5 To Do’s Against Inflation | How to Protect Your Hard Earned Money & Even Profit From Inflation

by | Nov 2, 2022 | Inflation Hedge | 2 comments

5 To Do’s Against Inflation | How to Protect Your Hard Earned Money & Even Profit From Inflation

Inflation is at a 40-year high in the Euro area right now. After 4% inflation last October and 5% inflation last December, inflation in the EU and in #Germany hit a new high in March with 7,3%. 😱

How can you protect your hard-earned #money against high inflation? Axel will PerFinExplain the top 5 inflation To Do’s as well as possibilities of how you can profit tremendously from #inflation.

Read the article here:

Websites Axel mentioned:

Official German Inflation Bubble:

Personal Inflation Calculator:

Videos Axel mentioned:

Inflation in Germany: How does it affect you? | PerFinExplains

Real Estate in Germany for 1€ | Invest in German Real Estate Security Tokens From GermanReal.Estate

8% Cashback With Visa Credit Card From Crypto.com | Full Beginner Guide, Test & Review on Crypto.com

Investing in Germany [in 2022] – Before You Start (1/10)

Investing in Germany #6: Better Than Netflix | Invest With High Safety, Passive Income & High Return

Investing in Germany #7: Put In More? | Investing With High Safety, Passive Income & High Return

Investing in Germany #8: Expect the Unexpected | Invest in High Safety, Passive Income & High Return

Real Estate in Germany #12: 10 Real Estate Investing Tips | How to Invest in German Properties

Real Estate in Germany #3: Bubble or Not? | Buy Real Estate in Germany Now or Will the Market Crash?

Real Estate in Germany #13: 10 Real Estate Investing Fails | How Not to Invest in German Properties

How to Know if a German Rental Property Makes Money | Analyze Real Estate Deals With Lendlord

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00:00 Intro
01:16 What Is Inflation & Can Your Profit From Inflation?
02:06 Inflation To Do #1: Adjust Your Consumption
04:21 Inflation To Do #2: Precious Metals Like Gold & Silver
06:33 Inflation To Do #3: Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin Or Ethereum
08:20 Inflation To Do #4: Stocks, Bonds, ETFs & Mutual Funds
10:57 Inflation To Do #5: Investing In Real Estate (Rental Properties)

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  1. ahm3187

    Thanks very simple and yet informative

  2. Mast Music

    CPI is sh** the real inflation is 30%

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