取钱规则:到底要不要等够5年?腾出时间回复网友评论

关于Roth IRA取钱的税务问题和8606表:


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Article: Should You Wait Five Years to Withdraw Money from a Roth IRA? What about Funds Transferred from a Backdoor Conversion?

The Roth IRA is an excellent retirement savings tool, offering tax advantages that make it highly appealing to individuals looking to secure their financial future. However, there are some rules and considerations you should be aware of when it comes to withdrawing money from a Roth IRA. Additionally, if you have funds transferred from a backdoor conversion, there are specific factors to keep in mind.

First and foremost, one of the key advantages of a Roth IRA is that qualified withdrawals are entirely tax-free. To ensure that withdrawals are considered qualified, the account holder must meet two main criteria: they need to be at least 59½ years old and have held the Roth IRA for at least five years. These requirements are known as the “five-year rule.”

The five-year rule creates an important decision point for individuals who are considering withdrawing money from their Roth IRA before they have held it for a full five years. It’s crucial to understand that the clock starts ticking from the first day of the year for which you made contributions or converted funds into the Roth IRA. For example, if you made a contribution or conversion on April 1, 2021, the five-year countdown would begin on January 1, 2021.

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In general, it is advisable to wait at least five years before withdrawing money from a Roth IRA. By doing so, you can ensure that your withdrawals will be considered qualified, avoiding potential taxes and penalties. However, in cases of financial hardship or unexpected circumstances, you may need to withdraw funds before the five-year mark. In such situations, it’s important to consult with a financial advisor or tax professional to understand the potential implications.

Now, let’s address the question of what happens if you have funds transferred from a backdoor conversion in your Roth IRA. A backdoor conversion involves converting traditional IRA funds to a Roth IRA, primarily used by high-income earners who are not eligible for direct Roth IRA contributions. In this scenario, the five-year rule applies to each conversion separately.

When it comes to backdoor conversions, the general rule is that you need to wait five years from the conversion date to withdraw converted funds without incurring taxes or penalties. This means that if you have converted funds from multiple years, the five-year rule will apply to each conversion individually. It’s essential to maintain accurate records and seek professional guidance to determine the eligibility of withdrawals.

To summarize, it is generally advisable to wait five years before withdrawing money from a Roth IRA to ensure your withdrawals are considered qualified and remain tax-free. However, in cases of financial hardship or unexpected circumstances, it may be necessary to withdraw funds before the five-year mark. When it comes to backdoor conversions, the five-year rule applies to each conversion individually, and professional advice is recommended to determine withdrawal eligibility.

See also  Roth IRA Back Door Process for a Clean Conversion

Understanding the rules and regulations surrounding Roth IRA withdrawals, including the five-year rule and the treatment of backdoor conversion funds, can help you make informed decisions about your retirement savings. Consulting with a financial advisor or tax professional is always recommended to ensure you maximize the benefits and make wise choices regarding your Roth IRA.

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  1. 林翔

    5000要交州税吗 还是只交联邦

  2. Min Li

    你好。 请问现在股市那么高, 401k/ ROTH IRA 中的钱还要放到投资吗? 还是持为现金, 等等市场冷了再说?谢谢

  3. H. Lee NP


  4. LNM

    说的不对,做convertion 的Roth即使放满五年,如果没到59.5岁,还是要交税。

  5. Chang Xing

    又有个问题了,从 Roth 401K 里转入 Roth IRA 里的钱也需要等五年嘛?After-Tax 401K 呢?

  6. Sicheng Wang

    所以第二类和第三类 taxable & non-taxable conversion在取钱方面是没有差别的。

  7. Sue G

    1、Roth IRA的5年rule是按照一笔一笔的conversion算clock,对吗?没有一次5年终生能取的好事情,对吗?
    2、Roth 401K的的5年rule也是按照一笔一笔的conversion算clock的,对吗?但是,在Roth401k转RothIRA的时候,若是同一batch的Roth401k分成了多次转,就只能接续第一次的5年,后续批次的rollover就还得重新算5年,对吗?

