2021 Estate and Tax Planning: The Intersection of Money and the Law

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2021 Estate and Tax Planning: The Intersection of Money and the Law

John and Jay combine a mixture of information having to do with financial and legal matters. Today’s discussion is: Estate and Tax Planning 2021….(read more)




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Money and the Law – Estate and Tax Planning 2021

Estate and tax planning are crucial aspects of financial planning that individuals need to consider. Understanding the laws and regulations surrounding these areas is essential to ensure that financial goals are met and assets are protected. As we enter a new year, it is important to be aware of the changes and updates in estate and tax planning for 2021.

Estate planning involves managing and distributing an individual’s assets, including property, investments, and businesses, after their death. It aims to minimize taxes and avoid disputes among beneficiaries. The year 2021 brings some key considerations concerning estate planning.

One significant change is in the federal estate tax exemption. In 2021, the exemption amount has increased to $11.7 million for individuals and $23.4 million for married couples. This means that estates valued below these amounts are generally not subject to federal estate tax. However, it’s essential to note that some states have their own estate tax, with lower exemption limits. Being aware of the state-specific rules is crucial for effective estate planning.

Another change in 2021 is related to the step-up in basis. The step-up in basis is a tax provision that adjusts the value of an asset to its fair market value at the time of the owner’s death. This adjustment helps minimize capital gains taxes when the asset is eventually sold by the heirs. However, recent proposals by the current administration aim to eliminate or alter this provision, potentially impacting estate planning strategies moving forward. Monitoring legislative developments is vital to stay informed about any changes that may affect one’s estate planning.

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Tax planning, on the other hand, focuses on minimizing the amount of tax an individual or business has to pay. Various strategies are available to optimize tax efficiency and reduce tax liability. In 2021, there are a few key updates regarding tax planning.

One significant change is the potential increase in federal income tax rates. The current administration has proposed raising the top marginal tax rate for individuals earning over $400,000 annually. This change may require individuals to reassess their income tax planning strategies, including potential adjustments to investments, retirement contributions, and charitable giving. Consulting with a tax professional can provide valuable insights into these potential changes.

Furthermore, 2021 brings an increased focus on tax-efficient investment strategies. With the potential for higher tax rates, individuals may want to explore options such as tax-advantaged retirement accounts, municipal bonds, and tax-efficient investment vehicles like exchange-traded funds (ETFs). These strategies can help minimize taxes on investment income and capital gains, enhancing overall investment returns.

Additionally, estate tax planning and tax-efficient gifting remain crucial aspects of financial planning in 2021. Utilizing tools such as trusts, annual exclusion gifts, and lifetime exemption gifts can help individuals protect their assets and minimize taxes. Coordinating estate planning strategies with tax planning considerations is essential to ensure comprehensive financial planning.

In conclusion, estate and tax planning are essential components of financial planning that individuals need to consider. Staying informed about the changes and updates in the laws and regulations surrounding estate and tax planning is crucial for effective wealth management and asset protection. As we enter 2021, it is prudent to review and potentially update estate plans while also considering tax-efficient strategies to minimize tax liability. Consulting with financial and legal professionals can provide valuable guidance in navigating these complex areas.

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