The SSA Introduces Alarming New Trend in Disability Benefits

by | Apr 17, 2023 | Spousal IRA | 40 comments

In this video, we talk about the new dual standard of disability benefits that is starting to take place as a result of the new rules making it harder to be found disabled.

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Every Thursday at 8pm EST, I will be live on YouTube grilling claimants with questions for their upcoming ALJ hearing. Just call 407-279-1754 and we will run questions together. First come, first serve, and please remember to use a pseudo name.

Want to be found disabled for Social Security Disability Insurance, or Supplemental Security Income? The largest collection of tutorial videos on how to win your fully favorable SSI and SSDI benefits exists right here:

Howdy guys, my name is Attorney Walter Rudolph Hnot, III. New Jersey born, MBA, JD, Master Mason and a tireless advocate for the homeless and low income who are seeking disability benefits. It’s simple, if you are within the law’s requirements for disability benefits, you get a check every month, and health insurance. No, it doesn’t include a new iPhone, house or cool car, but, with your SSI/SSDI disability backpay, you can potentially get those things…with your own disability money :-). I created this channel because of how many crazy things I was hearing out in the general public on how this system works. I did library seminars, academia seminars, food truck seminars (which I prefer), etc…The online video platform is the best way to reach the majority of you guys. It is weird when clients of other big box firms take pictures with me outside the hearing office…weird for the big box firms :-).

See also  Retirement benefits | Family Pension | Commutation of pension calculation

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Disability Resolution, P.A. ORLANDO LAW FIRM
Attorney: Walter Rudolph Hnot, III
P: (407) 279-1754 F: (800) 564-3358
W: W:
A: P.O. BOX 780549 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32878
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|=================ABOUT LAW FIRM==================|
Disability Resolution, P.A. is a supplemental security income (SSI), social security disability insurance (SSDI), and adult child benefits (ACB) law firm that caters to children and adults who are seeking disability benefits/checks/Medicaid/M

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The Social Security Administration (SSA) has introduced a new trend that has been deemed scary by many individuals. This trend involves the SSA making changes to the way disability benefits are being granted to individuals who qualify for them.

According to reports, the SSA has implemented a new process where individuals who apply for disability benefits are required to provide additional medical evidence to support their claims. This means that applicants are now required to undergo more exhaustive medical examinations to confirm their medical conditions and disabilities.

Many individuals have expressed their fears and concerns about this new trend. The biggest worry is that it will become more difficult for people to qualify for disability benefits. The additional medical evidence requirement may cause longer processing times and create further delays in getting the much-needed benefits.

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Another issue that has caused concern is the possibility of denial of benefits to individuals who are in need of them. This could happen if the new medical requirements are not met, and the applicant is deemed not to fulfill the criteria for benefits.

Furthermore, this new policy may also have negative implications for individuals who have previously been granted disability benefits. They may be required to provide additional medical evidence to retain their benefits. It can also result in decision reversals and loss of benefits for people who have been receiving them for years.

While the SSA has stated that this new policy is aimed at ensuring only those who are in need of disability benefits receive them, the overall effect may not necessarily match the intent. The added medical requirements may serve as an obstacle course for individuals who desperately need support, and it may take weeks or even months to surmount them.

In conclusion, the introduction of the new policy by SSA has sparked concerns and fears in the disability community. The policy may restrict access to disability benefits for those who need it the most. It may also lead to extended waiting times and more extensive medical examinations. The SSA needs to be more transparent and provide assurances that the policy will only have a positive impact on the disability community.

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  1. fhfshsj tytjsghsrhhrhr

    I have been fighting the feds for around 12 years and still can't get disability coverage with medicare. I am getting ready to undergo an organ transplant and still doubt the feds will help as they seem to never listen and drag their feet.

  2. Pauly P

    tax the rich

  3. Peri Grinn

    I need to go through your channel and see if you have ever discussed the ABLE Act of 2014. There were some updates/improvements to it also in 2022.

  4. Peri Grinn

    My husband reached FRA a few years ago. We have a disabled daughter (autism and learning disabilities/delays, plus problems with grand mal seizures when puberty started). She was on SSI for a few years before my husband reached FRA. She will be 18 in a few years and so I have been planning all my ducks in a row anyway to provide updated information for DAC application. I was already under the impression I needed to send updated information even though she was determined disabled by their own standards, it is on their own paperwork and letters they mail to me, when she was in elementary school.

  5. Neinka Lando

    I was sent before a state board certified examiner in 2015 to have my SSI case from 1990 completely reexamined. The examination took 4 hours and at the end he said he put my I.Q at 67 and this year I will be 58 and I have congestive heart failure and an injection fraction rate of 39% and I have type 2 diabetes and I take 5 medications for diabetes and 5 heart medications and I see an endocrinologist a heart doctor and an HMO doctor about 3 times each a year

  6. B#

    At least offer assisted suicide if you’re going to give no one a chance.

