Massive Changes to TSP (Thrift Savings Plan) in 2022

by | Jul 30, 2022 | Thrift Savings Plan | 29 comments

Massive Changes to TSP (Thrift Savings Plan) in 2022

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  1. WILLIAM Berry

    I have a withdrawal that was initiated on 09 June 2022 and haven't received check as 17 July 2022. What are my options to get my funds sent to me? Have called TSP weekly with no results.

  2. Jacob Marley

    All I know is that waiting time to get thru to someone was well over 2 hours. I wanted to take out a 591/2 withdrawal, which was a piece of cake before. Now it's utterly impossible to take out money. There is no page on the new site to show you how to withdraw money. Nothing! So you have to call. Then you are on hold for hours on end only for the rep to finally pick up and say "I'm not sure how it's done now… I'm going to put you thru to our other department… Hold on one sec"… to which he puts you on hold and the automated voice tells you your wait in line is 97 minutes. In total anger you hang up and try again 2 weeks later. Finally after waiting on hold for 2.5 hours, a young woman tells you that she needs to put you on hold to find out how it's now done. You tell her to not put you on hold and she promises you she will pick the phone back up. So you wait and she does get back on the line. She tells you that she will need to put your request for a 591/2 withdrawal in to some special department, who will call you back to get more information for the withdrawal. Three weeks later, still no callback. The entire system is bullshit now! They don't want you to take out your money because Byedin is going to take all your savings from you and doesn't want you to have access to your savings anymore. Get your money out of there!

  3. Pura Vida

    The TSP Board finally got bought off, by a new corporate contractor! Expect higher fees. If the issues creating a new required account with TSP are a sign, we will appreciate the old TSP even more.

  4. Patriot One

    Useless waste of time.

  5. BOOP


  6. Kevin Kuc

    Need to make it possible to do conversions

  7. snevman

    The elephant in the room: Who is the new fund manager? Thanks, I enjoy your videos, very informative.

  8. Mel Blacke

    Not impressed. I want to know if they are going to do away with the index funds. If actively managed, what the career batting averages of those managers and who they are. That will tell me what I am going to do with my money

  9. adam jam

    With change fees will go up if you are a passive participant you will have to become more engaged

  10. Luke

    The TSP is trash, 6 funds to invest in and limited or no control of payment allocation in retirement. Oh, and fund fact, the TSP loves if you transfer funds from other retirement plans you may have INTO the TSP, but they will not allow you transfer part of your TSP balance into your commercially held Traditional IRA. Funny huh? Also ILLEGAL

  11. Matthew Arnold

    I just want a Green tech fund or Real Estate

  12. Celtic MCO

    All this is great but I can guarantee you they will still want a "wet notary" stamp for certain transactions. At least once you track down a Notary and drag your spouse there to sign and get the stamp you can fax it (yes another obsolete tech). How about a standing authorization up to a certain amount? Get with the times TSP…

  13. Nimrod1d6

    Are the TSP fees going up as well?

  14. RJ Murray

    Will there be a TSP App for smartphones/tablets? be nice to be able to track my funds and see how they are performing at least once or twice a week like I do on a regular PC, thanks!

  15. Susan Connahan

    I wonder why the TSP loan needs to be paid back in 90 days from separation if you retire. I could see that being a good rule for non retirees but since it takes OPM more than 90 days to process retirement pay wouldn't it make sense to extend that window for retirees? Under current rules you cannot use a TSP loan to tide you over until retirement pay starts. Social security backlog listed on SSA site shows 4 months. So that's more than the 90 day window as well.

  16. cato

    I wish I was a government slug.

  17. Norske Norge

    Mutual Funds.. Hmmm. Higher Fees? The Index Funds are Worthless. G Fund, F Fund, no returns. The S Fund, C Fund and I Fund, not to Bad. I am not a TSP Buy and Hold guy. The L Funds are Ok but you have to have a pretty Fair amount of Money to Make some Money. This is a little off the Subject, but the TSP Board needs to change the darn Two EFT's that are currently in Place. The Volatile Markets that are coming dictate the Need to have increased EFT's. I have been Watching the Markets, in Fact i watch the Markets Every Day do to the Volatility More Lately. By 10:00 am you need to do the ETF Transfer, which is 12:00 pm EST. The Markets on Numerous Occasions Have been up Until 10:00 am and then Boom, have Dropped and If you are in a Risky Index Fund like the S Fund you Loose your Shirt and Drawers, because you have no Recourse but to Ride it out until the Next Day. I think that the Correlation between this Needs to be Investigated by the SEC. To many Times this has Happened and i don't think it is by Coincidence. The Guy at Tsp.Talk Talks about this Fact, and being Burned more then once because or this Archaic Rule that is in Place. Open up the Darn ETS's so that one can…… Truly…. Buy Low and Sell High. When you Try to Talk to someone on the TSP Board, good Luck.. They have No Damn phone numbers that you can get to talk with them about these ETS's. As a Member i Should be able to Talk to the President of the Board.. Period. HOOAH

  18. Aaron Taylor

    I want to allocate my traditional and roth accounts separately.

  19. Paul Burnett

    For TSP withdrawals, can you designate the fund from which the withdrawal is pulled from (i.e. G Gund only even though you may have money in the G, S, and C Funds)? By the way, I really enjoy your YouTube channel and have made numerous referrals to others to take in your knowledge of the Federal Retirement System!

  20. J Gmz

    Electronic payments and signatures? Wow, they are only about 10 years behind.

  21. Gabe G

    The only thing I want to know is what fee change s there will be.

  22. Richard Allen

    The purpose of the extra mutual funds being added is so that those folks who want to, can target specific sectors, rather than using the core funds which follow a specific index. If you want to invest in Health Care specific you could have that option, but I believe that the fees will be the same as from whichever major financial institution holds that fund, which is a lot higher than the TSP fees.

  23. Randy's Crafts

    Sounds like they're opening up themselves employees and retired people to identity theft. What's your thoughts on this? I'm old school when it comes to anything financial.

  24. T K

    Have the fees changed since its a new vendor?

  25. IndyZato

    Does the electronic signature mean I can update my beneficiaries?

  26. Mitch Waddell

    Yikes. Many people are about to get crushed jumping into and out of different funds based on short term thinking. From Blackrock's perspective doing so is a sound business decision and we will likely see higher and higher management fees.

  27. ralph Z

    The change I want to see is to separate account balances between Traditional TSP and Roth TSP.

    Today both balances are merged even though for taxing purposes they are treated completely differently.

  28. Terry Neal

    I'm first comment.

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