20 Financial Questions Answered – Sep 10 2018

by | Nov 17, 2022 | SEP IRA | 12 comments

1 What investment vehicle options are there besides a 401k or IRA/Roth IRA?

2 How can I calculate my total amount of money in 5 years if it’s growing at a rate of 5% per year?

3 Why do people not put maximum contribution in 401k account?

4 What’s the worst personal finance advice you ever received?

5 Is have a 401k plan necessary for today’s retirement plan, and would the ROI be worth it for retirement?

6 What common financial advice should you always ignore?

7 Did you, or do you plan to, start collecting Social Security at age 70 instead of your full retirement age? Why or why not?

8 Why would you take early Social Security (Age 62)?

9 Can I take out $200k from my $401 retirement account?

10 Is a tax deferred investment always preferable to a tax exempt investment when it comes to retirement?

11 Donald Trump says he is considering indexing capital gains to inflation. Is this a good idea?

13 What are some of the benefits of a living trust?

14 Do I have to pay capital gains if I transfer my brokerage account earnings into an IRA?

15 How should you start saving for retirement if you’re in your 30s or 40s?

16 Should you continue your education if you’ve already got the job you want to retire from?

17 Is the 401(k) the best way to keep us from spending, touching and monkeying with our investments?

18 Which elements of the current U.S. tax system work the best and why?

19 What are the primary differences between 401k and 403b retirement plans?


20 Which is a better investment choice, Vanguard or Charles Schwab?

Here is the video I mentioned a bunch about capital gain taxes and the Widows Tax Trap.

Here’s the book Beyond the Grave.

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Both are FREE to Kindle Unlimited Subscribers!

The Tax Bomb In Your Retirement Accounts: How The Roth IRA Can Help You Avoid It

Strategic Money Planning: 8 Easy Ways To Put Your House In Order



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  1. ghost L

    Thanks Josh. What are some high(er) paying QUALIFIED dividend ETFs, and how do they compared to SCHD?

  2. Vortex SkR

    Awesome! Thanks Josh!

  3. Ted M Nicholas

    What if you have a 457 plan and would like to retire before 60 . I think by maxing 457 plan second and then Roth in my case would be a strategy to escape 9 to 5 .

  4. Joel 530 Johnson

    I have the book "Beyond the Grave", very good read.

  5. Wayne Leafstone

    Another great video! Definitely worth an hour of time to learn. Thanks again Josh for all the videos you put out for all of us to learn.

  6. nishiki

    Josh, finally made it through the rest of your video (started at gym, finished after dinner).

    Overall, very good video. I didn’t fully realize the tax advantages of (most) ETF’s over even the same thing in even a regular index mutual fund. Some of the things you said prompted me to look into that a little more, and wow… good stuff for taxable accounts w/step-up-in basis… really maximizes that and gives one more control of taxes even during their life.

    Also, you were completely on-target with your comments about Credit Unions, Community Banks, USAA. I agree that I don’t like the unfair tax advantage (in some ways) credit unions now have over small community banks. I care not about the big banks, they have plenty of their own advantages, but like community banks AND credit unions… especially credit unions, but I can see that advantage is not fair. Also they have gamed membership rule laws to where membership requirements can be pretty much meaningless if that’s the CU’s intent. Speaking of banks, Glass-Steagall should have never been rescinded… investment banking and retail banking should never be combined into the same entity if tax-payers are on the hook or there is “too big to fail”/system risk… which, you would think, after 2008…. but no, even the modest fixes that came from that have been mostly abolished, so here we are in almost the same position again. Unbelievable!

    USAA is great.

    I don’t think Vanguard is a 100% proper mutual company, but that does not mean they don’t have most of the important attributes and are still really great. Schwab and Fidelity are great in their own ways too, definitely.

    Overall good, you kept me watching for an hour, which I am loathe to do (watch long videos most of the time), so it was pretty good for me to commit to that. I prefer them shorter, more digestible, but the most important thing is the signal:noise ratio being sufficiently high, and this was for me. Thanks! 🙂

  7. nishiki

    for inflation adjusted cost basis, it will STILL predominantly benefit the wealthy by a mile, not even close.

    additionally, if we are going to cut taxes, we need to balance it somewhere else that is not primarily on the backs of the 99, especially since this will predominantly benefit the the ~1%+5%, just like everything this administration and Republicans have done, even more so in recent years.. say one thing, but actions are LOUDLY telling us their intentions and true beliefs. they don't even try to hide it anymore, it's right in our faces served up on a plate. wth people, wtfu!

  8. nishiki

    oh and also, you can't touch Roth principle penalty free before 5 years from contribution date if you are under 59.5 years , or has this provision changed recently?

  9. nishiki

    at around 9m mark… just want to make sure you know that employers can and many do, offer "Roth 401k" options for past few years and both actually can be an option for portions of 401 k contributions.

  10. Michael McWhorter

    What if your employer does not contribute anything to your 403B, it's only your money. Would you recommend using the 403B?

  11. Dori Butler

    You're awesome. 🙂

  12. Vintageguy65

    Love the channel. In regards to when to take social security you like a lot of others never mention the other sign of the coin which is the break even point and the amount you will give up by waiting to collect that you may not get back depending on how long you live. Also many will enjoy the money sooner B's later when most people become less active and will spend less in later years of life. Keep up the good work!

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