  7. *HOLLERBOY33*

    Can someone call say I'm not disabled an have my check cut off just don't make since to get it ten years an be stopped over a phone call???? Can someone please answer this

  8. Cheryl Thomas


  9. GodsChild

    They are trying to kick people off even if they qualify. Poor people don’t matter to the American government! Can there be a class action lawsuit against them?

  10. Dennis Yarbrough

    I have been disabled from two lower back surgeries and I am 64 years old is there any way that they can cut cut my benefits. I am no longer able to work. I have no other means of survival.


    That’s because more than half of you are not really disabled.

  12. Donald Turner

    Is there a way to talk to u off of here about this n if i qualify for other things or if i need to hire an attorney like i had to do for the ssi cause i got denied.

  13. Clark Kent Superman

    I went through all of this as soon as I turned 50, after being disabled for more then 20 years , I went through all my appeals and ended up in court, I eventually won, but my advice is , if your benefits are challenged, say nothing, don't appeal, and hire an attorney… The qualifications for disability are higher once you turn 50 ,and it is very difficult to prove that you are still disabled… a bad back, inability to use your dominate hand,or difficulty walking may not entitle you anymore… a combination of them, might… hire an attorney, they are only allowed a certain percentage, and a judge will decide how much if any money they get paid…

  14. NADDGERGER2018

    These employees need to be investigated investigated

  15. NADDGERGER2018

    It’s a broken corrupted system …much like our political system.

  16. Amanda Poore

    a guy watied for me at the end of my street chased me down my street blocked my car, got out ranover to my driver window , beganpuching my window telling me he was going to drag me out of mycar and killme, i was terrifed begging for the police at that time I didnt kow the police weremthe ones involved ,BEG APD TO scare me to death doing all this to me, nothing that happened to me got put on the police reports thenwhen icalled the department to tell them the threats road rage attacks and violent harassment wasn purposely kept of the police reports, they told me to ropare for FINAL EXPENSE in toher words I was going to die,
    theyes people are violent scary and threatening me again to end my benefits putting me through another reivew i have a neck and lumbar fusion, be careful when reling on theis security FOR E Itis turning out to be social INSECURITY becuae i amconstantly harassed and threatened, just moved again, and it didnt stop, another review harassed at my home i dont bother anyone , never hurt anyone inmy entire life, never would, i aminjured badly NECK AND LUMBAR FUSION They are terrorizng me, i am once again going trhgouh a review and theyare controlling meymedial records, i have titanium sticking out of my neck what is going on at this place why are they doing this to someone injured , what is going on with this place, how canthey do this to people over and over again , sorry about the typing i have very bad pain inmyright arm

