by | Mar 26, 2023 | Spousal IRA | 24 comments


In this video, we examine the 6 ways you could lose or reduce your social security benefits in 2023, including retirement, disability, SSI, spousal, widows, survivors, or disabled adult child benefits.

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Every Thursday at 8pm EST, I will be live on YouTube grilling claimants with questions for their upcoming ALJ hearing. Just call 407-279-1754 and we will run questions together. First come, first serve, and please remember to use a pseudo name.

Want to be found disabled for Social Security Disability Insurance, or Supplemental Security Income? The largest collection of tutorial videos on how to win your fully favorable SSI and SSDI benefits exists right here:

Howdy guys, my name is Attorney Walter Rudolph Hnot, III. New Jersey born, MBA, JD, Master Mason and a tireless advocate for the homeless and low income who are seeking disability benefits. It’s simple, if you are within the law’s requirements for disability benefits, you get a check every month, and health insurance. No, it doesn’t include a new iPhone, house or cool car, but, with your SSI/SSDI disability backpay, you can potentially get those things…with your own disability money :-). I created this channel because of how many crazy things I was hearing out in the general public on how this system works. I did library seminars, academia seminars, food truck seminars (which I prefer), etc…The online video platform is the best way to reach the majority of you guys.

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#disabilitybenefits #socialsecurity #disabilityattorney #live #disabilitylaw #disabilityinformation #SSI #SSDI #RSDI #SSD

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Call 407-279-1754 (my personal line…if I don’t pick up, leave a message and a staff member will call you back);
or email: wrh@disabilityresolution.com

|================CONTACT LAW FIRM================|

Disability Resolution, P.A. ORLANDO LAW FIRM
Attorney: Walter Rudolph Hnot, III
P: (407) 279-1754 F: (800) 564-3358
E: info@disabilityresolution.com
W: www.disabilityresolution.com W: www.disabilitytelevision.com
A: P.O. BOX 780549 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32878
Office Locations:

|=================ABOUT LAW FIRM==================|
Disability Resolution, P.A. is a supplemental security income (SSI), social security disability insurance (SSDI), and adult child benefits (ACB) law firm that caters to children and adults who are seeking disability benefits/checks/Medicaid/M

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Social Security benefits are an important source of income for many elderly and disabled Americans. These benefits are meant to help recipients cover their basic expenses and live a comfortable life in their golden years. However, there are several ways that individuals could lose their Social Security benefits in 2023. Here are six of them:

1. Lack of Work Credits: To qualify for Social Security benefits, you need to have earned enough work credits. In general, you need to work for at least ten years to be eligible for retirement benefits. However, if you have not worked enough, you may not be able to claim Social Security benefits.

2. Exceeding the Earnings Limit: If you work while receiving Social Security benefits, you need to keep an eye on your earnings. In 2023, the earnings limit is $18,960 per year. If you earn more than this amount, your benefits may be reduced or even suspended.

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3. Reaching Full Retirement Age: If you start claiming Social Security benefits before your full retirement age, your benefits will be reduced. However, if you continue to work and earn more than the earnings limit, your benefits may also be reduced or suspended.

4. Failing to Update Your Information: It’s important to keep your Social Security information up to date. If you fail to report changes to your address, income, or marital status, your benefits may be delayed or suspended.

5. Incarceration: If you are convicted of a crime and sent to prison for more than 30 days, your Social Security benefits may be suspended. However, your family members may still be able to receive benefits.

6. Failure to Pay Debt: If you owe money to the federal government, your Social Security benefits may be garnished to pay off the debt. This could include unpaid taxes or student loans.

These are just a few of the ways that individuals could lose their Social Security benefits in 2023. It’s important to stay informed about the rules and regulations surrounding these benefits and to take steps to protect your eligibility. By planning ahead and staying up to date, you can ensure that you continue to receive the Social Security benefits you rely on.

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    The doctor says dementia has started how will that effect me they put me on disability by my doctor I've been since 2017

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    If your homeless and disabled migrate to D.C. and sit on the capital steps till you can get help

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  5. Brent Hayes

    if your 61and on ssdisability what age do you change to regular s.s. and off of disability?

