Is it Possible for Short Men to Attract Attractive Women? Tips on Dating with Celina Bond

by | Apr 17, 2023 | TIPS Bonds | 25 comments

Is it Possible for Short Men to Attract Attractive Women? Tips on Dating with Celina Bond


Can short guys get hot girls?
Why do girls care about height on Tinder?
Why do women like taller men?
How can a shorter guy get a hot/taller woman?

All of these questions answered in the video above!

I’m Celina Bond and I’m a dating and relationship coach for men. I primarily started helping women and friends around me get the guy, until I realized there are sooooo many men out there that need help communicating with these hot girls, including getting ADVICE FROM A GIRL THATS NOT A FRIEND. Your girls as friends will NOT help you get the girl….they will tell you what you want to hear, and that not going to be WHAT YOU NEED TO HEAR.

Search for Celina Bond on Facebook for more content on how to improve your Tinder profile to get EXACTLY what you want!
Communicate better with women and improve your chances of hooking up, having fun, dating, building relationships and finding the love you desire.


Celina Bond on FB
@celinaeliz on IG…(read more)

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Short guys often wonder whether they can get hot girls. The answer is a resounding yes! It’s not just about height, but also confidence, personality, and style that attract girls. To better understand how short guys can attract hot girls, we spoke with Celina Bond, a dating coach and relationship expert, and got some dating tips for short guys.

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Be Confident:

Celina Bond emphasizes the importance of confidence when it comes to attracting women. A confident man is more attractive to girls, regardless of his height. Short guys should be confident in their appearance, personality, and their unique qualities. Confidence is key, and it’s crucial to practice and work on boosting self-esteem.

Focus on Your Style:

Style plays a significant role in attracting women. Short guys should focus on well-fitted clothes that complement their body type. Slim fit clothes make them look taller and slimmer, while baggy clothes make them look shorter. Dressing well not only helps to create a positive impression but also boosts confidence.

Work on Your Personality:

Personality is the most important factor in attracting women. Short guys should focus on developing an attractive personality that exudes confidence, humor, and kindness. Women love men who are attentive, fun to be around, and confident in themselves. Being a great conversationalist helps them to get to know you better and establishes a connection.

Don’t Let Height Affect You:

Height is not something that you can change. It’s essential to accept it and not let it interfere with your confidence or personality. Women are attracted to men who have a positive outlook on life and are confident in their own skin. Short guys should embrace their height and find ways to make it work to their advantage.

Be Passionate about Your Hobbies:

Sharing a passion or hobby is an excellent way to connect with women. Short guys should focus on finding something they are passionate about and pursuing it. It helps to create a conversation starter that allows them to showcase their interests and personality. Having shared interests helps to establish a deeper connection and strengthen the relationship.

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Overall, short guys can attract hot girls by developing an attractive personality, being confident, and focusing on their style. Height should never hold them back from pursuing their dating goals. As Celina Bond says, “It’s not the height that matters, but the heart and the mind.” With the right mindset and dating tips, short guys can get the hot girls they desire.

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  1. a b

    What if i am very short and boring 🙁

  2. Batmanlet Begins

    Didn't listen a single word but you are hot as hell.

  3. Tam Ong

    IMO, height is a superficial measure of other masculine traits a man must have
    If a man who is not 6', but a leader in a group of 6' men and the group respects him, mentally & physically
    That man's height in women's eyes is way more than other 6' man

    $100 bill is a piece of paper, and people just after its intrinsic value of it, not the physical itself!

  4. tfunz

    moneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy is your only shot

  5. Billy Doherty

    being shorter escapes you from entrapment

  6. Ian Arnold

    I don’t know why even you are worried about the height of a man you date. If your 6feet 3inches or taller it’s as bad for a persons health as obesity with increased risks of cancer and back issues (which is worrying because as a people we are indeed getting taller and there is no health panic about it) and a lot of those guys don’t always have the benefit of being freakishly strong. In fact as Russian sport scientists have found out there is only a correlation in increased strength up to 6 feet tall. Going by that many will be lucky to protect themselves little lone a woman in the old fashioned sense.

    In fact many hunter gatherer societies which we evolved from have no idea who the father is as the sperm competition goes on inside the lady where the previous partners sperm is eliminated. It would seem that the guy she chose last may be the winner particularly if his sperm is stronger. We as humans have relatively weak bodies compared to a Gorilla who has to fight other males for access to females and operates a harem mating system which was absent in humans before agriculture. Hunter Gatherers are known for their fiercely egalitarian and sharing societies where ‘leaders’ are frowned upon. Dr Christopher Ryan outlines all of this in his excellent book ‘Sex at Dawn’.

