How to Double Your TSP 2023 Update

by | Dec 31, 2022 | Thrift Savings Plan | 13 comments

How to Double Your TSP 2023 Update

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  1. Lester Fernandez

    I just started my TSP & I have possibly 15 years left. What Fund would possibly be best ? Thank you.

  2. D Cal

    Bro with Biden screwing up the economy and raising inflation their is nowhere to make money at this time. Biden has increased the national debt by 10T in just 2 years and as you know the dems just passed 1.7T with most of it being garbage. I won't even go into the despicable tactics and reasons the dems used to get this 1.7T done just days before Christmas. 2023 will not be good for TSP, 401K, etc.

  3. Daniel McPartlin

    We have had 40 years of low interest rates and 14 years of QE. The market is going way down. What worked in the past, may not work in the future. When the pain comes, the money printing might start again. 50-50% in the C and S will equal 50% loss soon

  4. Don Cappo

    50/50 c & s . Almost a million 20 years vested

  5. Daniel Just Daniel

    So i'm retired now, how does 50% G 25%S and 25%C sound, I dont care about doubling just increasing.

  6. Jeff T

    Can you explain why the TSP does not allow someone to specify which fund my RMD is withdrawn from? I wanted to take my Required Minimum Withdrawal from the G fund, given the recent downturn in the C, S, and I funds. Vanguard lets me select its money market fund. Big drawback to the TSP.

  7. Anthony Williams

    I'm investing up to the match in both my top traditional and Roth is this a good idea

  8. Steve Oh

    C and S all the way. 24 more years at least until retirement, cant wait till I can max it out, I'm at 10%…hoping to increase 5% every few years.

  9. jj

    I'm still young and am lucky to have been able to max it out the past few years and probably will be able to the next few years. My dad who has been retired now for about 5 years from the private sector still lives comfortably on his pension (from when his company was still offering pensions). Hasn't even touched his 401K and don't think he plans to anytime soon.

  10. Aaron Taylor

    Step one get out of the L funds and the G fund. Step 2 put it in a combination of C and S.

  11. Fourdogs111

    I'm 58 and all of my money is in the L Fund 2030. Is it wise to keep it all there or should I move some to a more aggressive option? Thanks for the videos, they are very informative.

  12. DQ Reviews

    Omnibus bill passed today I think….we getting that 4.6% raise?

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