  8. iamchangming

    年初做backdoor IRA,可以选择backdoor到去年的Roth吗?还是只能从今年初算五年

  9. Sam Tong

    應用題我做對了 有個問題: 假設我traditional IRA內只有pre-tax money, contribution 5K, earnings 45K. Roth裡沒有任何錢. 今年我做backdoor conversion把tIRA的錢轉10K Roth IRA的時候, 我付了所得稅. 對於Roth內的10K, 放滿五年之後, 即使我在59.5歲之前都可以拿出來而沒有Panelty嗎? 因為嚴格來說, 這10K Roth, 中只有 10K * (5k / (45k + 5k)) = 1k 是來自於 contribution, 9k是來自於earning. 如果Roth規定取earning沒有罰金是 5年/59.5歲兩者都要符合, 難道這不包含backdoor conversion的錢? 還是一旦做了backdoor conversion, 對Roth而言, 全部10K都算作Contribution了?

  10. English channel for Zhang Zhehan


  11. Da Zhang

    请教钱姐,在开 backdoor Roth IRA 之前,是否应该将自己所有的IRA accounts 都roll over到一个account里统一管理,以避免backdoor Roth IRA money 被IRS aggregation rule征税?

  12. Yuandong Chen

    这期还配了练习题,赞!不过边际税率37%的人应该不能contribute ROTH?contribute的资格是由当年还是前一年收入决定呢?

  13. may bg

    Roth 取钱无论是本金还是收益都不用交税的。你是不是在视频中说错了

  14. Jian Yao

    小姐姐, Ruth IRA 里有很多不同的选择, 比如CDs, mutual funds, stocks等等。 你能不能讲一讲那个account 好。 我实在是个门外汉, 想听听你的意见。谢谢

  15. Wasabi Green Jr.


  16. Cici Liu

    是每一笔backdoor roth ira的钱都有自己的clock吗?我怎么记得只看开户第一笔的时间来决定5年的window?

  17. Bo Liu

    如果是Roth 401k rollover过来进入Roth ira的钱 这些属于您讲的第一个类别,没有5年的限制的吗?

  18. Dragos Tang

    楼主。你提到的第二种和第三种principal 在提前提取的时候好像第二种要收罚款,但第三种不收。 不过我也不能太确认,望指教。 多谢

  19. Yuhang Yang

    钱姐您好!又来留言啦。首先谢谢钱姐之前的回复哈。这段时间把钱姐关于roth IRA的视频重新过了一遍,只能说钱姐讲的真的很详细条理清晰。如果不理解的话,那很可能是没注意听讲,多过几遍就好啦。现在有个问题想请教钱姐,我工作之后从来没有存过traditional IRA,每年收入也过了存ROTH IRA的线。401K 里的钱目前很少,所以不打算转。我如果想利用traditional IRA6000/year,每年做backdoor往roth里转钱,是不是步骤1:先往traditional IRA 的账户里存税后的钱6000每年;步骤2:做rollover from traditional IRA to ROTH IRA.如果哪里有问题还请指出来哈。在做这两个步骤的时候,您之前视频里提到过都需要填8606表,而且要会计来填。这里我不是很明白,因为每年报税自己都是用turbox,没有找过会计帮忙报税。想问下钱姐说必须会计来填是什么意思?还有就是对于刚工作不久的人来说,钱姐建议把手头税后的钱像上面步骤说的转成ROTH 再投资理材么?一不留神输入了好多,先谢谢钱姐啦。还有个小建议,看很多健身up主会把比如说要做的动作或者食物的营养含量像做动画一样在讲解的时候插入到屏幕里,钱姐也可以探索下这个功能呀,这样以后你想讲什么重要知识点的时候,只用说“参考这个表格/图”就好了呀,观众感兴趣的话也可以暂停视频然后看细节。仅供参考哈。

  20. Olivia Ma

    希望讲一下mega back door 取钱规则+1

  21. Yi

    下期能不能把mega back door roth ira一起讲了?谢谢啦!

  22. Y S

    谢谢钱姐!这两期干货太棒了。还有几个问题问钱姐:收益部分是否也要CLOCK计算年限?这些繁复的计算由谁来做? 我想应该是报税时由纳税人自己填报。如果使用TURBOTAX报税并且直接链接到券商ROTH IRA 帐户,大部分计算都能自动完成吧?

  23. Xijun Piao


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