闲聊:我为何推迟报税?美国报税体系中的趣闻轶事 第337期

by | Feb 10, 2024 | Backdoor Roth IRA | 6 comments

闲聊:我为何推迟报税?美国报税体系中的趣闻轶事 第337期

大家好!“美国退休账户详解” (All About Retirement Accounts)这套课程终于上线啦!被大家呼吁了2年多,我终于克服了拖延症把这套课程做出来啦!

别忘了用 coupon code “tax”,获取50%的折扣!

这套课程分40个小节,涉及了美国常见退休账户的方方面面。有基础知识,比如401K和IRA的区别,Backdoor IRA如何操作;也有实操中常见的细节问题,例如Roth IRA存多了怎么办?留学生要回国了401K怎么办?Backdoor操作的时候被扣税了怎么办?
内容以我频道里的原视频为骨架,补充了视频没有的知识点,整合加工完成。我在整套课程里有意地把知识点串联梳理起来,由浅入深、系统地呈现给大家。作比较、列数据、讲实操、作总结,同一个知识点在不同场合反复出现,我就从不同的角度反复地说它。保证你在看完这套课程之后能把之前一些似懂非懂模模糊糊的概念全部吃的透透的。(第315期“Mega Backdoor”就是课程的节选,想要了解课程风格的朋友欢迎试听第315期)


别忘了用 coupon code “tax”,获取50%的折扣!

1. 401K
1.1 什么是401K
1.2. How does 401K plans Work
1.3. Contributing to a 401K
1.4. How does a 401K make money
1.5. Withdrawals from 401K
1.6. 离职之后401K 的match问题
1.7. 离职之后401K怎么处理
1.8 Roth 401K里面雇主match的钱是税前的还是税后的
1.9. 401K Loan
1.10. Traditional 401K Vs. Roth 401K

2. 回国之后退休账户怎么办?
3. IRA
3.1. IRA 简介
3.2. 什么是Earned income
3.3. IRA 有什么优点
3.4. IRA有什么缺点和限制
3.5. 未来的税率问题
3.6. Roth IRA简介
3.7. 什么是税前的钱?什么是税后的钱?
3.8. RMD (Required Minimum Distribution)
3.9. 如何在IRA账户中做短线交易?
4. Roth IRA
4.1. Roth IRA简介和Roth IRA与传统IRA相同的地方
4.2. Roth IRA 和IRA不同的地方
4.3. 从Roth IRA中取款的问题
4.4. Roth IRA 不qualified怎么办
4.5. 什么是recharacterization
5. Backdoor IRA
5.1. Backdoor IRA
5.2. 传统IRA里面既有税前的钱又有税后的钱
5.3. 传统IRA mixed,避税方法
5.4. backdoor IRA 8606
5.5. 股票跌了?为什么不抓住这个机会做Backdoor IRA?
5.6. Backdoor IRA不要用roll over的钱交税
5.7. Mega Backdoor Roth Strategy
6. 美国税法中的“收入”
6.1. 美国税法中的“收入” – 简介
6.2. 美国税法中的“收入” – Gross Income
6.3. 美国税法中的“收入” – AGI
6.4. 美国税法中的“收入” – Taxable Income
6.5. 美国税法上常见的几种收入- MAGI
6.6. 401K Deduction
7. Self-Directed IRA
8. 孩子的退休账户
8.1. 给孩子开Roth IRA
8.2. 529计划可以转成Roth IRA
9. 结束语
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Chit-chat: Why I Don’t Pay Taxes? The Bizarre Tales of the US Tax System

Taxes are a necessary evil in most countries, including the United States. However, the US tax system is known for its complexity and, at times, its downright absurdity. As someone who has navigated the murky waters of tax regulations, I can attest to the bewildering and at times frustrating nature of the system.

See also  An Illustration of $401,000 in 401K Tax Benefits

One of the main reasons why I have chosen not to pay taxes is the convoluted and confusing nature of the tax code. The sheer volume of regulations and exemptions can be overwhelming, especially for someone with a modest income and limited resources to seek professional help. This creates an environment where it is all too easy to make mistakes and suffer the consequences.

Another reason for my reluctance to pay taxes is the perceived unfairness of the system. The tax code is riddled with loopholes and special exemptions for the wealthy and well-connected, while the average working-class American is left to bear the brunt of the tax burden. This glaring inequality only serves to reinforce the notion that the system is rigged in favor of the rich and powerful.

Furthermore, the US tax system is replete with stories that are both laughable and maddening. For example, the infamous case of the “Dancing Pole” tax deduction, where a stripper successfully argued that her dancing pole was a legitimate business expense. And let’s not forget the tax break for maintaining a yacht as a second home, a privilege that is out of reach for the majority of Americans.

These stories may elicit a chuckle, but they also highlight the absurdity and arbitrariness of the US tax code. It is no wonder that many Americans feel disillusioned and disenfranchised by a system that seems to cater to the interests of a select few.

In conclusion, the US tax system is a labyrinthine maze of rules and regulations that can be daunting to navigate for the average citizen. The perceived unfairness and absurdity of the system only serve to compound the frustration and skepticism that many Americans feel towards their government. Until meaningful reforms are enacted to simplify and level the playing field, the reluctance to pay taxes will persist.

See also  YFP 096: How to Do a Backdoor Roth IRA
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  1. @senlinz.


  2. @Cora-yw8sn

    哈哈哈我也是做税,德勤EY都呆过,但是Individual tax真的太多太多坑了。。。。都考虑过两年自己家的税也交给专做individual的CPA来做了。。。。

  3. @liluoxi

    I prefer to work with someone very conservative… Of course in a reasonable way. If not, I rather work on my own.

  4. @le0veronica688

    税法这么复杂,那irs的人都能算出正确答案吗?just courious

  5. @xiaolong174

    搭车问一下,在PIMCO这样机构里Executive Vice President年收入大概多少,对金融行业不太了解,谢谢。

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