What is the Value of Gold and Silver During Inflation?

by | Jan 7, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 41 comments

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ITM Trading’s Official 2022 Gold & Silver Buyers Guide:

❓ Viewer Questions:
Question 1: 0:58
How much silver might be needed for bartering just for very basic necessities of survival?   Would this apply to anyone regardless of their overall wealth status?

Question 2: 4:57
Could 10-30 year treasury bonds be a safe haven during the upcoming recession? Pros and cons vs physical gold?

Question 3: 9:04
If and when gold is revalued to its fundamental value north of $11,000, what effect will this have on other assets?

Question 4: 10:43
The FED chairman recently remarked that he is “surprised at how little we know about inflation”.  How embarrassing.  Many other “experts” are surprised at our current state of affairs.  None of this engenders confidence.  Do you get the feeling they are deliberately nudging us toward collapse, by chipping away at their own credibility?

Question 5: 14:14
Why are gold and silver losing value when inflation is out of control?

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FYI: ITM Trading is comprised of Precious Metals and Economic Experts. We are not financial planners, nor do we do general financial consulting. We are Gold & Silver Strategists. We sell Gold & Silver to Strategic Investors who want to protect their wealth with the proper types, dates, and qualities of precious metals. For more info Call: 877-410-1414

See also  The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Inflation through Investment: Strategizing for 2023

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If you want to know what to actually DO about all of this, that’s what we specialize in at ITM Trading. How do you protect your wealth for the next collapse and complete financial reset?

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See also  Robert Kiyosaki advises against keeping cash in the bank: 4 safer and better asset options

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By ITM Trading’s Lynette Zang

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#gold #treasury #inflation…(read more)

LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



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    Remain in control of your wealth and assets! Visit: https://calendly.com/itmtrading/youtube to schedule a time that works for you. You need a strategy that is as strong as the one the Central Banks have. Why do you think that those in power keep accumulating Gold & Silver? Call us direct at 877-410-1414 to discuss your plan at no cost.

  2. Jerry Bedard

    For discussion: Can we assume the US (supposedly) still has the largest gold reserves and the USA and the world are currently on unsustainable courses? If yes, couldn't there be an IMF-type, G-7 Central bank-type, push for a blockchain gold standard? I haven't done the math but if they peg it to a lower amount – say 10% – 20%, doesn't that produce the opportunity to reset w/o too much figurative bloodshed? It would also put in place the fiscal constraints everyone has gotten away from. Would draw clear lines in what governments are allowed to spend on. Thoughts?

  3. Tracy K


  4. Kevin Dionne

    No way Lynette is single. There's something seriously wrong with this world if she is 😉

  5. David Dewey

    When silver reaches a certain price point I have enough to pay off my tiny house and my 5 acres. I plan to leave my silver untouched as long as possible, so that hopefully I can hang on with my supplies until that price point comes along. My social security covers my overhead without food, gas, & consumables. So I still need to work but I'm hoping by the time social security dries up and blows away, silver will have hit my price point, and I can just pay everything off.

  6. Lili Robin

    I think the basic amount of silver is in monster boxes. Each monster box has 500 ounces of silver or about 1 ounce a week for ten years. I think 2-3 monster boxes for food would be 2-3 ounces of silver a week for ten years. Gold to pay taxes and big expenses so 50 ounces of gold for ten years. This is just a guess.

  7. yolo

    no coffee ? then whats coffee with Lynette all about? LOL

  8. Angela Davidson

    I heard that the price of silver needs to be kept low because it’s used in many electronics and best conductor of electricity. We would be paying thousands more on our electronics if price of silver raises

  9. Angela Davidson

    Hi, which trading brokerage platform do you use and recommend to your family friends that is safe and user friendly?

  10. ssruiimxwaeeayezbb ttirvorg


    "We're I'm, I'm pretty sure that GDP is gonna be negative."
    I can guarantee you it will not. GDP growth is a different story though.

  11. Nancy McDaniel

    The World Economic Forum…

  12. NicholasKon9

    I have investment earning 5 million / week, using 3 thousand "who drop to this greedy article will be con in to it, because you eat the greedy scum muffin" they tell lies. Watch some of the comments right down there.

  13. BUBBA

    My latest buys are Canadian junk dimes and quarters. Good value and easy round number weights

  14. Mystery Buyer

    Why do people try to figure out the bare minimum of ounces?

    Why not strive for as many ounces as possible. I think people just want to blow their money and have fun with it instead of just keep buying silver monthly for decades.

  15. Patrick Adams

    I would also like to know what event in 2012 happened to cause gold to fall so sharply? Thank you again..

  16. Patrick Adams

    I found the question about gold being "revalued to it's fundamental value of $11,000". What makes people think that gold and other precious metals wont be "revalued" to $500.00 or less? If a revalue of global currencies takes place as I agree it eventually will, precious metals can and probably will be revalued to whatever the world powers deicide they want it's price to reflect. There is no guarantee that precious metals will go up or even hold current values if and when there is a global reset..

  17. Puppet Master

    Gold as an inflation hedge is about as funny as this show =)

  18. tony carangi

    Please stop spreading your bad advice, gold and silver are as in inflation is surging. The US dollar is the safe resource.

  19. Cynthia Garrett

    Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy☺️. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days.

  20. So Ho

    Dollar is causing the gold market to fall

  21. Ed Pooler

    If the American dollar is worth 2% of it's value as it was in the year 1900, then one 1900 dollar is worth $50 in 2022. So a twenty dollar 90%-gold coin should be worth $1,000.00 in the year 2022.

    This means that the price of gold bullion should be worth $1,100.00/oz. in the year 2022.

