80 Republicans Just Cast a Shocking Vote! If It Passes, There’s Trouble Ahead—The Federal Vaccine Database

by | Aug 23, 2023 | Silver IRA | 47 comments

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80 Republicans Just Voted On The Unimaginable! When It Passes We’re Doomed!—Fed Vaxx Database!

In a surprising turn of events, 80 Republicans have recently voted on a matter that could potentially have detrimental consequences for our society. The issue at hand? The establishment of a federal vaccine database. While the outcome of this vote remains uncertain, numerous concerns have been raised about the implications of such a database, causing panic and fear among many.

The concept of a federal vaccine database involves creating a centralized repository of individuals’ vaccination records. This would serve as a tool for the government to monitor and track the immunization status of its citizens. The proponents argue that it would facilitate efficient administration of vaccines, enable targeted public health interventions, and aid in managing outbreaks of contagious diseases. On the other hand, opponents argue that it infringes on personal privacy and poses a potential threat to civil liberties.

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The debate surrounding this issue is multifaceted, touching on various aspects such as privacy rights, government control, and the efficacy of vaccine distribution. Those opposing the database argue that it opens the door to potential misuse of personal information, including sensitive medical records. Concerns have been raised about the possibility of this database being hacked or accessed by unauthorized individuals. Critics worry that such a breach would compromise not only personal privacy but also put individuals at risk of identity theft and medical fraud.

Moreover, opponents emphasize the potential government overreach this database could enable. They express concerns about the collection of extensive personal data, which some fear could be utilized for purposes beyond public health. Skeptics argue that once the government has access to this information, it may be used to exert control over individuals or even mandate vaccinations against their will. These fears stem from a distrust of government authority and the concern that implementing such a database may erode personal freedoms.

However, it is important to note that proponents of the federal vaccine database have valid arguments too. They argue that it would enhance public health efforts by providing authorities with accurate and up-to-date immunization information. This data could help identify vaccination gaps, hotspots, and areas in need of targeted interventions. Additionally, proponents believe that the database would facilitate contact tracing and containment strategies during disease outbreaks, thereby safeguarding public health.

Ultimately, the fate of the federal vaccine database rests on whether it receives enough support to pass. The concerns, fears, and fervent objections from both sides have made this issue a highly contentious and divisive one. It is crucial for lawmakers to carefully weigh the potential benefits against the risks associated with this proposal before making any decisions.

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While the outcome of this vote remains uncertain, the debate itself is a reminder of the importance of finding a delicate balance between protecting public health and preserving personal privacy and civil liberties. It serves as a call for society to engage in thoughtful discussions and weigh the implications of such measures. As citizens, it is crucial to stay informed, voice our concerns, participate in debates, and hold our representatives accountable for the decisions they make on our behalf.

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  1. siccs7

    False Left Right Paradigm, you keep believing in this system and its gonna destroy you, believe in and follow Christ ONLY!!

  2. Jeffrey Harrison

    All those people are immune from any mandate.

  3. Hume71

    If we self-govern collectively without politicians, then this ends.

  4. Curt Halldorson

    Ya the corruption is on both sides for sure, Trump would never allow this .
    Our nation is under attack.

  5. Dr giggles

    Get ready for ussa.

  6. Charles Vito

    Want to know rheir names!

  7. Ronnie Pirtle Jr

    Since our federal government is against the citizens of the United States.
    Do we……
    #1. Vote them all out of office?

    #2 stop paying federal taxes that pays their salary?

    #3. Succession, create our own Freedom States?

    #4. There are plenty of smart people in the United States that are trained in the laws. OUR CONSTITUTION IS BEING STEPPED ON!
    Concentrate on your local government?

  8. Tidda Blacksaav

    And… let's not forget that Congress is exempt from the mandate!

  9. Tidda Blacksaav

    This corruption is wayyyyyy past voting out. Government has been taken over by the criminal cabal that ironically was considered ONLY conspiracy theory!

