The Uncensored Truth about Inflation – How Inflation Enriches Politicians and the 1%

by | Mar 3, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 32 comments

The Uncensored Truth about Inflation – How Inflation Enriches Politicians and the 1%

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Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is often talked about in terms of its impact on the general population. However, the truth of the matter is that inflation can also have a significant impact on politicians and the wealthy 1%.

To understand how inflation enriches politicians and the 1%, it’s important to first understand the basics of inflation. Inflation occurs when the general price level of goods and services in an economy rises over time, resulting in a decline in the purchasing power of money. Essentially, inflation means that your money is worth less than it used to be.

While inflation can have negative effects on the average person’s ability to purchase goods and services, it can benefit politicians and the wealthy in a variety of ways. Here are some of the ways inflation can enrich those in power:

1. Inflation can reduce the value of government debt.

Governments often borrow money to fund their operations, and this debt can become burdensome over time. However, if inflation occurs, the value of the government’s debt can be reduced, making it easier for the government to pay it back. This is because the debt is denominated in the currency of the debtor country, and as the value of that currency drops, the amount of debt owed also appears to drop for the debtor.

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2. Inflation can increase the value of assets.

Wealthy people often invest in assets such as real estate, stocks, and businesses. Inflation can cause the value of those assets to rise along with the general price level, increasing the wealth of those who own them.

3. Inflation can give politicians a short-term boost.

Politicians often work within election cycles and face the pressure to show results quickly. Inflation can provide a temporary boost to the economy, which politicians can claim as a success. However, this only works in the short-term, and inflation can also cause long-term damage to the economy.

It’s worth noting that not all politicians and wealthy people benefit equally from inflation. Those who own assets that are most affected by changes in the general price level (such as real estate) will benefit the most, while those who hold mostly cash or are paid fixed incomes (such as retirees) will suffer the most.

In conclusion, while inflation is often painted as a negative force that harms the average person’s ability to purchase goods and services, it can also have positive effects for politicians and the wealthy 1%. It’s important to understand the full impact of inflation in order to make informed decisions about economic policy.

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  1. David Scott

    It's all a game, created to control

  2. Andrew McCombs

    Give me your hard-earned money to tell you things you already know so you can have that hit of dopamine, think you're doing something important, and wind up doing nothing because actually you like it this way.

  3. Richard Buck harris

    "wealth means power: the power to subdue, to crush, to exploit, the power to enslave, to outrage, to degrade." ~ Emma Goldman

  4. Real News

    The problem is Fractional Reserve Banking. Creating money on debt and usury. All thanks to the Rothschild Federal Reserve set up in a conspiracy on Jekyll Island headed up by Rothschild puppet JP Morgan. Passed by Congress on Christmas Eve when most politicians went home for the holidays. Thanks to Woodrow "The Dupe" Wilson.

  5. jackgoldman1

    Inflation and debasement subsidized Big Tech and worthless zero profit fake businesses. We have hyper inflated the two dimensional world to debauch the real world, families, dissolving in divorce. Tragic. The Fed sells unborn children into 1913 income tax debt slavery. This is a financial crime against humanity. Far too many are subsidized by inflation. Protect yourself.

  6. PhilosoFeed

    The fact this video has a low view count is, though not clearly, direct evidence of a crime against humanity committed by the money changers. It's evil, and there should be retribution.

  7. chara ruggiero

    And what to do about it..?

  8. MonkeySpecs301

    All by design, also it props up the GDP.

  9. Lexington & Concord

    Love your videos bro! You are one of the good guys

  10. Original Intent

    This was one of the best, most concise and easy to understand videos on inflation. Smash that LIKE button and share this!

  11. Dislike

    bro uses ai generated art

  12. Ean E

    Great stuff buddy! Thank you! Unfortunately, I believe the goal is to destroy the dollar and bring about the crypto currency/asset system. I’d be interested in a vid on that possibility, your insights are on point and valuable to folks wanting the truth in today’s world!