  17. Amanda Poore

    I ambeing badly harassed by SS/dis im 56 yeas old I have a neck and lumbar fusion, they just put me through a review itwo years ago, i had tomove because of violent road rage attacks where they chased me down mystreet after running to DOllar General to get my dogs treats, at 10 p.m. i was terrifred, it never stopped the violence that they told me I would go through dying, i wsa csonstantly threatened they were going to burnmy house down, my dauhghter was helping them i w=moved back to Florida after leaving there because of her life style and job choices , with men and magazine, and it was not good , it killed me, it changed her and her medicaltion make s her violent, with everyone, she got beat up several times and would uber to my house, police were involved that alonewas killing me but she to was helping them, they dont care that her friends wer dying, and her life was at risk, they used her, and her addctions to hurt me, i finally got out of thtere after realizng the police didnt put anythign not one of thte violent threats against mylife on the polcie reports the things they did to me are shocking, and changed me , how i trust people and forever, i can't beleive what has happend to me, and i got out of ther, and moved again barelyaf ter they caught completely burned down the hosue two dooor down from me, they also use my neigbors everywhere i go, im poor so i dot live in areas where people have alot of educations and money, ususally the poorest areas are all i can afford so people are very easy to control , intimidate, one gy in floridad came to my house crying told me he wsa so sorry they were making him come to my house and he was so afraid if he didnt do whatever they told him they would do ti him what they did to me i moved again , IM not putting how they constantly called me after i called the sheriffs complaining my police reports were incorrect, leaving off the violents threats assaults and intimidation, threats to burn myhosue down withme and my dogs in it off the reports they called my phone one day alone 17 times telling me to prepare for FINAL EXPENSE< i knew my life was in danger, i moved quickl aftet the house burnt=ed down two down from arson, i was shaking eveyday uncontrollable, thinking that day was going tobe emy last, they tell everyone not to help me, claiming imon drugs im ad rinnker with mental problems people believe them not knowing what has ahppened, not one person wouldhelp me they have complete control of my phone, i moved to Texas where I thought peple are friendly they wont getAgencey terrorizing me, withthe threat of my onlhy source of income, i am 56 years old turning 57 in July, and they asssaulted me in FLorida grabbing myneck fusion smashig my face, i was terrified and live in fear of that starting here, i was told while in Walmart i Lubbuck to kill myself and save them the trouble, How do you survive when the people youar going to for help, are paying these evil people to do this to you, I am going through another review again, they are showing up at my IMAGING APPTS and haveing an impact on how I am treated, and the results i have many copies of iaging reports, from years ago, I need help surviving this , they are going to leave me with no inocome, and i wont be able to survive, i want a Federal COUrt date about my ri? ghts and want people subpeoonad, that have helped them I need someone that isn't afraid of these people that are involved and doing terrible things to me please help me I DONT WANT ANY MONEY1 you can have anything i want to live in peave thats all I want, i want to be able to sleep without worrying my house is going to get buned down with me inside, In NC the guy said they would poor gasoline all around the perimeter of my house, and I wold be stuck inside, with mlittle dogs that dont deserve death because these peoplel hate me how do you survive when the people threatening your wholelife and your income are the ones doig all the horirrible ahrassment, ? I dont want anyone hurt or damaged in anyway, iw ant people to think about others lie to get you to do bad things, they arent worried about you committg felonies, that destroy someone else life, someone please help me i am filing a complaint for discrimination in one of their programs, i live in Crosbyton close to Ubbock, Texas, I need help i am drug tested , urine and blood, and they are liars the people that are doing this horrible stuff tome, i know they love it watching the person suffer, it is horrible, i've never hurt anyone , IN MY LIFE my mom Carol i had foster parents from 5 months old bioligcal mother would complete the adoption because the whole time i loved with t=my foster partents she was receving benefits for me, but they were ok with that so good for me, i escaped her, she wa an alcoholicn life was tough at her home, very bad, i was very lucky my mom Carol and Dad JOhn were the most wonderful parents loving caring kind both worked har, my mom was the secretary of the furst Baptist church , we had the best life anyone could ever want, I have never hurt anyone and dont hurt peoples feelings either, never, what is being done to me is crimainal at many levels, its jsut wrong, i neeed help, I have titanium sticking out of my neck i've been begging for help one of my dr's in FL, told me about my nerve damage in my arm, it is causing great pain inmy right shoulder, he then went on to tel me he had seenthem ahrass people but nothing like the horrible harassment theywer edoing to me, he said he was worried about my saftey, i didnt know but they were there that day and followed to my car, threatneing me spitting on my calling me horrible names i was terrifed, but knew who it was i thought it wa Liberty Mutual who wsa told to pay for my expenses related to my injuries ONLY for life until i die socururiy put them on my medicar as my primary so i couldnt go to the Dr's they know this is not the case, but how do you beg them for help when they are the ones doing all this stuff to me, I NEED LEGAL HELP< WITh this review that iw as just told I would nt probably ever go through again, at my age, and injuries, but once again they want to have someone to hurt intimdate and force to live in frear, someone please help me mandy-foster10@hotmailcom
    806 454 0695

  18. bookbeing

    There should be a law that all public officials or anyone who's in a capacity to make decisions regarding benefits and entitlements of low-income people should have to live for one year with the only resource available to them the Medicare and basic social security benefit for someone over 65.

  19. Speedy 1995

    I recently applied via phone appt. for ssdi. To my surprise in 8 days I received a letter from SSA denying my application for ssi. Apparently the agent filed both for me. BTW who the hell goes to Joizey for vacation?

  20. Rachael Warren

    So they are going review us yearly

  21. Domingo Barajas

    Hi I got question am 64 now I'll b 65 will my payment will go down

  22. Richard Morris

    My wife was kicked off SSDI. SSA says she reached her FRA and can no longer be on SSDI.

  23. Amber Dyet

    they are 2 completely different separate programs. 1st is SSDI. 2nd is SSI. SSA operates SSDI & SSI separately. I hope I answered your question.

  24. bill meyer


  25. Tonya Bishop

    They just took my exhusband off and he was hit by a Mac truck 15 years ago and he is severely disabled of course he is appealing but it’s scary.

  26. Grafikfx

    I’m one of those who are being “F’kd” by Soc Sec. Ive had 7 fusion surgeries in diff spinal areas. My left leg has dropped foot and partially paralyzed. Ive continued to work 8hrs/week so my court issued award went from $1,000+ down to $150ish. The local Soc Sec office said because i continued to work I’m able to file for full Soc Sec benefits. I’ve received papers from at least 3 different soc sec offices which is crazy confusing and now this month i got a letter saying because i continued to work Oct’s disbursement will be it. Which makes zero sense since i went from working 45hrs/week to 6-8. I reach a different person every time I call Soc Sec and no one can give me a straight forward answer as to why and how to fix it. It’s ridiculous and scary.

