Retirement Planning, Pensions, and the Military

by | Nov 1, 2022 | Retirement Pension | 15 comments

Retirement Planning, Pensions, and the Military

Aaron explains the risks and problems with the current retirement system to not just military members, but civilians as well. In short, nobody will be able to retire. You’ll just work till you’re dead. Thanks socialism!…(read more)

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  1. Urban Globetrotter

    Luckily for me I have already retired from the military…Life is good

  2. Sandy Rodriguez

    Long story short, I understand and agree with most of what you said. Most people have limited economic sense yet everyone has a sense of entitlement. Back to pensions, if something is unsustainable, it should not be maintained and that is why pensions are now almost gone. They are too expensive and the lifetime commitment expense for the employer will cripple profits!!!

  3. THEEND123321

    I don't see that I'm retired USARMY 21 year's and retired NYPD 25 and I'm seeing the world today "retired", my first home paid off,. 2nd home half way thru,.. I say today young live above their means and do more ( buy buy buy) stuff that doesn't give them a retirement.,. More then they should and that's why they cant and don't retire.

  4. Charlie White

    Great informative video (in particular for senior citizens/military retirees or if you never earned anything online supplement income – see this site:

  5. Capt. Cutler

    What is that bouncing light thing behind you?

  6. Gary Yeh

    Quick tip: Every 24 years prices are 'supposed to' double, using a 3% average rate of inflation. If you start working at 22 and retire at around 70, your retirement savings projection will need to quadruple, not even counting the inflation that will occur the longer you live past 70.

    This is also how you can tell that things like college tuition are a bubble (costs have gone up 500% in the same timespan instead of 200%). Another way of looking at it: tuition goes up 7% year by year, which is close to the return you can get in the stock market after-taxes. I think the choice will be clear for the next generation if they do wake up.

  7. hippiebigshot

    Join the U.S. Army and Fight wars for Israel

  8. Snarge22

    Aaron Clary:"We just like you guys." 
    I find it really sad that we're losing so many of our WWII vets to old age now.  Seems I heard a number like 6000 a day.  That was a few years ago so it may be higher now.  Time; these men are all being lost to time, for time is relentless, never slows down, or pauses, but keeps moving on.

  9. Pfsif

    Let's raise the retirement age to 155 so that the Government keeps all the fucking money just like they planned for in the first place.

  10. Kristophr anon

    You want to save for retirement?

    Buy metal, dammit. Buy real meal, not paper metal. You can afford $500 a month for a roll of 20 oz of silver. Do it.

    Chinese banks are buying up all the physical gold they can get their hands on. <a href="">They then rehypothocate it, and issue paper gold futures.</a> Then use the money from that to buy more real gold. Rinse, wash, and repeat.

    The paper gold they issue keeps the price of gold artificially low so they can continue to buy physical gold and repatriate it all to China.

    Guess what happens when the dollar collapses: The Chinese banks simple abandon their issued paper, and the government goes along with it and protects them from retribution. The Chinese keep the gold, and laugh at the paper gold holders.

  11. larz hillbot

    Lol My retirement planning is planning to work till i drop . Yes The American dream is a Dream.

  12. TheJoshua61840

    its hilarious how he has to find that book whenever he advertises it on his video's, lol.

  13. The Doctor Mayhem Fun Time Show

    I think the biggest reason why the military is butthurt over the pension is because Congress wants to take benefits from the military, yet won't even CONSIDER the idea of shutting down unnecessary and excessive departments of the government (Like DHS or the NSA), nor will they even consider cutting the payouts to the welfare parasites, nor even Congress' own damn pensions. 

    I have no problem making troops wait longer for retirement if the above had to make sacrifices, too.

    Hell, a GOP politician could likely say something along the lines of cutting the military only after other crap gets cut and get elected by the military.

  14. Zac6230

    Aaron, does your book relate and relevant to Canada at all?

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