10 Indicators of Financial Success (even if you don’t think so)

by | Nov 2, 2023 | Roth IRA | 19 comments

10 Indicators of Financial Success (even if you don’t think so)

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00:00 Start Here
00:48 You Have $500 Saved
01:45 You Have $1 In Your retirement account
02:57 You Can Survive Missing A Paycheck
03:53 You’re At Least Trying
05:11 Try Skillshare
06:51 You’re Investing In The Stock Market
07:44 You Know What You’re Investing In
09:00 You’re Not Comparing Yourself To Others
10:00 You’re Seeking Passive Forms Of Income
10:54 You’re Organized Financially
11:35 You’re Creating A Plan To Get In A Better Situation

When it comes to money and finances, we often get stuck in this comparison trap where we compare our lives to the lives of the super rich or a fictional reality; however, you are probably much better off financially than you think you are. In this video, I share 10 signs that you are doing well financially.

1. You Have $500 Saved

According to CNBC, 63% of working Americans are unable to cover a $500 emergency expense. If you have $500 saved up on the sidelines, you are ahead of more than half of Americans.


2. You Have $1 Set Aside For Retirement

According to the US Census, about half Americans between the ages of 55 to 66 do not have a single dollar set aside for retirement. They do not have any money in a Roth IRA or a 401k. If you have at least $1 set aside for retirement, you are much better off than half of Americans who are 10 years or less from retirement.


3. You Can Survive Missing One Paycheck

60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and 51% of six figure earners are living paycheck to paycheck. This means if they lost their jobs, they would not be able to pay for two weeks of expenses. If you have money at least one paycheck of money saved up, you are ahead of most Americans.

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Source 1:

Source 2:

4. You’re At Least Trying

Many people are having trouble with money because they are not even trying to get in a better financial situation. If you are consuming financial content and trying to educate yourself, you are moving in a path that will lead you to financial success.

5. You’re Investing In The Stock Market

According to Pew Research, 52% of Americans have some money invested in the stock market. The stock market is an amazing tool to build wealth and if you are invested you are ahead of half Americans.


6. You Know What You’re Invested In

Although 52% of Americans are invested, my guess is that many of them do not know what they are invested in. They just let advisors choose investments for them, which makes them miss out on the biggest possible return. If you know what you’re invested in you are getting the maximum return possible.

7. You’re Not Comparing Yourself To Others

Many people are in tough financial positions because they compare their lives to other people. If you don’t live in the comparison mode, you are more likely to be more content with what you have.

8. You’re Seeking Passive Forms of Income

Passive income is realistic for everyone to obtain; however, most people only have active forms of income. If you are generating some form of passive income whether that’s through investing or dividends, you’re ahead of most people.

9. You’re Organized Financially

If you have created a budget, savings plan, and set financial goals, life can’t hit you as hard.

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10. You’re Creating A Plan To Get In A Better Situation

Even if you are struggling financially, as long as you’re making attempts to get in a better situation, you will eventually be doing better financially.

**I am not a financial advisor. The ideas presented in this video are for entertainment purposes only. You are responsible for the financial decisions that you make. Links above are affiliate links where if you click and order, I will receive a commission at no cost to you. **…(read more)




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Money and its correlation to happiness can be a complex issue. Sometimes, it feels like no matter how much we earn, it’s never enough. We constantly compare ourselves to others, creating an illusion that we are financially inadequate. However, it’s essential to recognize that financial success is not solely measured by the number in our bank account. Here are ten signs that you may be doing better financially than you think.

1. Living within your means: If you can comfortably pay your bills and still have money left over for savings or leisure, it’s a clear indication that you are managing your finances well. Being able to cover your expenses without struggling is an achievement.

2. Emergency fund: Having some money saved for unforeseen circumstances is a sign of financial maturity. Even if it’s a modest amount, having any emergency fund brings peace of mind and acts as a safety net.

3. Paying off debt: If you are making consistent progress on repaying your debts, whether it’s student loans, credit card debt, or your mortgage, consider yourself successful. Consistently meeting your repayment obligations shows financial responsibility and discipline.

