$294 Billion Spent on Bank Bailouts this Weekend Alongside VERITASEUM NEWS! (By Bix Weir)

by | Sep 30, 2023 | Bank Failures | 31 comments

More Money is needed for the Too-Big-To-Bail banks!! $294B tonight and much more next week as they are in BIG TROUBLE! Join the Private Road: …(read more)


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$294B in Bank Bailouts this Weekend & VERITASEUM NEWS!! (Bix Weir)

Over the weekend, news broke about $294 billion being injected into banks as part of a bailout package. This significant amount of money raised concerns among many individuals and experts. At the same time, some other financial news made waves, and one of them was the Veritaseum News.

The injection of $294 billion into banks raises questions about the stability of the financial system and the health of these institutions. This large sum of money suggests that there may be significant underlying issues within the banking sector, and immediate measures are being taken to prevent potential failures.

Such a bailout package not only reflects the vulnerabilities in the banking system but also questions whether lessons were learned from the 2008 financial crisis. This event serves as a reminder of the potential risks and fragility of the global financial system, and the need for proper regulations and oversight.

While the details of this bailout are still emerging, it is crucial to understand the implications it may have on the overall economy. Such massive amounts of money being injected into banks could impact inflation rates, currency stability, and overall market sentiment. It is essential for policymakers and regulators to closely monitor these developments to ensure that the economy remains stable and that the effects of this bailout are mitigated.


Amidst this financial turmoil, Veritaseum News emerged as a contrasting story. Veritaseum, a blockchain-based platform, announced significant progress in its mission to bring transparency and efficiency to traditional financial transactions.

Veritaseum’s primary focus is on creating smart contracts and decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain. These innovative technologies have the potential to streamline financial processes, reduce intermediaries, and increase trust and security for users.

The Veritaseum News showcased the successful launch of new features and partnerships, further expanding the platform’s capabilities and reach. Such developments highlight the growing interest and adoption of blockchain-based solutions in the financial sector.

As the financial world grapples with the news of the massive bank bailout, Veritaseum offers a glimmer of hope for a more transparent and efficient future. Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize how transactions are conducted, creating a more inclusive and decentralized financial system.

While the immediate focus may be on the bank bailouts and the implications they have, it is important not to overlook the advancements in blockchain technology. As more organizations and individuals embrace blockchain-based solutions, we may see a shift towards a more resilient and inclusive financial system.

In conclusion, the news of a $294 billion bank bailout raises concerns about the health of the financial system. It reminds us of the need for robust regulations and oversight to avoid potential crises. However, amidst this turmoil, the Veritaseum News offers a glimpse into a promising future powered by blockchain technology. As we navigate these challenging times, it is crucial to consider the potential of innovative solutions in bringing about much-needed systemic changes.

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  1. ___C S___

    …made a microdoc on bix, cryptoblood, eos and veritaseum…
    https://youtu.be/CVIhq6BMyKA tried to make it balanced, i do really like veritaseum, and i do also like some of the applications of eos…

  2. michael hamilton

    The only thing that will save the world from complete economic collapse is the gcr. The banks are going to fail and there is absolutely nothing that can stop it. Every time I see Duetsche Bank go up, I know someone ,like treasury, is trying to postpone the collapse, because when DB goes, they all go.

  3. Antonio Bertone

    Bix your dangerous man….people who follow you with absolute faith ….God help them….. Not saying you don't believe your bullshit….. Just saying stop telling people to put all their money in a BTC clone….a lot of people are gonna get hurt

  4. StevieB

    So how/when exactly does hyperinflation start because surely its inevitable? Thanks

  5. Lady pilliwick

    Bix…. after 2008. they passed laws that say the fed does not have to get congressional approval to bail out the banks..
    so no one is going to ask for trillions…..

  6. Boyer

    The new Woody Gutherie Phenomena, Very nice Bix.

  7. rongermanjr

    please… jamie dimon doesn't beg for anything

  8. Randy Sly

    If Ross is in Jail, then Reggie and a whole-lota people should be in jail. But that aint happening… Every crypto holder should donate a $1 to raise $5 to 10 Million to buy Ross out of jail.



