4 Things Social Security Disability Recipients Should Not Do

by | Aug 31, 2022 | Spousal IRA | 33 comments

4 Things Social Security Disability Recipients Should Not Do

I am in hope that these 4 things not do will help you understand what to do to keep your
Social Security Disability Benefits

1. Plan your next move
2. Don’t stop Doctoring
3. Do not earn over the allowed amount
4. Don’t be like Doris…(read more)




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  1. Mae Gallinero

    I am filipina currently working in vietnam..My boyfriend from Los angeles he has Duchene muscular Dystrophy he have this since birth..and he just broke up with me he said i deserve someone who can take carr of me and he cannot give what i want which is marriage since i grew up in a christian family..othersiwe he will lose his benefits from goverment.
    Its terribly sad..i dont wana lose him.

  2. Lesley Sears

    No, another layer said not to say you are well enough to volunteer you cannot be considered disabled enough.

  3. Tamorah Baugh

    I am not sure what state you are in.But here in Indiana when my son who draws SSA he was born like this when he mowed a lawn made 20 dollars one month the following month hes check was cut by 20$. He learned from this that those mfs lie when they say youcan wirk.Yeah you can work but your check will be minis the amount you reported
    Please tell the people the truth.We already have enough liars. What s disapointment!

  4. Catherine Martinez

    I think that everybody that's on social security should have something to do why don't they give them jobs and stop telling people what to do give people jobs if you can tell a person what to do well give him my job and let them work

  5. Hayley Bopp

    I love the first one. I went abruptly on SSDI 5 years ago at the young age of 30. With a decent SSDI monthly check and a small monthly passive income it almost seemed like paradise! I sat around, drank a six-pack of beer every night and lounged in front the the tely . Within a matter of months I was going crazy. Once on disability, it is so important to keep socializing and finding something to do. The longer you wait, the longer it is to pull your head out of the muck. Like you mentioned….volunteering is big. That is what I do in order to not feel like an unproductive member of society and it is great for socializing.

  6. Tony Parks

    I am told that one man cannot start a nonprofit church ministry a lady told me she got nonprofit status as a priest priestess minister secretary and treasurer three positions. How is that possible Portland Oregon tell me that is not possible. I want to provide housing and clothing for the homeless with nonprofit tax exemption I don’t want to get paid no more money than I need to keep my disability income check

  7. Jo In

    Unfortunately, I have extremely nosy neighbors who record my every move. They have cameras in the trees recording my wife and I. It just makes them so angry I'm on SSD. Little do they know, it isn't from an injury, I have liver cancer. I'm 54 and worked since I was 12 years old. I've been on SSD for 2 years now. When you have liver cancer you typically have 2-3 days per week where you feel sort of OK. So they believe because they catch me cutting grass or carrying something heavy that "THEY GOT ME". My biggest mistake was getting a disabled tag which is how they found out I was on SSD.

  8. Claudia Bothner

    1. Mark Tyrrell of Uncommon knowledge offers his online Depression program for free to sufferers without the means to pay. He has many YT videos.
    2. Family therapist Pete(r) Gerlach has many YT videos on good, different definitions of suffering and diagnoses, unusually insightful imo. and also offers 7 free lessons towards self-healing as a grwn child from (emotionally) dysfunctional families.
    3. There is also the 12-step movement with various free programs, both live-, phone- zoom- and online groups.

