Sorry girl, tough times 😭😭

by | Oct 9, 2022 | Resources | 29 comments

Sorry girl, tough times 😭😭

Sorry girl, tough times 😭😭

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Sorry girl, tough times 😭😭

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Sorry girl, tough times 😭😭

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Sorry girl, tough times 😭😭



  1. shibum61

    U guys have houses?

  2. BugTotal6212

    No girlfriend= more time for stonks

  3. Maruchan_rider

    Just lost the house, so far.

  4. Hucko3

    She’s talking about her boyfriend.

  5. Illustrious-Ball9119

    Story of… My dad.

    In 2008, he basically lost our house. I was 15 at the time. My mother was hella mad at him. After the foreclosure, we relocated somewhere else. He continued making awful financial decisions. A decade later, he had 250000$ of debts and sadly passed away due to cancer.

    My mother is now still riddled with debts and I learned that when you can’t afford to lose money, just save it and enjoy it.
    My father made me love finance, but also his actions taught me to never get too greedy.

    I have a very small amount of money invested in stocks. Never put all of your eggs in the same basket.
    Don’t risk it all. Play smart, play safe.

  6. _Bob_Genghis_Kahn

    Oh he’s thinking about her…about pimping her out behind Wendy’s to fund his day trading addiction…

  7. zbroskiz

    I lol’d

  8. Usrnamesrhard

    Wait, margin call is literally just a call? I’ve been so worried about it all this time, and it turns out I can just ignore the incoming call?

  9. Kamikaza731

    “Who the fuck is this girl called Margin calling my boyfriend! He is probably cheating on me!”

  10. the_ssotf

    Lmao like anyone here owned a house in the first place

  11. ETH_Knight

    He ll think about her when he thinks how to break the news to her


    Just don’t take the call, then you can keep the money. But shhhhhh, don’t let them know this trick

  13. what_is_blue

    This is incredible. The incoming margin call is just *fry cook’s kiss*

  14. NickGerFayeGette

    Nice editing skills

  15. kaze_san

    You don’t lose anything if you don’t sell – just don’t sell house and you keep it *tips head*

  16. TalkingBackAgain

    It is entirely unclear to me why people who insist on working with options, and by all means they should, throw all the money they have into them instead of starting with a small amount of contracts, or just one, to see where it will go and then build on their success, if there’s any, to buy a few more.

    Why does it always have to be the ‘boohoo I lost everything’ when you clearly don’t have to do that?

    You buy some alcohol to put into the cupboard so that you would have some to offer visitors, or for your own use. When it comes time to use it, do you just open your throat and pour it all down all at once?

  17. QuietSouth9930

    Like me 5 years ago. Lost everything. Only the wife’s boyfriend stayed.

  18. Loose_Mail_786

    It’s funny because it’s true.

  19. MissLesGirl

    Why is he happy and laughing?

  20. Jim_C_Belfort

    “Who is margin, and why are they calling?”

  21. clowhoenheim

    The minimal effort put into aligning the screen contents makes this better

  22. RexCrimson_

    Y’all have houses?

  23. NiceHaas

    That last scene in the film Boiler Room is what I imagine is going to happen to a bunch of families in here lol… everyone here should watch that film btw

  24. -1DTE

    At least he’s still got his wife; for now

  25. Pristine_Anxiety9069

    Nice Paint skills…

  26. iGetPaidToPlay

    If only you had a financial advisor…

  27. sneakylyric

    Yall have a house?

  28. NoahxofxNod

    Me with only $100 or less a month to invest getting shit on sale 🙂

  29. lolitsmagic

    Just swing puts, bottom is not in. Ezpz.

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