How Corporations Secretly Profit from INFLATION (And How Can You Profit as Well)

by | Feb 2, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 3 comments

How Corporations Secretly Profit from INFLATION (And How Can You Profit as Well)

Corporations all over the world are secretly increasing their profits while using inflation to hide it. Let’s take a look at how inflation works, how and why are corporate profits the highest in 50 years, how are they doing it and finally, what can you do to profit from this situation as well.
Disclaimer: Information in this video is not a financial advice.

Other videos:

00:00 Intro
01:04 What causes inflation?
03:00 Who profits from inflation and how they do it
05:45 The greediest publicly traded corporations
09:23 We actually do need inflation
10:41 How can you profit from inflation
13:02 Outro


(Research mentioned in the video)

#inflation #business #finance #entrepreneur #documentary #money #wealth #corporation #greed…(read more)

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Inflation is a major economic issue that affects everyone. It is a phenomenon wherein the prices of goods and services increase over time, eroding away the purchasing power of money. It is caused by a variety of factors, including government policies, economic conditions, and supply and demand.

Inflation can have a devastating effect on individuals, but it can also be a boon to corporations. Corporations are able to secretly profit from inflation by taking advantage of certain economic conditions and using them to their advantage.

One way corporations secretly profit from inflation is by raising prices. Inflation increases the cost of goods and services, which allows corporations to increase their prices without raising eyebrows. This allows them to make more money without having to make any changes to their products or services.

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Another way corporations secretly profit from inflation is by taking advantage of the rising cost of labor. When inflation increases, so does the cost of labor. This means that corporations can pay their employees less while still making a profit.

Finally, corporations can also benefit from inflation by investing in assets that appreciate in value. As the prices of goods and services rise, so do the prices of stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments. This allows corporations to make money off of their investments without having to actually produce anything.

Inflation can be a difficult economic issue to deal with, but it doesn’t have to be all bad. By taking advantage of certain economic conditions, corporations can secretly profit from inflation and make a lot of money.

Fortunately, individuals can also benefit from inflation. By investing in assets that appreciate in value, such as stocks and bonds, individuals can also make money off of inflation. Additionally, individuals can take advantage of the rising cost of goods and services by purchasing items before they become too expensive.

Inflation is a complex economic issue, but it doesn’t have to be a negative one. By understanding how corporations are able to secretly profit from inflation, individuals can also capitalize on the situation and make a profit as well.

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  1. dont tread

    Professional and nicely put together but a lot of fallacies. Inflation is absolutely always the cause of government. When the currency is debased the prices of everything goes up, including profits. Some of these record profit margin figures for example the oil example can be compared to the year prior where there were loses due to the negative price of oil it will appear they are making massive margins, or to other mega corporations that benefit from government intervention such as Amazon when government had everyone staying at home everyone was ordering from Amazon. (continue)

    The argument that inflation is good is insane and a Keynesian political taking point used to justify deficits, thats like saying if the fed was in the oil tanker business: "We must ensure a steady 2% leaking of oil from our tankers annual to ensure a robust and healthy economy". Artificially lowering interest rates and debasing the currency to "encourage spending" does not create wealth or prosperity, it encourages malinvestment or buying up assets to curb inflation such as real estate or stocks. Savings creates wealth as it delays consumption and/or can be used in investments. If rich people started redeeming all their money buying up goods it would make everyone poorer, increasing prices and making less goods available. So a rich person hoards all their money like scrooge McDuck you can thank them because they are offsetting consumption.

    If you dont want inflation, remove governments monopoly on money printing. If you want cheaper goods you need more competition and less government intervention / regulation and government enforced monopolies. Remember, monopolies are only possible through government. Companies can be only so greedy until their competitor comes in and forces them to be competitive and offer a cheaper or better product. All economic woes, shortages or price inflation, healthcare costs, etc are due to government.

  2. Steven Preyar

    Not true that the global economy would come to a halt without inflation. Only the idea of perpetual growth, which is a horrible idea anyway, unless you sit atop the pyramid scheme, and benefit from people spending, and you can devalue them fast enough to force them to spend while you have excess cash to invest.

  3. HassledVania

    Very strong, professional vid! Subscribed!

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