    Read that twice if you have to.

  10. Tammy Green

    This doesn't apply to illegals! It only applies to us tax paying Americans.

  11. lilacbunches

    I agree with you Lisa on everything you said. Government and medical do not mix well. This would be a disaster for our freedom.

  12. Paul Pilgrim

    The government has zero intention of stopping the variant / vaxx crime

  13. Peachy Preacher

    I’m not paying.

    People. When are we going to start chucking tea off the boat…?

  14. wiximar

    Lisa, please do not drag enchiladas through the mud.

  15. Burt Bellinger

    Just like going electric cars who can afford one weeding out middle class to move to big cities for public transportation they don’t want people in the country I wish I was born in the 1800s Let’s go BRANDON!!!!

  16. Tawnia Baze

    I’ve never been vaccinated in my life and I’m 58 yrs old! I will not allow a dr to give me ANY vaccines!!!!

  17. kid vicious

    God is real, the end is near

  18. kid vicious

    Nobody will stand up. America n the world is F_ _kd.

  19. Barbara Mayer

    No medical confidential information except for HIV or AIDS.

  20. Kathy Borthwick

    Garbage government = Broken Dreams!

  21. Kathy Borthwick

    This whole thing is absolutely evil, greedy, and sick!

  22. Joni Mclin

    More communist crap

  23. Joni Mclin

    Think about agenda 21 and the camp's!

  24. Shirley Hypes

    Each day they are going against our freedom. This is not right, and none of their business. Lord help America!!

  25. Robin Tyde

    IBM made the cards to identify those of Jewish Ancestry for Hitler. The actual machine was in the entrance of the Holocaust Museum in D.C. I wonder if it is still there. For those of us that stay away from doctors in general I guess they will come for us too. So HIPPA would be dissolved. Biden has already just dictated his mandates against our protection of HIPPA. Put these people on a cargo ship in the middle of the Ocean.

  26. s b

    If it is an unconstitutional you don't have to follow said law.

  27. s b

    What happened to, to be secure in your person and papers

  28. Rebecca Curtis

    YouTube channel (Dee's Inspiration Station) has a recent video about attempts being made to potentially splice the jab into our foods (even plants) so you get a dose with your meal. That's not a bit frightening.

  29. Rebecca Curtis

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is a HIPPA violation.

  30. Debbie Gee

    I am not down with the government have access to my private health information ! And at this point in time I consider that perhaps we ( America) have no legitimate government (?)

  31. Denny Rook

    Buy gold, will give you something to throw in the streets.

  32. Sam Dill


  33. Janet Bracco

    I thought there was already a data base for those of us who got vaccinated. I personally wasn't going to get the jab.. but.. I thought doing so would would help get things back to normal. Not surprised about this at all. Who are the Rino's that voted for this? I'm not planning on taking the booster. What's the point?

  34. Kim Connell

    The world help organization told the Nations to back off the vaccine mandates because of human Rights

  35. Kim Connell

    They all belong to the kabal

  36. Kanoee64

    An unconstitutional "law" is not a LAW.

  37. Kanoee64

    List the 80 Republicans

    Fill the screen.

    I NEED A

  38. Lavonne Younan

    80 Republicans must be voted out of office !

  39. L Hollis

    They are already keeping a vaccine database for the COVID19 I know for fact the doses and lot numbers are registered with the CDC every dose given. With the receiver's name and other info.

  40. They Live We Sleep

    Peaceful resistance is almost impossible.

  41. jeff horn

    We need a list of who signed on, and we need to kick them out.

  42. Cajinguy1950

    This violates Federal HIPPA Laws !! But these Cowardly and Disgusting c Creeps don't care??! They r doomed at their next elections!!

  43. Cajinguy1950

    This violates Federal HIPPA Laws !! But these Cowardly and Disgusting c Creeps don't care??! They r doomed at their next elections!!

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