  9. Claudia Bothner

    Let's hope that the title about exactly what to say to get disability money doesn't include eing untruthful.
    I also wonder whether you might know and give advice on more complex, sinsister situations than wh<t i seaw being here for the 1st time.
    And about your 1st advice on being active:
    What when one has been continually deceived, further stressed and tired out than one was to begin with when applying for personal assistence after Drs urging one to do that?
    And what to do when they omitted communicating and negotiating with one, but pretended to be helpful , using warm, calm voices and spending time conversing, but doing so without saying anything useful or beibg available and supportive, which has taken years of research and rfelection to see through , due to severe long-term sleep deprivation, severe stress and increasing socsl isolation and ceasing to excercise , due to the exhaustion, stressdisease and depression with the hopelessness impression from being constantly sabotaged in endeavours and work to solve problems, get better and get one's life?
    And when they in fact have been working to get one psychiatrically ill in order to justify coercing /forcing/luring one into institution living (for no reason other than one being different and not being interested in their strange plans, but wanting to get the assistence promised and be able to finally live one's life according to (healthy) interests and real , normal human needs, such as feeling secure, calm , thriving, having activity and meaning.?
    And when family and friends are sort of inattentive, shutting vtheir eyes, not wanting to see, get and know, but being busy with their own lives and occupations, wanting it simple, not wanting to know about horrible facts, pretending one an manage oneself (despite them knowing the opposite to be true). ?
    Having ones home taken unlawfully , breaking one down first and shutting all societal doors for getting aid to save the situation, being made homeless after offering some inadequate, unsuitable, bad places to go without actual health care and without any meetings and agreements with one?
    All the time handling one as though one was not a free human with sanity and the right to shape one's own life? Destroying one's reputation/honor by lies and provoking stress and anxiety in order to make one come off as crazy to the outside, unknowing looker-on? And more.
    I should be very grateful and glad if you would be so good to reply. Thank you for the work you do.I really need help, support , telling off if I a wrong, or advice.
    I have researched also to fond out whether they have any cause to harm (torture me, and couldn't find any. I am being "punished" (=harmed and blamed) for being highly sensitive with traumatized Aspergers and serious Ancholysing Spondylitis, for communicating in my weakened, exhausted, sick, anxious, unsafe, sleep-deprived, alonely state, for wanting to get help and save my life and not have more stress burden, and for reacting to their maltreatment and lack of care, communication and dwonright abuse, mistreatment, neglect, theft, deception, exploitation, trafficking. Why are some helped and some harmed and withheld help? Is there some clear indication, reasons?
    One Asp acquaintance said, the difference was having childhood developemntal trauma in addition to Aspergers or not. But I have some advantages before most Aspergers who have no CPTSD, which should balance the scales. Confusing, since there is enough knowledge today on how to handle Aspergers, what we need in order to function.
    I want to get to my oasis, out of the endless desert, and up onto dry land from under the ice and paralyzing ice water.I have practised acceptance, understanding, forgiveness, not being angry, praying for others.
    I am worth helping and healing. I want help now. I haven't lived yet. I want my life and get a chance to build something good worthwhile up and use my experience and knowledge for the benefit others. I can't live homeless with my money taken away and socially isolated without medical, psychical and dentist healthcare. Sorry I could'nt say this briefer..That takes sleep, energy and pscyhosocial norishment.
    Nelson Mandela had a lot of god, intelligent, supportive visitors in his "prison", and was not intimidated and stressed, robbed then. Not as hard to stay strong then. Idk anybody like myself in any situation and story comparable to mine, to learn from or get encouraged and inspired by. Teal Swan, but she managed to get out of her hell early one, before getting ill and breaking down, and seemes to have it easier neuropsychically-socially. And is not a Virgo, hahaha.
    I ma sure there is a good solution for me, I just need a good , intelligent, psychologically aware and practised, calm, warm, soothing but sharp and honest,engaged dialogue partner who really wants me to be helped. Like those dogs rescuers and rehabilitants…
    And I have good dormant but accessible resources, so that should be doable.

  10. Brett A Scott

    I was approved however I decided not to take the payments bc I am medically stable and went off so I can live a good life. I refuse to live like that if I don't have to

  11. smallpicture

    What exactly should Doris have done? I didn’t understand that. Thank you very much.

