Bond Market Meltdown

by | Oct 30, 2022 | TIPS Bonds | 30 comments

Bond Market Meltdown

Feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments.
Ben Reppond
(406) 871-3321

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Instagram: @benreppond

CNBC video – Joe Kernan and Becky Quick interview Mohamed El-Erian.
Dr. El-Erian talks about how broken the system is and how the Fed has painted themselves into a corner. They have no alternative but to keep hiking interest rates – even if the system breaks.

McAlvany Weekly Commentary

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This presentation is for informational purposes only and is not an offer of or solicitation of advisory services. The comparison of the volatility of Reppond Investments, Inc.’s strategies to the volatility of any stock market index is for illustrative purposes only. The differences between Reppond Investments Inc.’s results and those of the indices may be different due to differences in diversification and by the properties of the actual securities held by Reppond Investments, Inc. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk and there can be no assurance that any specific investment will be profitable or not.

Reppond Investments, Inc. does not make any guarantee that our strategies will or are likely to achieve returns like those shown in the performance graph in this presentation. Reppond Investments, Inc. reserves the right to trade different ETFs or mutual funds within a strategy than those reflected in the graphic shown. Stock market indices are unmanaged, broadly based indices, which differ in numerous respects from the specific portfolio composition. An investor cannot invest directly in these. Dividends and income are included in the index returns. The S&P 500 is a trademarked term of the McGraw Hill Company, and index data was compiled from sources we believe to be reliable. However, Reppond Investments, Inc. makes no representations or guarantees with respect to the accuracy or completeness of that type of data.

See also  Investment tip for 2022 - BONDS?

Past performance is not indicative of future results. Therefore, no current or prospective client should assume that future performance will be profitable. The historical performance results for indices and index funds, used as proxies for indices, are provided exclusively for comparison purposes. They are intended to provide general comparative information to help an individual client or prospective client in deciding whether the performance of Reppond Investments, Inc.’s strategies meet, or continue to meet, his/her investment objective(s). An investor should not assume that any strategy used by Reppond Investments, Inc. will directly correspond to any such comparative index.

Different types of investments and/or investment strategies involve varying levels of risk. There can be no assurance that any specific investment or investment strategy (including the investment strategies devised or undertaken by Reppond Investments, Inc.) will be profitable for a client’s or prospective client’s portfolio. All performance results have been compiled solely by Reppond Investments, Inc. and are from sources we believe to be reliable. They have not been independently audited or verified.

Investments in securities involve risk and the loss of investment principal is possible. Investments in securities will not always be profitable….(read more)

LEARN MORE ABOUT: Treasury Inflation Protected Securities

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



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  1. Low Tech

    Owl bonds…sell them…to who, to who.

  2. Dillon

    Would you sell bond etf holding 10 year treasuries with interest rates continuing to rise? Is the only way for the bond etf to recover losses for the interest rates to go back down to the level before the bond etf started falling?

  3. nina5841

    If you hold bonds to maturity you get 100 Bo . If you sell now you lose money. Invest in high quality bonds and treasuries. Solves the problem while you get a nice4+ interest

  4. Jason Foster

    It's over. Hope you all have been learning everything you can. Knowledge is power.

  5. Joe Harvie

    Michael Burry is right about the zombie companies hidden in the other funds like the repo market.

  6. MyFinancialJourney

    Thank you Ben, great video. Right now I'm mostly analysing companies with a high free cash flow yield and low debt. The past has shown that there's a huge chance that those companies outperform the market. Especially during a recession.

  7. Abbi Shylock

    I really enjoyed your calming sincere presentation. Many financial youtubers are sensationalists lthough their subject matter is no more extreme from your own.

  8. QuestionHouse

    Is there any relation between the increase in the Fed's reverse repo market utilization over the last 2 years and the billions missing from the market?

  9. N DS

    Thanks Ben ¡¡

  10. Lonnie Voyles

    Someone needs to tell Joe it’s going to be worse than the great depression!!!

  11. Charles Law

    Both your moderate and performance returns are down more than 10% for the year. Why do people pay you to loose their money? If you understand the problems with the economy, there is no reason you should be loosing money. The money leaving equities is going into money markets which ends up in the Fed's Reverse Repo, which is now about $2.4 trillion.

  12. Jared Haas

    They've only been hiking rates for a few months. This situation took years to create, it ain't gonna be reversed in one quarter. Forget about pivoting, it'll be 6 months until they basically stabilize, then hovering around that mark for several years.

  13. MartinJG100

    The majority of so called 'buy the dip' financial advisers are little more than glorified sales 'people' with next to no real experience of real fundamental market forces. Just embarrassing to behold but that is the way of things and more than ever today. Never seen such a shambles from top to bottom. Where is the money going? Derivative debt margin calls perhaps….

  14. Benjamin

    Down 42% plus another 15% inflation hit.

  15. OrionsTurtle

    Another Great show. Thx Ben!

  16. flir67man

    Who insures the fdic if it fails .. just curious if its possible..

  17. Eric Hammond

    Hi Ben. You've brought up a few different times that you don't know where the outflow of money is going. Do you have an "opinion" of where the outflow may be going to? If you're not comfortable giving your opinion I understand.

  18. Caitlin Flynn

    Thank you for this video- very informative.

  19. Robert Smuggles

    UK government treasuries are attracting interest from investors/savers. However, it is not inconceivable that the Uk defaults on its sovereign debt. This is unlikely because the Bank of England has been around since 1694 and seems to be addressing the issue – but it needs to act decisively to calm the nerves of bond holders.

  20. TheBivona

    I’ve been managing my own portfolio for almost 20 years now..and I will tell you .. I never invested in Gold and Silver till about a year ago.. I’m expecting equities to get back to 2012-14 prices … it’s not easy to sit on your hands ,but it’s what has to be done .Again the only things I have bought in the last year are Gold and Silver and Farmland .

  21. Hal Driver

    thanks Ben. excellent video as always.

  22. Global Vision

    Ben how come you never talk about the lack of price discovery in the markets today ?

  23. J Birdsong

    Is the comparison table of country performance normalized for local currency relative to usd? Maybe investors are buying T-bills or bonds, not bond funds? I look forward to your video very much, thank you!

  24. Newbeginnings

    Would you recommend Bond ETF’s at any point in the future? Meaning at a lower price?

  25. Walter Sobchak

    I think the game isn’t investing for growth anymore. I think it’s about preserving the ability of buying power, even if everything tanks. A lot of options might not exist in 10 years.

    Omg..pension funds leveraged 7x.

  26. Charles

    Thank you for the videos.

  27. Steve Ambrose

    Wow. Where are we going in this world? Crazy isn’t it?

    Are short-term (3-6 month) CD’s safe over time?

    Are longer-term (multi-year) CD’s safer?

    Ben, do you use CD’s in this type of falling market to minimize losses?

    Thank you.

  28. Goose

    I appreciate all the effort put into these videos. This is definitely the most underrated financial YouTube channel.

  29. Lionel Miao

    Ben, what do you think about future of government bonds that are tied to inflation such as I-bonds?

  30. Seymour Rivers

    Thank you, Ben. I enjoyed this week's episode as always.

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