    Since the actual ratio of silver to gold is 1 to 8, then silver should be worth $125.00/oz.

    However, silver is also a very important industrial metal and therefore is worth more than $125.00/oz.
    My conclusion is that gold may not be undervalued, but silver is very much undervalued so have gold to preserve your wealth. And, have much silver to actually gain a profit which you will need to re-establish yourself during the hyperinflation.

  22. Malama nui e Amelika

    I heard that a new dollar that is backed with Gold and precious metals as it was backed before 1970, and they already have the designs of the bills that they will be introduced when it does collapse which I also feel that they are steering it to a collapse, just don't know how all of this is going to work.

  23. Crazy Chester

    Regarding your comments on 10/30 yr bonds. Do you feel the same way about I Bonds or TIPS?

  24. Nick Kautz

    Thank you both

  25. Dany Targaerys

    The loss of confidence being part of the plan makes sense, because what do they want? They want to change the system, and change the currency to all-digital. They have enough power to establish a new system, so technically they don't have to maintain confidence. They have the gatekeepers in the palm of their hands, so all they need to do is change the name, and out of convenience the population will go along with it.

  26. Will Loudner

    The big game changer is the Russian's just pegged the Ruble to gold in the last two months.
    When they did that the Ruble was about 140 Rubles to $1. They set the the number at 5000 Rubles to an OZ of gold.
    Now the Ruble has gained strength against the Dollar to 60 Rubles to $1, but the same number of Rubles (5000) = 1 OZ Gold.
    When they pegged it to gold the price in the US was $1800 an OZ. With the changes in the Rubles to Dollars the price should have gone up in the US by over double, but it didn't. The true price should reflect to about $3800 per OZ.

    The Comex is dumping paper dropping the price while they can and hoping to gain physical at the same time. Dealers aren't lowering the prices of physical Gold or Silver, is stead they are raising premiums because they know it's getting harder to get supplies. The cheapest silver I could find was over $26 an OZ when the spot price was $19.05. That was for rounds that aren't really in demand. $30 -$35 for Silver Buffalo's Eagle's and Maple's.

    It's going to happen fast when China and Russia and the rest of the BRICS decide they have had enough (other countries are joining them rather quickly as they see it coming too). Get what you can while you can!

  27. Rick142

    The "How much do you need?" question: You guys are thinking about it the wrong way because you're thinking like salespeople. Yes it's important how much someone can actually afford to buy, but the more relevant question is "What do you think I will be able to buy with an ounce of silver/gold in the midst of hyper-inflation?" A chicken? A pound of beef? A loaf of bread? A gallon of gas? I know it's probably not easy to figure this out, but I would be interested in your take on it. It would also be helpful to have a sense of this, because it's not always about "how much silver can you afford", it's about choices that we can make right now. For example– Should I buy another ounce of silver or another bag of rice? It would be useful to at least have some idea what these metals are likely to avail us during and after hyper-inflation.

  28. decatur0967

    Why is Harry Dent saying gold will fall to $900.00 by the end of the year? How can you and Dent be in such 180 degree camps?

  29. Spartan Ag 999

    They want to give it to China!!! They want us to be China SO BAD!!! THEY WANT TOTAL CONTROL. JUST LIKE CHINA

  30. Mathieu Belanger-Camden

    14:10 I agree, they will introduce the CBDC to help people because people are going to be starve. They will say to gain more control and monitoring with the CBDC they will fix the hunger issue, food sabotage and the supply chain problem. People will accept It like cash even It's 100% digital and controllable. The system at the top will ask a traceable asset in exchange for the CBDC, a receipt or a KYC to accept gold and cryptocurency. Don't forget the BIS money flower. People will have digital cash and the big boy will have traceable gold.

  31. MrTempo

    I think the public is finished with any form of fiat!


    Hi from the UK. Recently I've been offered credit by many providers. NO hard search on my credit file, and granted. I will not be accepting credit. I have my gold and silver. Why are so many credit companies offering credit, given the crisis that we're in?

  33. Kerri

    I think gold and silver keep going down because 'they' want to force the middle class into selling their precious medals, just to get through this inflation. They really want to burn us as much as possible, because they hate us so much.

  34. Kerri

    A tyrannical dictatorial system needs no credibility. Besides, the NWO headquarters will be in England.

  35. Linda Adrid

    Can you stay solvent longer than this market remains rational? How many years will this take to play out?

  36. TIA

    When the Bible says that you cannot buy and sell unless you have the Mark of the Beast? And that will be all over the world. How would that affect all of our planning? Will Gold and Silver be worthless because you can't even buy or sell the Gold, or Silver without having this "Mark"

  37. TIA

    No house payment, no car payment, 500 a year for my house taxes, 243 a year for car registration. 5-7 years of F.D. Meat, Veggies and Fruits. 500 gallons of water from roof collecting rainwater. Basically if I don't have utilities on I don't really have much overhead at all. So a couple hundred ounces of silver would probably do it for me for several years. That is just how I see it. Now, I have to figure out how to buy all that silver… Yikes!

  38. Phil's Builds

    The question was asked “what could they be setting up [by giving up their credibility]?” My thought their “new Breton woods moment”

  39. Austrian Jon

    My wife has paper patriot savings bonds. I told her she should cash them out since they are just debt and I dont want it to be worthless in the future. Am I right? thanks

  40. Silver Bullion TV

    Awesome job. Love the comparison on the charts! Both of you really put things in the perspective we should be seeing. Thank you both.

  41. LittleBit McKee

    Just like I stack sats, I stack gold and silver and don't look at the price. I am no longer interested in trading.

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