Retire in March With 7 figures, Dead in June, With…7 figures

by | Feb 25, 2023 | Thrift Savings Plan | 32 comments

Retire in March With 7 figures, Dead in June, With…7 figures

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The tragic story of Retire in March With 7 Figures, Dead in June, With 7 Figures has left many people in shock. The story of the man, who was a successful entrepreneur, is one of tragedy, but also one of hope.

Retire in March With 7 Figures, was an entrepreneur who had achieved great success in his lifetime. He was the founder and CEO of a successful clothing company and had achieved a net worth of seven figures. He was a well-known figure in the business world and was respected by many.

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However, in March of this year, Retire in March With 7 Figures decided to retire. He had achieved his goal of becoming a successful entrepreneur and was ready to enjoy his retirement. Unfortunately, he only had a few months of retirement before he passed away in June.

The cause of death was not immediately known, but it was later revealed that he had been suffering from a terminal illness. Despite his illness, Retire in March With 7 Figures had managed to maintain his business and had even grown it to a seven-figure net worth.

The story of Retire in March With 7 Figures has been an inspiration to many. It serves as a reminder that success is possible, even in the face of adversity. His story also shows that it is possible to achieve success and that it is possible to retire with seven figures.

Retire in March With 7 Figures was a successful entrepreneur and an inspiration to many. He achieved success despite his illness and left a legacy of hope and determination. His story will be remembered for generations to come.

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  1. Crusty Rusty

    I am 59 and had a small stroke in November. While I'm making a good recovery, it was a major eye opener. You never know what will happen. I'm done at 62.

  2. D S

    Josh has great points and content, but be babbles too much.

  3. George Andrews

    Take the hat off. Then we'll talk

  4. James Ripton

    The hat. Please remove the hat.

  5. Franklin Smith

    Maybe working is better then retirement for some.

  6. ike4160

    I worked with someone who retired December 1st at age 77. His obituary was posted last week. Sad.

  7. Pizza 4me

    A woman i worked with for almost 20 years was let go at work at age 75. She kept working because it kept her busy and she needed the money, but she started to have memory issues and they walked her out the door. Nothing for all those years of service and loyalty. So if you are staying at your job for some kind of loyalty just know that loyalty is only flowing in one direction. Boss never cares about you.

  8. Pizza 4me

    I run my numbers all the time and will definitely retire the moment I can do it. Still cant do it before 62-63 do to never being able to afford a house. The moment the numbers work i am gone.

  9. Arkamoto Android

    Great message! Thanks for speaking out, I think a lot are probably deceived by the mainstream on this topic.

  10. Conner Regina

    I agree raising the retirement age is not the answer.

  11. annie C

    thank you very much….

  12. Michael Fay

    I'm 65 my full retirement age is 66 and a half one year to go but I'm going to file for SS later this year hopefully I will live a few more years

  13. Charlie Poral

    Why do you wear a hat when you are inside??

  14. darold zink

    I drive a truck for a living. The scary thing is the average life of a truck driver is only 58 years old. 65 is too old and too late to retire in ANY profession

  15. DannyB1954

    I retired at 55. I could have kept working, but with already having a heart attack at 50 I was not hoping to die at work. I am 68 now. No regrets.

  16. joshua

    Thanks for the great reminders, Josh. I work with 4 or 5 crew members who have the financial resources to retire, but for some reason keep showing up for work. Ages 65, 61, 60, 59, 58. All eligible for a full pension and one will have guaranteed health insurance. Yet, they keep working. And yes, they have financial advisors that keep telling them to keep working longer. I just don't understand what makes some people think they will win life's old age lottery when it is not in their family history. I plan on pulling the plug without reaching an additional pension milestone. Three extra years in a COJ just to get old, retired guy bragging rights is no way to make yourself happy.

  17. Doug Bogenhagen

    Didn’t you hear. Jody died at 54 with flaming syphilis after surviving shotgun blast to head in 98. I like your style.

  18. Michael B.

    Had a coworker that finally retired this past October 2022 at 72 years old cashed out his 401K and lost 55% of it and him and his wife were going to do some traveling with that money. Weeks later he had a massive stroke and almost didn't make it. Made it home for a few days and last I heard a couple of days ago he was airlifted out again after having another massive stroke and I'll find out in a couple of days when I get back to work if he was able to pull through, although he almost didn't make it the first time and don't think his body can handle a round two. The take away from all this don't work, work, work, until you're into your 70's and then think you're going to retire and travel the world and enjoy the fruits of your labor. The sad thing about it is we have been telling him for years to retire, but he just wanted to work.

  19. Toothless on the Trail

    This one hits home. Going this year at 55, over 30 years working. Needed to get to 55 for the pension and company medical benefits. Using vacation the end date is under 100 days.

  20. Robert Coulter

    Most people do not have 7 figures saved.. ssi and pention ist good enough? How much is enough? When? Very confusing…

  21. Pete Peters

    I'd be retiring or working less in 3 years and I'm only curious how people split their pay, how much of it goes into savings, spendings or investments?? I earn around $165K per year but nothing to show for it yet

  22. Martha Lancaster

    My dad retired at 50, I was a bit mad at him but then I realized he had made some plans that would sustain him for the rest of his life, super proud of him for living his best life now.

  23. Ksflyer

    Josh, love your stuff. I'm 59 year old computer desk jockey. I've done it for 35 years. I'm done. Can't wait to get a life post fortune 500 company treadmill.

  24. Slowhiker2020

    You are a good man Josh. I found your channel four years after I retired at 56 and you confirmed my decision after the fact. I knew that no debt was the answer and everything would work out. Now after fourteen years later I realize my decision was a life saver.

  25. Jim Roberts

    For some people it makes sense. Me? I would rather have a robust retirement and leave money on the table when I die vs retiring too early and having a skinny retirement. Hey, when I retire in 2 yrs with seven figures and if I die a month later, so be it. Would rather that than have a skinny retirement….Typing and listening…Wow, we actually agree on something-raising the retirement age. Pffft, screw that. How about raising the age members of Congress can collect their pension?? Or, how about eliminating Congressional pensions…talk about Socialism…But hey, you guys on the right gladly open your wallets to pay for that free stuff. Want to fix SS? Get rid of the public pension system and put everyone on SS. Including that SB in WI who wants to make SS 'discretionary spending'. Sorry for the rant…

  26. Chris M

    My Dad had a heart attack and 6 bypasses at 52 yrs old. He was in pretty good shape prior to that heart attack but after the bypass surgery he got in great shape. He retired at 64 yrs old, 1 month later he had a heart attack and was gone.

  27. Waren PLT

    Good message Josh.
    People do pass unexpectedly before 55.

    One correction, those who work with computers all day have their own physical challenges with long-term affects. Not accurate to totally downplay this kind of work vs typical blue colored work.

  28. Zukiplay

    It’s all perspective. If I keel over, all my hard work is not wasted. My child will benefit and my selflessness is still satisfied.

  29. Burt King

    For those with a seven figure retirement balance sheet, sure. Most of us, however, don't have that option and retiring early is far more risky ESPECIALLY if you're married.

  30. Tony Bradberry

    Thanks for putting this out Josh. My sister has had Parkinson’s for years and not able to do the things she once enjoyed. She is in Hospice now and is only 71. You are giving people great advise. Retire when healthy enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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