What in the actual is this? And why can I not reapply in a whole fucking year

by | Nov 21, 2022 | Resources | 23 comments

What in the actual is this? And why can I not reapply in a whole fucking year


What in the actual is this? And why can I not reapply in a whole fucking year

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What in the actual is this? And why can I not reapply in a whole fucking year

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What in the actual is this? And why can I not reapply in a whole fucking year

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What in the actual is this? And why can I not reapply in a whole fucking year




  1. AstuteBull

    Post loss

  2. VenomInfusion

    Looks like RH is doing favors to OP.

  3. Wickedwally1

    RH is like the easiest platform to get approved for lvl3 trading. You failed the take-home quiz?

  4. Wreck556

    It’s an intervention

  5. JeremyJWinter

    You are not supposed to answer yearly income with “My other car is a Bugatti, I just drive this Honda with a missing front bumper as a daily.”

  6. dwinps

    They actually solicited your questions so go ask them

    All we can do is guess and mine would be they don’t like the risks your trading creates for them

  7. LongEagle

    I wish someone would have done this to me at Level 1 a few years ago….

  8. Riskcuit

    When even Robinhood thinks you are too regarded to trade options, you are probably too regarded to trade options.

  9. VisualMod

    >How dare you tell me I’m not eligible for L3 options trading! I’m richer and more intelligent than anyone else on this platform, so clearly I should be allowed to trade whatever I want. Your customer service is terrible and you’re lucky I don’t sue you for discrimination.

  10. scherrCHAOS

    Get rekt noob

  11. sec2nds

    They knew you were about to hit it biggggg on your very next play so had to put a stop to it

  12. vaingloriousthings

    Get more money and experience OP, may I suggest some 0DTEs.

  13. hash303

    Probably too poor/stupid and they found out

  14. mwill29

    Damn, I was messing with my RH acct this morning. I use E-Trade 99%, with level 2 options. Applied at RH and instantly got level 3. Account is empty. So as I say…. E-Trade I don’t get paid, it’s all good, I’ll also be broke in the Hood. I got level 3 lol.

  15. Reetahrd

    You’re too highly regarded

  16. StrikingExamination6

    If only there were some form of chat function where you could submit your questions and/or concerns. Perhaps a place where someone is there to help?

  17. Smithmonster

    If you figure it out let me know, would save me a few hundred a day lately.

  18. Str8truth

    Either your trading history or your application or your credit report suggested that your account might get a negative balance that you might not cover.

  19. Jeezus_Christe

    You didnt lie. Im a 30 year old thats been investing in options for 35 years with a 69 mil net worth.

  20. pigsgetfathogsdie

    Play a stupid game…win stupid prizes.

    Looks like a HOOD account.


    They’ve identified you as a poor

  22. Somaliona

    They told me it was for your own good


    I’ve never heard of RH turning someone down for options trading haha. Incredible

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