15 Expert Tricks for MGSV: Easy GMP and Strong Buddy Bonding!

by | May 10, 2023 | TIPS Bonds | 37 comments

15 Expert Tricks for MGSV: Easy GMP and Strong Buddy Bonding!

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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has been a beloved game since its release in 2015. It’s a game that continues to captivate players with its intricate gameplay, storyline, and characters. With its open-world environment and numerous missions, it can be overwhelming to navigate. Here are 15 advanced tips to make the game easier, earn GMP faster, and improve the bond with your buddy.

1. Optimize Your Loadout

Find a good balance in your loadout to suit the mission’s needs. Experiment with different weapons, gear, and support options to ensure maximum efficiency.

2. Upgrade Your Mother Base

Upgrading your mother base is important to improve weapons, items, and various other resources. Invest in developing resources that will benefit you in the long run.

3. Use Fulton Frequently

Fulton balloons can quickly extract valuable items, soldiers, and vehicles from the battlefield. This will save you time and earn GMP faster.

4. Raise Your Bond with Your Buddy

A strong bond with a buddy provides additional benefits in-game. These include improved support and the ability to use special moves and weapons. Keep in mind that killing or injury to your buddy will negatively affect your bond.

5. Use Stealth

Stealth is a vital aspect of MGSV. Sneak around the battlefield, take advantage of cover, and stay hidden to avoid detection by enemies.

6. Employ a Variety of Takedown Options

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MGSV includes various takedown options. In addition to the standard knockouts, there are CQC throws, interrogations, and holds. Using all of these options will ensure you’re prepared for any situation.

7. Utilize D-Dog’s Abilities

D-Dog is a valuable buddy in MGSV. He can locate enemies and items, and can mark targets for you. Keep him by your side to ensure you always have an extra set of eyes.

8. Plan Your Routes

Take the time to study the mission area and plan your route accordingly. This will allow you to avoid ambushes and make infiltration easier.

9. Rely on Support Options

Support options can make a big difference in tough situations. Use airstrikes, supply drops, and decoys to distract or take out enemy forces.

10. Use Eavesdropping

Eavesdropping can provide valuable intel on enemy movements and intentions. Listen in on conversations to gain a tactical advantage.

11. Use a Custom Soundtrack

MGSV allows players to customize their own soundtrack. Choose music that will keep you focused and pumped up during missions.

12. Upgrade Your Buddy’s Equipment

Upgrading your buddy’s equipment will improve their effectiveness in the field. This includes upgrading their weapon and giving them better gear.

13. Scavenge Supplies

Scavenge supplies during missions to keep your inventory stocked. This will save you time and resources down the line.

14. Use the Cardboard Box

The Cardboard Box has multiple uses in MGSV. Use it to sneak into restricted areas or hide from enemy forces.

15. Manage Your GMP

Money management is essential in MGSV. Spend wisely, save up, and invest in resources that will benefit you in the long run.

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By incorporating these advanced tips, you’ll find yourself navigating MGSV with ease, earning GMP faster, and improving the bond with your buddy. These tips will ensure you’re prepared for all situations and have a successful gaming experience.

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  1. No

    Why don’t you get a real life instead of playing games

  2. Jocelyn

    detection range :
    standing up : 80m
    running : 100m
    crouch : 45-50m
    prone : 20m

    hearing range :
    running : 30m
    walking : 15m
    crouch walking : 8m unless you go slowly (they dont detect you)

  3. Daimean Martinez

    Something that my buddy taught me: if you don't want to waste money on calling in an upgraded chopper for extraction/sprint to the nearest extraction point – you can climb onto a material container, slap a Fulton on it, and hold the button again to extract yourself with the container.

  4. Crystal_Link


    (I'm lying)

  5. Kristupas Ramoska

    I am in 2023 and I replayed the game abate 7-9times lost count

  6. Miguel

    loved the game, far too easy though imo. that tranq gun needs removing. too tempting to use

  7. Barnaby Bourbon

    How do you play as staff in combat units??

  8. Fennel seeds

    Low key, just me…I don’t like how quiet is objectified in this game

  9. RavengerX1

    Years late and this kinda goes against one of your tips, but Fulton Everyone and Everything . At least until you hit 1000 fulton extractions, this will net you the Fulton Grand Master Certificate which unlocks the Fulton Ballista attachment blueprint for the D-walker. Once upgraded this attachment makes GMP grinding from "Backup, Back Down" and other similar missions a cake walk, although it does lock your end mission rating to A or below.

  10. CRR

    Well, even more containers are located at OKB Zero, the base itself and the outpost in front of it and they also respawn. Great is also the airport and the oil refinery in Africa.

  11. Stellar

    You can sneak up on vehicles and fulton them, if you have the wormhole fulton then guards won't hear it. You need to keep vehicles still for a time though, you can do that with d-horse poop, d-horse, vehicles, and almighty d-ecoys

  12. Ghost Tyger

    Big fan on tip 14. There are way too many options of weapons for you not to use them.