4. Regular investments: Investing your money wisely for the future is an excellent indicator of financial success. Whether it’s through retirement accounts, stocks, or real estate, putting your money into assets that grow over time is a smart choice.

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5. No financial stress: If you aren’t constantly worried about how to make ends meet or being consumed by financial anxiety, you are likely in a good place. Being able to focus on other aspects of life instead of worrying about money is a blessing.

6. Career growth: Professional success often translates into financial stability. If you have been steadily progressing in your career, receiving promotions, raises, or taking on new opportunities, it shows that you are thriving financially.

7. A good credit score: Maintaining a solid credit score is crucial for various financial aspects. If you have a high credit score, it suggests that you are responsible with your finances and are more likely to be approved for loans and favorable interest rates.

8. Valuable possessions: Do you own a car, a home, or other assets without heavy financial strain? Owning valuable possessions showcases your ability to afford things that enhance your quality of life.

9. Giving back: Being able to donate money or support causes you are passionate about is a sign of financial abundance. Generously giving back to society demonstrates a level of financial well-being that extends beyond personal gain.

10. Financial knowledge: If you actively seek financial education and have a good understanding of budgeting, investments, and saving strategies, you are on the right track. Financial literacy is an essential aspect of financial success and indicates that you are making informed decisions.

Remember, everyone’s financial journey is unique, and comparing your situation to others can be detrimental. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. By recognizing these signs of financial well-being, you can cultivate a healthier relationship with money and focus on the aspects of life that truly bring happiness and fulfillment.

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  1. Sheens Dela Pena

    I'm in my 40s now, catching up for emergency fund and retirement, and no house debt and car debt.

  2. Citizen Snid

    As my father used to say comparisons are odious

  3. Ivan Robayo

    Thanks! This is nice to see

  4. Sasha Fragrance

    Nice video, Lately, I've been feeling like I'm not making much financial progress.

  5. Darlene Battle

    This has to be the very best video you released to us. It automatically show me what I should do to be better off. The realistic passive income sources, had I known about them at twenty I'd do greater. But I'm still vertical so it means I have chances of a life of fullness. Thank you so much.

  6. JustCalm

    I was going to say I doubt it , but this video proved me wrong. I’m grateful

  7. Stellandamo

    your advice is brilliant BUT regarding the stock exchange, unless you have a friend with inside information,dont do it lol

  8. Goal Road

    Youre such a positive influence. Keep it up.

  9. FluffyNuggets

    Skillshare sucks ass, YouTube is better and FREE!!!

  10. G james

    It's estimated that Americans will need more than $1 million to retire comfortably, but I found most of us aren't bullish about meeting that goal. I've been sitting on over $750K equity from a home sale and I want to invest on the stock market, how do I achieve this?.

  11. Lily

    I stopped watching @1:40 when this claims that $500 is enough to cover a car repair or a dental emergency! $500 is going to cover fraction of the charges of these emergencies. Get out there more buddy and understand the economy a bit better.

  12. Dustin Quinton

    The second stat is extremely scary!!!!!

  13. Wise S Mitchell

    I beat myself up sometimes when a lot of finfluencers show the large amounts in their accounts. After watching your video Austin I think we are doing just fine all things considered. I really appreciate your content because of your transparency and the teachings that go beyond money.

  14. monish thomasp. Puthenpurackal

    I’m kind of ok as per all these criteria however still guilty of getting into comparison traps. Got to stop that..
    Rocking video Agustin.. highly inspiring as always.. keep ‘em Comin’ ❤

  15. Ana Martinez

    I feel one Of the greatest challenges that we first timers face in the ma rket is that we end up losing all we have,making it difficult to find ourselves back to our feet. My biggest advice is to always seek the services of a professional just like I did when I ventured into it for the first time. Big thanks to Samantha Jack. I now make huge profits by weekly through her services while still learning to stand on my own.

  16. Kristy Osborn

    Thank you for sharing these points!

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