Russia, China, Economy & More l Biden Talks Global & Domestic Issues In State Of The Union Address

by | Feb 25, 2023 | Inflation Hedge | 34 comments

Russia, China, Economy & More l Biden Talks Global & Domestic Issues In State Of The Union Address

US President Joe Biden appealed to bipartisanship in his second State of the Union address, telling Republicans he wants to work together instead of “fighting for the sake of fighting.” Biden focused on issues impacting middle America, and also called for police reform and continued support for Ukraine. Biden said he would cooperate with great power rival China, but vowed “to protect our country,” a reference to a Chinese spy balloon that traveled across America last week. Watch Biden’s second State of the Union address here.
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On Wednesday night, President Joe Biden delivered his first State of the Union address, outlining his plans for both domestic and global economic issues. The president touched on a number of topics, including the U.S. relationship with Russia and China, the economy, and more.

Biden began his address by noting the “historic crisis” the United States has faced in the last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the need to rebuild the economy. He outlined his plans for the American Rescue Plan, which includes a $1.9 trillion package of economic relief. He also spoke of his commitment to creating jobs and increasing wages, and his plans to invest in infrastructure, education, and research and development.

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The president also discussed the need to address global economic issues, noting the importance of working with other countries to ensure a “level playing field” for trade. He noted the need to work with China and Russia, two of the world’s largest economies, to ensure fair competition. Biden also spoke of his commitment to forging new trade deals and to “hold China accountable” for its trade practices.

Biden also addressed domestic issues, such as immigration reform, climate change, and gun safety. He noted his commitment to passing a comprehensive immigration reform bill and to fighting climate change by investing in renewable energy sources. He also spoke of his plans to reduce gun violence by passing common-sense gun safety legislation.

Overall, President Biden’s State of the Union address was a clear outline of his plans for the economy, both domestically and globally. He spoke of his commitment to creating jobs, increasing wages, and investing in infrastructure, education, and research and development. He also addressed the need to work with China and Russia to ensure a level playing field for trade and to pass comprehensive immigration and gun safety legislation. With the president’s plans in place, the United States can look forward to a brighter future.

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  1. Oscar Austria


  2. Chris Mills

    Ban assault weopans ban all guns dude

  3. Chris Mills

    U CANT just get a gun licence for protection.its to shoot targets at shooting clubs and shooting pigs and kangaroos.hence we have 50 million kangaroos.twice as many people.have to wait 10yrs if u have a criminal charge of any sort that u went to court for to get a gun licence

  4. Chris Mills

    u can walk anywhere in Australia and noone will harm u.makes a big difference when guns and weopans r illegal and really strict laws.

  5. Chris Mills

    And u can't social distance due to a huge population

  6. Chris Mills

    million people died from covid mainly because Trump said covid was fake and didn't do lockdown fast enough.

  7. Krk Mofet

    thank you for the news

  8. peter Dagnese

    China is already threatening Americas sovereignty. It pours fentanyl into Mexico that pours it over the southern border to the U.S. killing Americans everyday. Biden is a joke and doesn’t care.

  9. wally w

    Best part of the speech by far was when the guy they call sleepy joe out witted the entire republican conference putting them into a box about social security and Medicare in a live speech on live TV in front of the country…killing Mccarthys ability to negotiate while they hold the debt ceiling increase hostage for extortion….Made the trumpy Republicans look like loud mouthed toddlers that couldn't keep their mouths shut…seems biden has more wit still than all of them combined, played them like a fiddle

  10. ted bohne

    sovereignty? like Vietnam, Iraq. Nicaragua, Syria, Libya, to name only a few of the countless incursions by the u.s. into other countries sovereignty we could go back to the biggest in history, the u.s. incursion and theft of land they now refer to as america……the u.s. is the most evil collection of hominids in the history of this planet…

  11. Ryan Douglas

    The bidens r criminals..I laugh when I read all the comments of people praising him. Thanks Biden for selling out to China and using your influence too shit on the American people. Do people even see what's happening with him..he literally got caught trying to cover up illegal dealings smh and he says inflation is coming down haha

  12. Ryan Douglas

    Let's thank Nancy for being a theif

  13. The Boone Dooger

    What a joke the clowns are here for the circus

  14. F P

    all these old,rich, way way out of touch white people deciding what's good for the majority of Americans is just scary anymore…

  15. Kuku Bird Singing

    Asia no need West at all.
    West cannot survive without East.
    East can ask West go fly kite.

  16. Kuku Bird Singing

    USA today white fight white hahaha

  17. Philip Wan

    Here is a statesman America needs to be the beacon on the hill. Biden puts Trump to shame. Biden's so eloquent, so educated, so caring for Americans. He is bringing dignity and pride back to USA.

  18. Tomi Piriyev

    those puppets are sitting there to clap for this maniacs every word, after watching this video it reminds me North Korea

  19. Joshua Walters

    Can those generals who not clapped one time for the president please remove this man from office this is a embarrassing act. These leftist are trying g to do. Please don't let this man stay in controlm

  20. Michael

    Vote libertarian.

  21. Dimi Dochev

    Mumbling, more mumbling, lies And desingormatuon …

  22. Adrian Hudek

    Not a sleepy Joe.Hope Trup will never come back

  23. kenjiroaya

    nobody cant beat the free nations!

  24. S C

    I hope that someone helped Biden to find his way off of the stage otherwise he had to spend the night there. Can his bumbling get much worse. I bet the whole world watched this just so they could get a good laugh. Covid hit us very hard while Trump was in office and Trump helped to get vaccines pushed through very fast and now Biden is taking credit for what Trump did and in two more years we will get to see what Biden has truly done and Biden will be trying to blame Trump for his failures.

  25. liam robertson

    lame-ass geriatric president!!!!???
    for fuck sake
    how can he suggest he's done anything about anything

  26. Matt

    And this is what my country has become. God help us all. The division between Congress is nothing new but in the last 15 years the division between rich and poor and middle class is becoming worse. There is a lot of greed in the US. Nothing gets done or passed in Congress. Most of them are millionaires. I say cut there fat pay checks and make them work for what they promise us and quit voting in these shits that don't do anything but speak pretty.

  27. biggextra

    who let the old man out before he get his pudding?

  28. BlackMoonPhantom

    Ted Cruz looks like the salty kid at the playground who doesn't want to play kickball with everyone because we all have to share the ball LOL

  29. James Corbin

    I see they have unloaded the dunce wagon in Washington DC.

  30. Michelle Prinsloo


  31. Taylor

    Do they feel threatened by a balloon?

  32. Aburetik

    The Chinese balloon sent a message to the US that China can blow up American homeland any time.

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