60 Years Old and Nothing Saved for Retirement – Top 12 Recommendations

by | Dec 11, 2022 | Retirement Annuity | 20 comments

60 Years Old and Nothing Saved for Retirement – Top 12 Recommendations

What if you have nothing saved for retirement? Top 12 recommendations

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  1. Hema Sodha

    Just met yr video clip now n am so glad i did. Love yr honesty n willingness n ability to provide good wholesome transparent advice.
    Im 67 n did not plan for old age. I do want to go back to the kind of work i used to do with less stress. That is i used to work in finance dept managing the cash book, creditors pmts petty cash n processing jnls.And many other adhoc duties. I have been away from work for abt 7yrs now n need to go back to work to provide for my future self.
    I provided n saved for future of my 2 adult kids who still live with me n i still provide for them but they are not able to take care of themselves yet.
    I never gave myself anything while i worked. Now i wld like to work n provide for myself, especially medical, a good car, healthy food choices n a healthier stressfree lifestyle. After reading on yr all points i realise this is what i have to do for myself, as no one else is going to do it for me.
    Thank you thank you thank you n looking fwd to yr next episodes.

  2. Jacques Dutron

    Just run off and join the circus

  3. Paula Leslie

    Thank you, I appreciate your advice! I will certainly be referring to this list!

  4. Ally Katt

    the democraps aka biden harris
    is making the next few generations gov dependant. its the fall of America

  5. Michael Hayes

    My BIL hit bottom and had nothing when he was 46, basically homeless. He recently passed at age 69 and had over 200K with a retirement income. It can be done so I don't want to hear anyone say it can't be done.

  6. Zeyad Mufeez

    God bless….. This means a lot..and Will keep you posted with my development.. soon.
    Thank you

  7. Carrie See

    “Golden retirement years” you’re kidding, right?

  8. Joel Pollitt

    I was 55 with no retirement savings. I spent the next 7 years piling money in my work 401k. I saved about 200,000 there. Sold one of my homes for a 250,000 profit. Now 62 with no debt I am traveling the world on 3100.00 a month. Can't spend 1/2 of it. It's never too late.

  9. eddie james

    Just wanted to leave a few suggestions.
    1. Stop eating out. You could save a tremendous amount of money by making food at home.
    2. Stop buying coffee. It is very expensive and unnecessary.
    3. Downgrade to a less expensive car as you can save a lot of money by paying a cheaper car payment, insurance, and taxes. Buying a fuel efficient vehicle can save you a lot of money especially with the price of fuel these days.
    4. Don't buy expensive clothing. You can find inexpensive clothing online and depending on your budget you can get great deals at places like Goodwill and yard sales.
    5. If your cell phone has a hotspot on it, this will allow you to get rid of your internet service bill.
    6. Unless your job actually requires it, don't worry about having the latest and greatest phone as they are expensive and that money could be going toward your retirement.
    7. Most importantly, get involved with a good church and give 10% of your gross pay to God through tithing at church. Believe me, Jesus can and will take care of you! I know this from experience. You will be a much happier person.

  10. rofu tafu

    If im old i will go to war. When you are too old that you need caregiver, crippled and slowly dying, I rather die in battle.

  11. imaslowlerner

    Other than the income from the live in elderly job, what's the difference if you had moved in with your parents?

  12. Terrace Apartments

    Keep working and never retire… retirement needs to be retired… yeesh.. live longer and stay productive for society…. Moses lived to 120 and his strength was good and so were his eyes…. What a world

  13. Paul Davis

    Well the best thing you could do is either buy a gun or get some drain cleaner and drink it.
    Because the government doesn’t care free everything for illegals.

  14. Аndrew B

    1. Wait for social security
    2. Move to Portugal or Thailand
    3. Adapt

  15. patak pajo

    Everything because of kriminal politicen

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