
by | Oct 30, 2022 | Resources | 38 comments

75 basis point rate hike as expected



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75 basis point rate hike as expected

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75 basis point rate hike as expected

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75 basis point rate hike as expected




  1. Jalepenish

    He could have bought his own cartel and run his own cocaine empire. What an idiot!

  2. the_amazing_skronus

    Calls on cocaine

  3. gizamo

    ~~Apparently, OP gets some cheap af cocaine~~.

    Actually, considering bulk discounts, OP is probably pretty close. I stand corrected.

  4. RockLobster982

    But what platform would you have to ramble incoherently on while partaking in said cocaine?

  5. Brethren_Am_

    This is the fantasy we all have of being rich and getting disrespected by someone. And in turn we buy the company so we can fire the shitter that disrepsected us.

  6. Reallyhightweets

    If you’re paying that much a key have I got a deal for you bud!

  7. Dangerous-Ice6175

    Why is everyone upset about this? What am I missing?

  8. Swiftnice

    Yea but now he can adjust the twitter algorithm to pump any stock or crypto currency he wants whenever he wants without getting caught.

  9. tlthang

    His addiction is Twitter not cocaine

  10. netstormkidsoul

    Wait till his influence changes the narrative on the legalization of all drugs. That amount of drugs will be worth less than a kilo of bitcorns.

  11. AdequateTimeshare

    Is there a setting on Reddit that can forever hide any post about this fool? Even if it’s a joke.

  12. VisualMod
  13. mjkjg2

    how many hookers

  14. Rizmo26

    He prolly did both

  15. attofreak

    after sniffing all that coke, would’ve still made equally impulsive decisions

  16. layelaye419

    I mean, he can have both

  17. FearkTM

    Could have bought a country and be a king and president, what an idiot.

  18. AlexTI66881

    Cocaine retails for $50 a gram. 453.592 grams in a pound, or $22679.60

    2000 pounds is worth $45,359,200

    Elon musk can afford 970.034745 tons of coke with that money or 1940069.49 pounds


    881849.768142 kilograms

    so you’re wrong

  19. Accomplished_Idea320

    Doge coin official currency of twitter

  20. redditor54

    nah, with he fent being in everything these days you get to enjoy like an ounce and the rest goes to your kids, fuck that noise.

  21. zxc123zxc123

    #*”~~Cocaine’s~~ Twitter’s a helluva drug”*

    * I’m ~~Rick James~~ Elon Musk Bitch!

  22. zakaoki

    if you show him that much cocaïne he will change his mind in a blink

  23. ashakar

    Pretty sure he could have bought at least a few countries. Probably even a few that produce cocaine. Even land in the metaverse probably would have been a better investment than Twitter.

  24. zodia4

    What’s the stock proce of a kilo these days?

  25. adler1959

    Why not both?

  26. PSneSne

    John DeLorean said step it up, pussy.

  27. nouniqueideas007

    He always looks like he took a bite from a $hit sandwich.

  28. Daihatsu_Charade_

    That’s A LOT of coke.

  29. imunfair

    Money that you can use is a lot more valuable than coke money. Some of the drug lords in south america were literally burying pallets of cash they had so much they couldn’t use.


    Social media and meth is much more addictive

  31. MECO-420

    What do u think was in that sink he brought in to work?

  32. KingSolomon420

    His expression is as if he is extremely *high on weed*, wondering if any reporters around before his next purchase

  33. TheGoonKills

    I mean, when you’re a multi billionaire, why not waste your money on a giant flaming ball of shit?

  34. clcl-0101

    If one has seen Elon’s early morning tweets. Then one would know he is definitely under the influence.

  35. FawltyPython

    Just say 1.2 giga grams of cocaine. A billion kilograms is too confusing.

  36. rare_pig

    Still has enough money to buy it.

  37. svt4cam46

    Considering his behavior so far I fear he might have bought both.

  38. hi-imBen

    Just gonna start pasting this same comment on all the twitter/elon repost spam:

    Twitter isn’t public – no more trading plays.

    So with that fact established, maybe we can stop spamming Twitter news and memes in WSB?

    …I’m sure there are dedicated subs for Elon dick riders where such posts would be more appropriate.

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