Federal Reserve will Raise Peak Interest Rates to Fight Inflation

by | Mar 10, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 42 comments

Federal Reserve will Raise Peak Interest Rates to Fight Inflation

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The Federal Reserve has signaled its intent to raise peak interest rates in order to combat rising inflation. The move comes amid growing concerns over the recent surge in prices, which have surged to their highest level in three decades.

The central bank’s decision to raise interest rates is aimed at curbing inflation by making borrowing more expensive. This will encourage consumers and businesses to cut back on spending, putting downward pressure on prices.

The Federal Reserve’s move is a significant departure from its previous stance, which had been to keep interest rates low to support the economy. However, rising inflation has forced the central bank to take action.

The decision to raise interest rates has been met with mixed reactions. While some economists have praised the move as necessary to combat inflation, others have criticized it as harmful to economic growth.

The central bank has emphasized that the rate hike is not an attempt to slow down the economy, but rather to keep inflation in check so that the economy can continue to grow in a sustainable manner.

The Federal Reserve’s decision to raise interest rates will have significant implications for consumers and businesses alike. Borrowers will be faced with higher interest rates on their loans, while savers will be able to earn higher returns on their deposits.

Businesses, meanwhile, may see their borrowing costs rise, making it more expensive to fund investment and expansion. However, the rate hike could also help rein in inflation, which would be beneficial for businesses in the long run.

See also  Malcolm Ethridge states that there is a noticeable disconnect between the economy and consumers.

Overall, the Federal Reserve’s move to raise interest rates is a significant step in its efforts to fight inflation. While the decision may be unpopular with some, it is a necessary move to ensure the long-term health of the economy. Only time will tell if this move will provide the intended outcome of reducing inflation without completely stagnating the economy.

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  1. Alex Frank

    That is insane to think FED might hold high rates until 2024. But I'm GLAD they're doing this. A controlled Recession is better than an out-of-control collapse.
    Plus, China and Russia have cruel leaders who are unlikely to do the same thing and they will likely resort to war. If WW3 starts the main event, all of this won't matter anyways.

  2. David glendy


  3. juan campos

    Should we just stack up on reserves and save money in a high yield savings account or ?
    I have money in the market and I'm thinking about leaving it in to collect dividends but now jm not even sure with these war mongering going too

  4. Timothy Harris

    "The Little Mini Party… is over." well spoken. Thanks Brian.

  5. Dustin Lynne

    The fed should just go 50 points and get it over with

  6. 21st Century Machinist

    It isn't going to crash if everyone sees indicators that it will crash. The FED has trillions in reverse repo that they can and will return to the banks to keep it propped at a specific level. Every market crash happens during a Republican administration when the market is booming and catches everyone off guard. 1987, 1994, 2000, 2008, and 2019 were totally unexpected by all except a very few.

  7. 808

    Think this is bad. Just wait for the next pandemic. And ww3.

  8. Erick Reyes

    I'm starting to do research on this topic as I want to start investing now. I understood a small portion of this video but isn't it good for the market to experience a downturn if investors are doing dollar-cost averaging to increase wealth over time? Doesn't this mean that investors get a sale on stocks, ETFs, etc.?

  9. Michele C

    So are we in the middle of that "dead cat bounce?"

  10. latieraqueen87 Pache

    Let it crash! It's the only time they really move..

  11. Greg

    Printing global reserve currency does not cause high inflation on every day household items, that excess money goes into assets and stocks.

    Every day items have price increases due to supply chains…ie sanctions on high producing oil countries or COVID lockdowns.

    This is because even if ppl have the money, they only consume every day items at a particular rate, that won't increase or decrease regardless of capital. Are you going to buy a dump truck worth of steaks and bread because you were given an extra million dollars? Not for personal consumption no. That's absurd. Demand is flat here.

    So to me, this doesn't look like the fed is fighting inflation, it looks like they're trying to bankrupt certain countries as they need USD.

  12. pedro moreno

    Can you talk about the (TGA) Treasury general account and how it affects the economy when they stop pumping money into the economy or when they run out of money.

  13. L Lawliet

    The Fed planned to raise 0.25% every other month. They can raise 0.25% every month.

  14. Thomas Daniels

    Crazy how the fed always says inflation is sub 10% .

    Pretty much everything most people buy
    ( rent , food , transportation, fuel )

    Is well over 20% higher .

  15. Kevin Kuc

    The federal reserve has failed it mandate over and over, time to get a real fix

  16. László Szabó

    I agree. This celebration was truly irrational.

  17. King Wise777

    Keep this in mind, ALL of this is only possible because of bad monetary policy!!!!! America will fall because of this! Be foolish if you want. The chicken has come home to roost!

  18. Vasile Surdu

    until there's gonna be a 'bear' chart pattern on the charts, no need to find the 'top'

  19. mw3516405

    Thank you for explaining ! It seems to me trying to get it working until the July CBDC implementation!

  20. sammy

    There’s still a 3-4 month lag on the effects of the rate hikes. Let’s just take a deep breath and relax. The numbers will play out in time

  21. guhking

    Any advice on Bitcoin bull run?

  22. Andi

    You’ve been saying the same sht over and over and over, short seller agent

  23. LIX 59

    The PPT has been very busy controlling this and as usual the BLS numbers are complete Bullchit.

  24. uros selena

    this is all good, BUT where is crypto video? I feel like you are hiding after saying buying BTC at 21k is for suckers, hmm

  25. chad schmitz

    So load more puts, ok

  26. Tracy Galuszynski

    I can't wait for rates to increase. I LOVE IT!
    I went from $4/month interest income in August to $655/month interest income now in my money market account.
    Thank you Fed. Keep those rates high!

  27. Ethan Johnson

    Bro, no one is even close to your level.

  28. Greater Fool

    a couple months ago this guy was saying the fed would pivot and CUT rates. look who's pivoting now,!

  29. 889976889

    We’re already in a recession by definition, have been since July. Not sure why “experts” keep down playing it.

  30. Rene Rodriguez

    Pay then credit cards off now they will increase ur rates

  31. Rene Rodriguez

    We are funding the Ukraine war

  32. Rene Rodriguez

    It's lies they trying to manipulate the world's debt

  33. Rene Rodriguez

    Printing monopoly money soon enough the world won't want the dollar it will be precious metals and gold

  34. mikelCold

    Should I start a CD ladder now or wait until we reach 6%?

  35. Katie Lowen

    Dudes been saying CRASH for 2+ years lmfao

  36. JADiaz10

    I needed a warning like a year ago lol

  37. Courtne -the-Great

    10 to 16% is coming bc jobs numbers is going to be strong due to healthcare of baby boomers! 50 BSP needed for each rate hike this year!

  38. PINTEL99

    and it dosent crash it higher higher bamboozled

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