  7. Random Youtuber

    The girl is 100% accurate. I've watched 100 of YouTubers about dating and I've never ever seen a YouTuber be so accurate, apart from her. She couldn't have worded it more perfectly and accurately. Everything she's saying is pure facts

  8. jeal steven

    I disagree…If its not shallow…Then I only date supermodels and thats just my preference…All you other chicks had better step to the side!hehe

  9. ზურაბ გოგიშვილი

    people this girl saying that if you are little bit shorter maybe you will have a chance, but if you are like 5-6 inch shorter forget about that and and try with a girl who is not much tall. she knows and tells you that 90% of 6 feet girls like her (herself as well) would never date 5.6 or 5.7 guys .

  10. ddllalaalal

    Do you date 6’5 guys???

  11. Duncan MacLeod

    I'm 6'1, is that tall enough?

  12. Naman Solanki

    What a tall girl can do if she has a short crush

  13. Samuel Sturgill

    So what if I am 5ft 8in tall, I am far from being a small guy.

  14. G Trent

    As much as I appreciate your take on the topic, I truly feel you failed to do it justice. Sorry to have to say that. There are lots of scientific studies that have been done on the topic. I myself can attest to their accuracy. Finding a girl who is OK with a very short man is an extremely rare find. Diamond in the rough find. Most short men will never find it. As beautiful as you are, I don't think you can truly understand the emotional pain that short men go through. Short shaming is the only remaining prejudiced that is not even recognized as a prejudice at all. Watch just 1 episode of 2 Broke Girl, the CBS TV show that ran 6 season. Every single episode contains relentless short shaming of the Diner owner. CBS could never have pulled this off if it was fat shaming instead. Short shaming is OK because people think its funny and the Media is a catalyst for validating it. Now just imaging living a life filled with such relentless socially acceptable shaming.

    If your truly interested in making a real difference in short men's lives, I would be happy to work with you in order to provide a full exhaustive, background of the topic and then you could produce a video that is intended to give short guys some real hope.

  15. G Trent

    My height has been a love Death sentence. Honestly I give up. I am empty and dead inside from living a life without love. I have tried service before and has only been a waste of money. I have no choices left.

  16. G Trent

    I don't think hiding your height is a good Idea. Here is why. I have had connected with several women and had great connections with them via email and phone conversations and then 1 hour before a first date she asks me my height. When I say 5'2" the line goes dead. This basically sets me up for a more crushing rejections then if she just skips over my profile or ignores my emails. Do You have any REAL advice for short me, especially my height or shorter.

  17. Terry Sarjoo

    I c the irony. Boner can’t say no. Need powerful no to the backbone of history. She’s a devilishly a seducer.

  18. Claudio Pereira

    this is bullshit.. you're just another hypocrite trying to pat short guys backs in exchange for views.
    no girl wants to end up with a guy they perceive as short, they might settle for someone short if they have to, or if they figure he has other qualities especially ones they can take advantage of (money). Eventually if a taller, more successful guy comes by they'll ditch the shorter guy right away. My advice to all the short guys out there, don't ever commit to a western woman, they all have a pattern for the kind of men they truly like and if you don't fit the criteria she will never be really attracted to you. Instead, smash as much as you can and dump them afterwards. If you want something more serious go after women in Latin America and/or Asia, those sure as hell can address better the needs of a men and are not obsequious like these whores in the US, Canada, Most of Europe and Australia.

  19. Privat

    Damn, these are totally the words I need to hear

  20. Jorge Vivar Navas

    This is completely true, i am 5" 7 and i dated girls of my hight, and also been with girls of your hight (6"). My first girlfriend, was of my hight, that made me feel since i was very young that "hight" wasnt really a big deal. Of course you'll find girls who dosnt like your hight or your personality, so what? It is natural, and that dosnt have to affect the way you see yourself

  21. Hamed Sohrabpoor

    every tall girl talks about I dont like to date with short guy, however she knows someone that is dating with shorter guy. Btw they dont see short guy sexy and they need taller man. Believe or not 99% of tall girls have same idea, however there is always exceptional in any case in the world.

  22. Salty autistic editor

    I'm a guy who's 5ft 8, 18 years of age, and not yet in a relationship, like to think of myself as a quirky individual, and not the kind of guy who would get a girl because of big muscles. Just a regular guy of average build. If I put my personality to good use with a girl who's 5ft10- 6ft despite being shorter, in your opinion would my chances of winning her over be slim or not.

  23. Bompyrus

    say i’m a 5’6 masculine chinese dude would you date me if i confidently approach you? my current goal is to marry a white girl

  24. shockwavetm

    From your experience, how much taller do women prefer guys to be? Like 2 inches taller? 4 inches?

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