  13. braniel quintero

    i came only to say thanks for the medical platform tip xDD

  14. ericb31

    oh, if you find the 3rd "legendary gunsmith" you can create custom weapons.
    one of the best tricks you can do with that is to finally use the "under-rifle conversion" trick, which lets you attach a grenade launcher to an assault rifle!
    oh or attach a silencer to a sniper rifle that normally doesn't have one!

  15. sharos studios

    use airdrop to stun enemies bro

  16. LepoHum

    damn, it's nice to know that I can speedrun C2W now

  17. Aaron Peavler/Geomodelrailroader Railroad Photography

    Tip #18 Lock all Specialist that come from missions. As you progress through the game you will encounter prisoners some of them will have ranks others are garbage. Here is the order you get them #1 Trap the prisoner is Pouncing Buzzard he is being held in a cage at Ditadi Village in Mission 15 take Quiet with you and give her a tranquillizer rifle take out the guards and extract everything. Buzzard will be with another prisoner extract both. #2 Missiles the prisoner is Raving Harrier he is being held at Guard Post 16 near Nioka Station tag him once he is extracted because the major is an S rank guy and he can get booted. #3 Radar the prisoner is Death Platypus he is being transported in a jeep in Red Brass take him out and the major who is with him. #4 is Ashen Platypus in Mission 9 the young doctor is being held prisoner at Wakh Sind Barracks in the same cell that was occupied by the prosthetic developer go over there and get her. #5 is Killer Hedgehog he he is being chased by the Russians in the same mission take them out and extract him quick. #6 is Laughing Wallaby our zoologist she is being held at Kiziba Camp in Mission 14 she is the female British (actually Australian) officer in the cage after she is interrogated take out the guard and extract her. #7 is Brass Squirrel he is in Mission 25 and just escaped Guard Post 16 extract him. #8 is Malak go to his level and extract him from the jeep No Fulton! he must be carried to the chopper. #9 is Sky Centipede he is at Outpost 24 extract him. #10 is Dizzy Capybara they are being held at Ditadi Village in Mission 26 extract them. #11 is Cunning Stallion they are in a shed in Mission 14 and they are the second prisoner you need to extract before Wallaby (spoiler warning the Vice Count is in the same area ignore him) once you find him extract him. #12 is Goblin Squirrel they are in Mission 32 in the tower at Shago where the female prisoner was. The final prisoner is Vampire Platypus they are in Mission 32 at Lamar Khaate Palace. Once you have these guys lock them.

  18. Aaron Peavler/Geomodelrailroader Railroad Photography

    Tip #16 No Troublemakers! Troublemakers can make your staff sick and they can start fights and some troublemakers can rape female staff members and send them to Sickbay with PTSD. First thing you do when you fulton someone is go to staff management and sort them by rank. If you see a troublemaker boot them you don't want these guys on Mother Base. Same goes for Tip 17.

  19. Omega Owl

    I know this is late but: The enemy combatants that stay down the longest are the ones that you CQC. As in the 4-5 hit combo thing.

  20. Thomas Sanford

    Eqoa tankzilla Hodstock here I'm tankzilla6785 mgsv

  21. Evandro Batista

    [01:26] Tip number 2.5: If you tranquilize your enemy, when he fall asleep, kick him and point a gun at him, he will stay down as long as no one else help him. It's way better than putting someone to sleep.

  22. Kenneth Jose

    Just started with TPP, thanks for the tips

  23. Joe Browser

    Always fulton extract the gun and mortar placements and vehicles. If you’re short on GMP you can go on iDroid-Resources and sell them.

  24. Scott Enosh

    If you are in a bind and have a grip of hostiles on your ass, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE the SLEEP-GAS GRENADE. It works wonders in that situation.

  25. catastrophic avalanche

    I didn't know that the enemies who sleep can be awaken by kicking. Thought I need to wait for them to wake up, so I prioritized smoke grenade over tranquilizer until now. I've finished episode 12 & I'm playing it this year 1st time. What should I do to unlock Quiet as a buddy? Should I progress in the story mission further to unlock her, or do something else?

  26. bbgmarioo!

    Im late I know I’ve had this game for awhile and what I’ve noticed is that if you constantly kill enemies,Snake will become demon snake. When he’s in this state the blood on his body never comes off when you bathe and his fame will decrease constantly if you keep killing so I don’t recommend that.

  27. Depressed Wolf

    I like that your tips are not just one way , but are story related and fun relavite , like dont use just the tranq cause i sure dont do that only for the good soldiers but those are really good tips

  28. Mormon Morgan

    5 years late but a tip I'm surprised that's not here is to run the obvious Leather Jacket + Bandana Combo

    it doesn't add anything you just look really badass

  29. Meghan Smith

    Wht happens in tht door at Medical platform? Im just a curious kitty hahah. Also, u sound cute ehheh wink….Meow

  30. Adñäňĕ 18

    Thanks for warning the spoilers, I appreciate it

  31. tacowacko

    Tip: interogate the mother base staff for diamonds

  32. Fairy Tail

    Listening to the tapes also unlock a extra mission

  33. K A

    Can you do a video on how to run combat unit I still not too sure for it

  34. Antoni

    I was watching this and my nose randomly just started bleeding.

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