미국의 개인은퇴연금 Roth IRA 와 Traditional IRA 중 어떤 것이 더 유리할까요? 그리고 어떤 부분을 비교해 볼 수 있을까요?
00:00 오프닝
00:26 Roth와 Traditional 어떻게 다를까?
06:41 그래서 왜 Roth가 좋다고?
12:22 Roth가 더 좋은 다른 이유들
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Roth IRA vs. Traditional: 10 Reasons Why Roth IRA is Much Better!
When it comes to planning for retirement, there are several options available, including Traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs. While both of these retirement accounts offer tax advantages, there are some key differences between them. In this article, we will explore 10 reasons why Roth IRA is often considered a better option than Traditional IRA.
1. Tax-Free Withdrawals: With a Roth IRA, withdrawals in retirement are tax-free, as long as certain conditions are met. This means that you can enjoy your retirement savings without having to worry about a hefty tax bill.
2. No Required Minimum Distributions: Traditional IRAs require account holders to start taking minimum distributions once they reach a certain age, typically 72. With a Roth IRA, there are no required minimum distributions, giving you more flexibility and control over your retirement savings.
3. Tax-Free Growth: Unlike Traditional IRAs, where your earnings are tax-deferred, Roth IRAs offer tax-free growth. This means that you won’t have to pay taxes on any investment gains within your Roth IRA.
4. Access to Contributions: With a Roth IRA, you can withdraw your contributions (but not your earnings) at any time, penalty-free. This added flexibility can be beneficial in times of financial need.
5. Estate Planning Benefits: Roth IRAs offer estate planning benefits, as the funds can be passed on to your heirs tax-free. This can be a valuable legacy to leave for your loved ones.
6. No Age Limit for Contributions: While Traditional IRAs have an age limit for contributions (usually 70 ½), Roth IRAs allow for contributions at any age, as long as you have earned income.
7. No Income Limit for Contributions: Roth IRAs have no income limits for contributions, making them accessible to high-income earners who may not be able to contribute to a Traditional IRA.
8. Flexibility for Early Retirees: If you plan to retire early, a Roth IRA can be a great option, as you can access your contributions penalty-free after five years.
9. Diversification of Tax Strategies: Having a mix of Roth and Traditional retirement accounts can provide you with flexibility to manage your tax liability in retirement by allowing you to choose which type of account to withdraw from based on your tax situation.
10. Peace of Mind: With a Roth IRA, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your retirement savings will not be subject to future tax law changes.
In conclusion, while Traditional IRAs have their benefits, Roth IRAs offer unique advantages that make them a popular choice for retirement savings. Before making a decision, it’s important to carefully consider your individual financial situation and consult with a financial advisor to determine which type of IRA is best for you.
좋은 영상 감사드립니다. *좀 주제에서 벗어난 세부적인 질문인데요… roth는 상속도 tax-free라고 하셨는데, 만약 상속자가 한국에 거주하는 한국 시민권일경우, 미국에서는 tax가 없더라도 한국에서는 상속세를 내야하는건가요?
좋은 영상 감사합니다. 한가지 궁금한게. Roth IRA income 제약이 있는데. 그 income 이 Gross income 인가요?
Roth IRA에서 주식을 팔고 원금만 빼내면 패널티 없나요? 주식으로 40% 불렸습니다.
네 대강 알고 있었는데
확실히 ROTH 가 장점이 많을것 같읍니다. ROTH에 더 많이 투자하지 않은게 약간 후회 됩니다. Back door로 Traditional IRA를 ROTH로 바꾸는 방법을 생각해봐야겠네요. 정말 감사합니다 좋은 iticle.
연금을 상속한다는건 룹홀같이 느껴져서, 언제든 사라질수 있는 해택같습니다.
1099 및 현금으로 소득이 발생하고 있습니다..이런경에는 가입이 불가능한가요?
아직 은퇴연금은 생각도 못해보았는데 이런 정보 알려주셔서 감사합니다
꾸준히 좋은 영상을 업로드해주셔서 감사합니다. 정말 많은 걸 배웁니다. 감사합니다
내용 감사합니다. 존청님의 영상항상 경청하고 있어요.
두가지 질문이 있는데요. 1) roth IRA에 투자해서 얻어진 이득에대해서도 세금이 없는거죠?
2) 현재 저는 일을하고 있어서 roth에 해당되는데 남편은 퇴직한 상태여서 근로소득이 없는 상태에도 공동으로 세금보고시 배우자 Roth(별도) 적립이 가능한지요?
궁금한 점이 있어서 댓글 달아요! 401k는 roth로 넣는중입니다. (10%, 회사 매칭 6%) Roth IRA 넣으려고 찾아봤는데, 소득 기준이 있더라구요. 부부합산해서 보너스+베이스 포함 2023년도에 약 225K 라면 roth ira 납입이 불가능한건가요?