  10. Ken D

    I'm convinced the only way to end this is to end the Federal government system as it is and force them out of 90% of what they have their paws in….big government brings big money and big power and we all know that power corrupts, people sell their souls FOR money, and being in government is quite obviously how to get rich. Look at all the millionaires in Congress and look at how much they were worth before taking office vs. after. It's amazing how well they…."invest and grow" their money (hahahaha yeah right) once inside, isn't it? The BRILLIANT Maxine Waters has a mansion, and she doesn't have the brains my black CAT has. And I'm not EVEN talking about Clyde (in my profile pic, giving me a loving head butt). I mean Panther, the "dumb" one…

  11. Theresa Fitzpatrick

    I think that there is a provision in the Dodd-Frank bill that allows the Fed to engage in TARP without soliciting Congress, without engaging in politics. They put it in the bill so they would not have a replay of what Hank Paulson went thru last time when Congress said no. So today, it does not matter what the people know or think, the F'ing bankers are going to do what they want to save themselves and to hell with the people. Knowing that the Dodd-Frank act harms the people (they sold it to us as protecting us), I think criminal charges can and should be brought up against those responsible. I personally would love to stick a broomstick up Barney Frank's ass, being that it is Halloween season. That man turns my stomach.

  12. Christopher Scatolini

    How can they regulate, reggie's property, i.e. veri ? They have no claim to it, they didn't loan any money to him, that's like property tax, government didn't lend any money to it it wasn't theirs to sell or buy. WTH

  13. Mr. N Money

    Whenever I hear bank bailouts or quantitative easing the only thing I think of is the cabal sitting in a room somewhere. They think to themselves not yet, not yet because the only thing they’re doing is delaying the inevitable. I feel that everyone needs to start thinking this besides, they’re not saving or boosting the worlds economy they are delaying the fall.

  14. christoph Alex

    Because they gotta keep them drugs flowing in Bix
    you know that lol

  15. movado242

    Couldn't see Madoff but they saw Reggie…smh. Banana Republic…

  16. Heather Lovesleather

    Been hearing about them (the government) wanting to get rid of cash and going all digital. Hoping they get sidetracked before they can get it done. Anyone know anything about this?

  17. You, the Healer

    Hay Bix, hope you are well with Amy. Greetings from our community. J

  18. Ken D

    If anyone has a link to a page that explains how to get BSV BY NAME into an offline wallet, please post. Shots/insults over BSV, we can duke it out in another thread but for now, I'm just looking to download some BSV. It's not a lot of it, just a "spec" play, but I think we can ALL agree even BSV is gonna be more worth having in a few months than USD. If Veritaseum is talked about seriously here, please take BSV the same way in responses, thanks….it's all the flak/hate I get thrown at me for even mentioning it, I can't locate help for it, specifically. I'd really appreciate it if some kind soul who knows would share the info on it. BTC is easy enough to get offline but the alts, not so much it seems.

  19. MrDesoto33

    The repos can't exactly be called bail out since it's basically the same money going back and forth. NOT GOOD when the money going back and forth is about 1/3 of the '08 bailout.

  20. Coach Alpha Elite

    Yayyyy free money to bad trickle down economics is a scam

  21. The Digital Wealth Podcast

    Reggie is going to pay the fees but…HE'S GOING TO DUMP HIS STASH TO RECOUP HIS LOSES

  22. The Digital Wealth Podcast

    Reggie is going to pay the fees but…HE'S GOING TO DUMP HIS STASH TO RECOUP HIS LOSES

  23. cryptobradley200

    It is only numbers on a machine/give them 20 trillion and get on with it

  24. James Warren

    Reggie Middleton (Veritaseum) was just ordered to pay back most of his ICO money. What about the CLOWNS that pumped the ICO? Shouldn't they also be held accountable? Why is the media (including alternative media) NEVER HELD TO ACCOUNT FOR ANYTHING? They are the panderers, the pumpers, the manipulators, the deceivers that are most responsible, in my opinion. Please understand that most of the comment sections on these youtube pages are hijacked to screen out any critical thinkers. Gold is money, everything else is credit! Forget silver, silver is always second best. Why be tricked into buying something that is second best when you can have the best, which is gold!

  25. open mind

    during bush leaving it was @785 billion when Obama came in it was another 785 billion…so, it was @1.6 trillion w/o knowledge of the other 15 trillion that went @ the world by the Treasury & Federal Reserve

  26. Bitsource AML Solutions consulting

    Jeffrey Tabak, former member of the Brady Commission after the 1987 crash, wall street insider is Co-CEO. Perhaps he'll take it over. That's very interesting.

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