  13. American Nope

    Government is merely middle management for the MONEY in the west. Since Jekyll island the west is owned by the Central Bankers and their cronies. And you would be blind to not notice who is in control of this sector.

  14. A. D.

    This should be played to every high school and college student

  15. Stay Hydrated

    Very interesting images this time – were they created by some AI?

  16. devin patterson

    Slow and steady. That's how it's been……..

  17. Decimus


  18. Saturn Returns

    Debt based economics is the most evil and sinister force. You can thank the Talmud and their tribe for these current modern day practices. Once you understand this history starts to make a lot of sense… specifically World War II.

  19. Gary Powell

    The Banksters don't own everything just yet as they decided it was best to buy up all of our political, religious, military, diplomatic, educational, public, and corporate institutions first, so they are getting there.

  20. Mike G

    Wow! Best video I've found about inflation. You took a very complicated topic and made it as simple as I think possible to explain in a short amount time. I will be showing this to my high school personal finance class that I teach. Thanks!

  21. alex hendrick

    Not to mention the higher tax cost on the elevated prices . it all adds up on the heads of the bottom levels of the economy. Also the last line was where we are … People and govt buying up gold and stocking up

  22. Exo's proud mama bear

    Well I know why Erdo*an dont mind having hyperinflation in Turkey

  23. Vince

    Bitcoin or enslavement

  24. Enrico Lucarelli

    There is just one thing I don’t understand. Why should inflation get interests to drop? Should it not be the opposite? I mean, if the value of the money is going to drop, the obvious thing should be to lend money with higher interest, to compensate for the loss of its value when returned.
    Actually, right now here in Europe there is quite an inflation, and interest rates have raised.

  25. spotthedogg

    But the 1% surely would have still exploited us all resulting in the same wealth discrepancies(by ratio), perhaps without the price increases.

  26. Llkc

    i think you have a very low understanding of economic processes. The system you describe had very low inflation, in line with the FED's target of 2%. it is true that it was built on cheap credit and exacerbated wealth inequality. Current inflation shock is only partly the result of the increase in the monetary supply, furthermore, in line with Keynesian economics the state has to expand money supply during economic contraction, especially in case of an artificial shock, such as the covid-19 pandemic. Many americans and others in western countries received money directly from the Government to upkeep a healthy demand, thus increasing money supply. increase in energy prices, food, inputs are a result of supply chain disruptions, the war in Ukraine. When there are major increased in input cost someone always has to take a hit. Ofc the poorest people pay the most, as it is the case usually. – the question is, why isn't the democratic system capable of solving these issues? I might add here that these problems seem most prevalent in the anglo-saxon systems.

    You seem to not notice that inflation is an implicit tax on all savings in an economy, as purchase power is measured in goods value.

  27. Luka Radojevic

    It is not the credit system and creating "money" out of nothing that is the problem,it is for what purpose that credit/money is used for…it is good that we have credit system and ability to create means of exchange out of nothing because it free us from the bondage of limited physical world ,but problem is when we use that great power to create money for asset speculations and product consumption instead of investing in infrastructure,industry and production of new goods and services which is the real wealth.

  28. LoreMerlu

    Last summer I decided to ditch the apartment and lived in my car. I worked fulltime, went to college fulltime and did between 20 to 40 hours of overtime each by-weekly pay period until December. I managed to save $12,000. I had been hoping to get around 20 to 25, but I also support my family, who had left the country during that time to visit family. They hadn't been able to see them for almost three years because of Covid. With the inflation rates in that country, I could send them between $700 and $1,000 a month and they were comfortable. In 1960, I would have been able to buy a new home for $12,000, and three years ago I would have been able to save the 20 to 25 thousand over that period of time that I had almost no expenses. The value of our money is spiraling very quickly.

  29. Laughing is the best medicine

    If something in my computer takes up too much power and resources I call that a virus…

  30. Shini1984

    This shouldn't be a niche video on YouTube. This should be textbook material taught in all schools.

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