  12. Je Jo

    can't really hear what you are say the volume is so low

  13. Dave k

    I wish I would've known about being responsible for my medical bills beforehand but I got screwed paying thousands in medical bills

  14. Dave k

    I was bed ridden for years going though surgeries so my life is basically spent in my room

  15. Sammy Terranova

    I have been really depressed since not working and then covid happened. I haven't stopped doctoring but I did have a few years where I thought what's the point. I have a rare disease and there is not much they can do for me. I do a lot of PT that I came up with myself. I have just started going back to PT through my new neuro but I definitely do not go to the doctor as much as I did before my DI payments started because I just kept thinking I can get back to work. When I went to court and they declared me unable to work I cried for 8 months and hid in my apartment then covid happened. Just starting to reach out to doctors again though I don't think they can help me. They just want to give my painkillers which knock me out. I would rather be in pain

  16. Harlem Hellfighters

    Your health gets worst.
    You become complacent.
    Fix income isn’t the answer.
    Pour health insurance

  17. Cori Lbere

    NOW.. There is no way.. To serve with the cost of evrything.. I cant.., end of the line for many of us.!

  18. Mr. Black

    They should not (panhandle money) should be number 1#

  19. Helen Murphy

    in all nyc drug stores all of them cvs and duane read sells the new omny transit card

  20. Batty Beth C

    can you have a pet? like a cat or a tiny dog? l try my hardest to keep bizzy. i try to get out and walk altho i have a cane.

  21. Larry Jackson

    Michelle Obama 106 million. If you're a honest harder working person, you'll do well.

  22. Paul W

    Concise and helpful! Like the part about statying busy – man it's easy to start vegging out…

  23. SteveBillie Roberts

    I can pay rent, utilities,that takes 3/4
    Of my check,then house hold takes all but $175 of it ,an that pays for my food and bus money,But I can't pay my medical bills , people think we. Get raises they are wrong the crap government gives us a 3 precent raise
    So let's say that equal $25 , then the cheats raise the medicare premium $22 a month so we have a net gain of
    $3 some times we have a net gain of $6 or $8 ,it's a joke

  24. todd jones


  25. Tdrums8

    Question ..If your on SSD and you have Leukemia and want to play the drums in a band 2 times a month can you? or will you get in trouble Ty

  26. Rima Khadra

    How do I reapply for ssi? I was in suspension.

  27. Fred Rubble

    Can you explain what a "Medicaid divorce" is? Maybe there is a video on it. I am not just referring to elderly, but to a younger couple with one spouse who is disabled and makes just enough to not qualify for SSI. Thanks

  28. Leslie Meneus

    Can I own a c Corp and make "good money" while on disability?

  29. kai k

    Have you heard of having to reapply because one of your parents are retiring? I have been on SSI since i was a kid and i am now an adult. My brother and i got a letter saying now that my mom is retiring we have to reapply even though we just got re-evaluated and passed. Have you heard of this?

  30. Steve Pemberton

    Found out a couple of days ago that a server processor has been looking for me at my previous address. I got I an accident and have been sick. Needless to say I couldn't pay alot of my bills four years ago when this happened. It's been right about 4 years most of my bills were charged off. I am now on SSDI permanently withe the economy the e way it is makes it impossible to work out any kind of deal with them. Original bill was 2600 dollars I had previously paid it down to 1450 befor my accident.its been 4 years not a word out of them since I sent letters to all my debt collectors stating d couldn't pay them at the time. Haven't heard a word from any of them until now. I believe 4 years is statute of limitations which is where I'm at right now. All of a sudden a server shows up at my old address twice. I'm not avoiding them just don't live there. My sole income 2025 from ssdi. Do I need to track them down an get info and show up to hearing. Can't afford to loose more money. I know I can apply for fee waiver. Jus need advice thank yo

  31. Genaro M Lugardo

    Please excuse my ignorance, I learned how to cope with episodes of PTSD, so collaborating with some non profit organizations for mental illness’ I try to help people under this same condition, the treatment I share does not always work, regularly I loose the job I have at that moment, if there is a permanent recovery I have not reach that level yet, I feel there is no cure for this other than keeping myself very busy as the best therapy for me., Should I give you my e mail address?, I do not know how all this works, Thanks

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