2023 Financial Storm Predictions and Navigation Guide

by | Jan 16, 2023 | Inflation Hedge | 19 comments

2023 Financial Storm Predictions and Navigation Guide

2023 Financial Storm Predictions and Navigation Guide

Today we’re discussing how to prepare for your future with our special guest, Billy Epperhart. There’s a financial storm coming with interest rates uncertain, car prices coming down, a great long-term strategy for your finances, and the event you want to attend if you’re to weather this storm.

Get Your Free Financial Survival Guide here: lancewallnau.com/stormproof

WealthBuilders Conference- February 17-19th, in Denver or via Livestream. Use code LANCE to receive $50 off, wealthbuilders.org/events

Podcast Episode 851: 2023 Financial Storm Predictions and Navigation Guide | don’t miss this! Listen to more episodes of the Lance Wallnau Show at lancewallnau.com/podcast

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  1. Taeko Yoshioka

    Can't get the site mentioned here. Seemed blocked.

  2. Sue Bergman

    Are these strategies mostly relevant to US?

  3. Cat Rice

    Wealth and income are 2 different things wealth is how much your rental property is worth rent is income If your renters stop paying you rent you have no income. You have to save enough of your rent every month to cover expenses for repairs renovations and insurance
    You have look for property that does not.high homeowners assoc dues
    One last word You cant be friends with your renters You are the landlord and they are the renters

  4. Cat Rice

    I am 66 My husband was a electrical engineer The tech companies benefited from foreign tech workers Pres Trump never stopped that practice So when my husband turned 61 they laid him off
    We inherited some mineral rights but
    we all know what is going on w oil
    So he decided to become a realtor
    With a license we have access to the MLS so we became rental property
    investors Our investment in 3 townhomes has been profitable
    The drawbacks The renters lie lie lie
    You have to become like shrewd managers in the Bible You cant feel sorry for people You have to be willing to evict someone that is not paying you their rent Put everything in your lease agreement that you expect from them Do Not rent to people with pets sorry but they hurt your investment Inspect your property 2x a year Call people's employer Make sure they have a job
    I have learned over 4 years of doing this Make sure you check out your renters Do Not take them at their word If you want good renters so do your job like shrewd manager I the Bible

  5. Shante McDonald

    How do people participate in this stuff if they are paycheck to paycheck…I know a lot of people who cannot find much extra cash. 600.00 maybe if she's lucky

  6. Jonna

    I live in Suburbs of Dallas Tx. I clear around 2,200 a month. After tithe and offering I'm left with 1,900 then back out 1,500 per month for a 1 bedroom apt. You now see what I live off of. I know with the small investments I own, unless the wealth transfer takes place prior to end of May when my lease ends I will possibly be living out of my car. Last rent increase was 170.00 per month. Not a sob story just the truth. I'm sure there are a lot of people just like me. 56 years old but God has always helped and he will continue to help and protect.

  7. Darice Taylor

    Been subscribed for years, but haven't been getting notifications (YouTube) – not even "suggested for you"s. I thought you were gone. So glad to see you! Want to say thank you for EQ-ing Mercedes' mic so it's right for her voice. She doesn't have a guy's voice but her mic had been EQ-d as if she did. Thank you for fixing that – it is so much easier listening when the beauty of her voice comes through.

  8. Spudnik Holy Ghost roller

    You folks can invest in buying gold and silver, I would rather go mine it instead.

  9. deborah hazel

    Thank you I am a single mother of a special need son we own a house and need to be stormproof!!

  10. art grey

    Mercedes may have heard Rick Joyner saying 2 rough years are ahead incl. 20+states temporarily seceding from federals and warfare on so.border

  11. I Send H Mirla Garganta

    I thank God for ,this is confirmation to God given dream to me by night

  12. Fearfullyand Wonderfullymade

    God lead me to this channel, powerful words it's never to late to get wisdom. I am downloading Storm Proof Financial Guide.

  13. Salvation

    And the real plan is start getting the wisdom, knowledge and understanding to Overcome this by spiritual force and not by money

  14. Salvation

    People still left their homes in this winter storm, they don't listen. The financial storm is coming because people don't obey Jesus but they will have a chance to obey

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