  6. John Barrows

    This is BS! Social Security won’t be around in 20 years! The politicians and IRS are corrupt and will kill SSA! I work over and above my SSA and am taxed on 85% of my SSA. this is bs

  7. Brit Lew

    Thank you for all you do, so very helpful!

  8. Callie Hamilton

    What happens if you were in a car accident and you start to receive stipend for loss of income….I have a micro business I clean houses and I always loss money every year…I'm licensed and insured of course…just wondering how this will affect my disability.

  9. The Palerider

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  10. GodChild 7777

    I waited 11 yrs for my disability benefits and I won 6 out 11 yrs in October 2021. I won 776 ,so far on my 48 thousand I got 3000 two times. And it leaves 42 thousand. The letter states the rules says they have to give me the mount in 3 payments at 6 months apart so next month is the third payment. I have diabetes copd pvd severe depression, no feeling in my legs. Bad medical help. What are your thoughts

  11. Jody LUSCKO

    Please tell me how much money are you aloud to have 1,250 or more. Please please help me. Can i lose my benefit s

  12. Brenda Wayne

    5 star thank you for all you do

  13. 57silverwings

    I had retired from my job of 20 years and was paid my sick leave and vacation pay 75000 k and ss wanted me to pay them back 25 k for a year. I have 10 pounds of paper work from them threatening me. I filled out all their forms and a interview from school me punk and they finally said ok. Your good. All I can say is defund the irs.

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    Which is impossible because I have appts everyday or 8m locked in restraint chair sectioned to the physc war or in physc ward I claim to need to shit and assault staff and the restraint team trying to subdue me so now I'm in 0hsyc prison for 3 months 6 m9nths. I CONSTSNTLY CUT THE SHIT OUT OF MY SELF AND GO GROCERY SHOPPING LRAKING BLOOD FROM MY FACE I RIPPED APART WITH A BOX CUTTER SND IM ON CUMADIN A BLOOD THINNER FOR 5 PULMONARY RMBOLISMS DEVELOED DRON CHRONIX LONG TERM DEPRSSION BOUTS IN BED PISSING IN EMPTY JUGS SO I DOBT HSVE TO GEY OUTBOF BED. and the store calls police because im lrav8ng a serious blood trail while I shop and scream at ppl staring or asking if I'm ok……and these Fuck tards reviewed me as able to return to work full time Despute ca having Me documented for dozen reasons. A dozen disabilities that render me 100% Permanent disabled each.1200% disabled.And all those meds have do not drive or operate machinery while on these medications s.severe drowsiness etc
    Explain that to me…How The fahq am i capable of working.I spend every second of the day punching holes in my wslls.Smashing my own stuff refusing to speak or see family .Locked in a gated 460° fence l9cked I. My house locked in my bedroom alone 99% of time. I leave to grocery shop at 6 7am once every few weeks,and for all my appts that's it.Complete total recluse. Only way I don't hang myself is if pplleave me alone physically, online bu phone by msil.I want to be left the fuck alone praying any second I have a fucking aneurysm and die.Every day I open my eyes from sleeping a wave of disappointment crashes over me I didn't doe in my fucking sleep and have to feel hollow hopeless and pissed I lived to see another day..

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    OK so what I got out of that is don't kill anybody and don't try to work

  19. Carolina Alvarado

    Thank you for sharing all this information and keeping up updated.
    I have a question ? Can you please explain I became disabled at 38 then when I got to 62 they automatically switched me to social security because I did have my full quarter’s required by law does this means I’m being cheated of my full benefits?
    If so can I do anything about this ?
    Thank you for your time and effort it’s greatly appreciated
    Blessings To You And Your Family

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    Do you realize braids make the hair fall out even more? Doesn’t it make sense that PULLING THE HAIR EVEN NTO A PONYTAIL IS PULLING HAIR OUT? Maybe products are good but PULLING HAIR LIKE THAT IS NOT!

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