  27. Susanna Bruemmer

    when is the best time to take social security????

  28. We Know It All

    You know what really set me on fire. The day I went with a family member for their hearing to determine whether they would continue being classified as disabled, (they were denied), a woman was there to translate. for a 50 something year old female immigrant, who was determined "disabled", BECAUSE SHE COULD NOT SPEAK ENGLISH! Yet my loved one, disabled from birth, and receiving benefits for 30 plus years, was determined "not disabled".

  29. We Know It All

    This is exactly what happened to a loved one of mine. Disabled since age 3, and determined "not disabled" at age 32. They lost EVERYTHING and are now room-mating with a distant relative that is miserable to live with. No other options.

  30. Carol Morgan

    I know 5 people who scammed SS. Are still scamming, try to report this. You are threatened, made fun of and dismissed. I don't mind one bit helping those who are truly disabled, but the scammers take money from people who need it. When you can't work, but you can raise tobacco, go hunting a month at a time, something is wrong.

  31. ELEVO

    I need our Government to raise the poverty level, Since rents are $2500 on average in NYC, Food is more Expensive in NYC, Medical Cost is more Expensive in NYC, etc. Yet they want to keep a really low poverty level so when they give us raises we fall under a Taxable Tax Bracket. So the raises will eventually screw us down the road and we will be giving them money back including the whole raise they gave us.

    Poverty level needs to be Risen.

    I'm on SSDI, to be honest they have not bothered me once as I was told I am on the highest level of Disability and chances are I wont be called upon.

  32. Russell St.Clair

    Screw SSI and their denial and dismissal of cases because you can read and write ! Screw them !

  33. john cram

    Fraud and abuse is rampant

  34. Dabebo 1963

    Last day worked was in July 2001, total and permanent disability. I have just been investigated for the 3rd time. They asked the same questions each time, have you worked, when was the last time you saw your doctors, am I still disabled? Nothing wrong with checking in my opinion, we SHOULD hand the earned benefits as though we were spending grandma's money. Account for every single penny. Just like grandma's money.

  35. ScreenArts Media

    There is a portion of our population that believes it is not governments responsibility to care for the least amoung us. Usually the ones with all the money that own the government. They're giving us the finger.

  36. humbllbug

    Yahshua – you know Him as Jesus – was born to a virgin, turned water to wine, taught, healed the sick, raised the dead, casted out demons, walked on water, calmed the storm, and fed a crowd of thousands with a few fish and a few loaves of bread, among many other things. He was killed on the cross as payment for the sins of all mankind, three days later He rose from the dead. Forty days later He ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father. He is returning very soon, but before He does, Satan, the devil, is coming to pretend to be Jesus/God (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4). Satan is an angel, and he will have certain supernatural powers with which to try to fool everyone. He will, for example, be able to make fire come down from heaven in the sight of men. He will only be on earth a short time before the real King of Kings, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, returns. When the real Jesus comes we will all be transformed into our spiritual bodies at the same moment. Jesus came in the flesh to offer forgiveness of sins and eternal life to anyone who believes and calls on His precious name!

    if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. – Romans 10:9

    Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat. But when his disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, To what purpose is this waste? For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor. When Jesus understood it, he said unto them, Why trouble ye the woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon me. For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always. For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my burial. Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her. – Matthew 26:6-13

    Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon….

    To anoint your self, the sick, or a building for spiritual protection:

    Get a small bottle of olive oil and pour off a small amount into a smaller vessel like a vial or baby food jar. Use the rest of the bottle for cooking. Ask the Lord to bless your vial of oil in Jesus name. Anoint yourself with the oil by placing a dab of oil on tip of finger and touch it to your forehead, and ask the Lord to bless you/heal you. Place a dab of oil on your finger and anoint the door posts and order all negativity and evil out of the house, and order that nothing negative or evil can enter into your home including piggybacking on a person entering, order it to be so in the name of Jesus. Anoint all potential entrances to your home. To anoint the sick, place oil on tip of finger and touch it to the head of the sick and say a prayer of healing over them in Jesus name. See James Chapter 5:14-15…….

  37. Adopted & Forgiven

    Found you today, thank you, very informative. I'm lost with this hole ssi, SSDI issues so thanks for doing your work. God bless you for reporting on this issue.

  38. Floyd's Wife

    My sister is on disability. Her husband died and she applied for some sort of spousal benefit. Social Security is making her start from the beginning to prove she is still disabled.

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