Monday a blood bath?

by | Oct 31, 2022 | Resources | 24 comments

Monday a blood bath?

Am I crazy to think this? But from my little experience in the market these past 2 years. Whenever the market rallies hard on a Friday, the following Monday is usually red. Was buying puts on Friday before the bell closed a good bet?

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Monday a blood bath?

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Monday a blood bath?

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Monday a blood bath?



  1. BreakfastOnTheRiver

    The market does wherever I pay for it to do.

    If I want green, I pay for it with puts.

    If I want red, I pay for it with calls.

    If I don’t get what I paid for, I get my money back and maybe a little extra money for my troubles.

  2. raxazanorkaz

    I’ve been trading a long time now and in my honest opinion I can safely say it will either go up or down, sometimes down or up.

  3. Mexx_G

    Technically, we broke some downtrends last friday. I would expect a “post breakout” profit taking at some point, but a blood bath? Not that sure. The TL would have been rejected before the weekend. Buyers were not selling into the close and this demonstrate a lot of confidence on the bull side.

  4. Swiftnice

    Monday and Tuesday will be green and Wednesday will tank.

  5. whatisliquidity

    TA generalities?

    It rallied on a huge dump Thursday

    Come Monday who knows man. Market is hyper volatile right now and October is extremely volatile historically.

  6. MathematicianKey5605

    I actually did DD on this same concept this morning: after a 2%+ up day, the average day after is -0.06% (flat). Since 1981

  7. rylar

    open bloody and then huge reversal in the last half of the day

  8. willdatrill

    It will rally to about 4100 for the sp500 up until Wednesday and will tank after the fed meeting

  9. Grand_Inquisitor_Nel

    If it does go down on Monday, it won’t be for very long. JPow has to make it all nice and pretty for the Nov 8 elections.

  10. Mission_Owl_2047

    Market will either go up or down on monday. I will send you the bill for this professional advice.

  11. VisualMod

    >There is no definitive answer to your question, as market conditions can change rapidly and unpredictably. However, based on historical data and current market conditions, it is plausible that buying puts on Friday could be a successful strategy.

  12. twarr1

    I have SPY puts. Therefore, 100% probability it will go solid green.

  13. fishtime9

    Looking at the graphs and events coming up, as well as earnings:

    Most likely rally on Nasdaq and S&P500 until Wednesday and then back to the lows from two weeks ago.

    I personally am not holding any spy puts at this time. Instead I am loaded on BABA and LI puts. The Chinese market will continue to tank for a while. It’s a safer bet.

  14. UltimateTraders

    If we don’t fall Monday we should definitely fall Wednesday with the fed

  15. AcanthocephalaOk1042

    Some things will go down some up. Some by a little some by alot.

  16. MojoRisin9009

    You did it bro. You figured out the market. PUTs YOLO on Monday!

  17. matchwood11

    Maybe, but I think people know its coming, and they might be buying.

  18. ConcernedDudeMaybe

    I’m ready to cut throats, so… yes.

  19. ConcentrateOk9674

    towel stock moon monday is comin

  20. -2quarters

    80 puts on meta and intell $26 puts see what happens

  21. BlahBlahBlahSmithee


  22. LagingRunaticReturns

    I don’t believe it was a good bet because we are in a melt up. Good luck though, 50-50 I’m wrong.

  23. BookedIT1818

    I like the Down Monday play. I bought some spy 11/2 365 puts for .23 cents. The Fkn Rally because Janet Yellen on CNN telling everyone we are in a strong labor market. There is no sign of recession. Watch the lies.

  24. Thcoolersr

    This is the way.

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