FINANCIAL FRIDAYS: Top 5 Investments Recommended During Inflation

by | Apr 20, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 33 comments

Inflation is here! so what should you invest in during these inflation times? How can you protect your money?

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LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



As inflation continues to rise, it’s more important than ever to make wise investment decisions. Inflation refers to the increase in prices of goods and services over time. This can have a significant impact on your investments, as assets that were once valuable can quickly become useless.

However, not all investments are impacted equally by inflation. In fact, some assets actually perform well in a high-inflation environment. To help you make the most of your investments during inflation, we’ve put together a list of the five best investments.

1. Real Estate

Real estate is one of the most popular investments during inflation, and for a good reason. As the prices of goods and services rise, so too do the prices of real estate. Additionally, real estate investments often provide a steady source of cash flow through rental income.

See also  INFLATION & RECESSION PROOF INVESTMENTS - Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

2. Commodities

Commodities like gold, silver, and oil are also popular investment choices during inflation. This is because the prices of these assets often rise along with inflation. Additionally, commodities can act as a hedge against inflation, as they provide a tangible asset that retains value.

3. Stocks
While stocks can be volatile during inflation, certain industries tend to perform well. This includes industries like healthcare, utilities, and consumer staples. These industries often have products and services that are essential, making them less susceptible to changes in consumer demand.

4. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)

TIPS are a type of government bond that is specifically designed to protect against inflation. The principal value of TIPS is adjusted based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), meaning that as inflation rises, the value of the bond also rises.

5. Foreign Exchange

Investing in foreign currencies can also be a smart move during inflation. As the value of the local currency drops, the value of foreign currency increases. However, investing in foreign exchange comes with risks, including fluctuations in exchange rates and political instability.

In summary, when it comes to investing during inflation, it’s important to diversify your portfolio and consider a variety of asset classes. Real estate, commodities, stocks in certain industries, TIPS, and foreign exchange are all great options to consider. By making strategic investment decisions, you can protect your assets and even generate a profit during times of inflation.

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  1. ryan hallman

    is tesla a good stock

  2. Spaceageplaya03

    You're knowledge is in comic books. Have u ever been wrong on a future prediction? Come on man. Give people a brake

  3. Jay Ward

    Great content…..everybody needs a house……geez

  4. Vikram Khare

    I’ve been investing the exact way Dave outlines here and doing more than 20% return last year – commodities, crypto and stocks. One thing I’d adjust here is Gold may not protect you from inflation anymore – people are looking at crypto for that and index funds on commodities are a safer bet because we are having supply chain shortages in key commodities (which only get worse as green energy and semi conductor production take off).

  5. JKat Kat

    what happens if other governments follow china's ban on crypto? gonna go on a limb and say that governments in general don't look kindly on outside influences on their currency or monetary policies…mostly they can't do anything about other countries/currencies…..but a private electric currency not backed by anything??? I mean..short term..sure…..but 20yrs out??? no so sure crypto will be around…at least in any legal use

  6. Pin Gadol

    This is an easy fix. Just reverse Biden's policies and revert back to Trumps policies. C'mon man@! We all know this.

  7. bianchi1885

    For those of us old enough to remember, Jimmy Carter 2.0

  8. Brass Cupholder

    Holy crap, so much bad advice & oversimplification. A better idea is to not tell people to FOMO into already inflated assets (*cough* housing). As for your comment on dividend stocks, you contradict your own advice since big brands such as CocaCola do pay dividends. Also, the Fed can't spike interest rates 15% because that would cause the corporate debt bubble to pop & cause massive unemployment. Stick to comics, because I like your content, but this video I can't share with friends because it is so painfully awful. Supply chains & employment & short-term prices are going through a rough patch, but don't FOMO into assets when they are near all-time highs; in fact, I prefer to sell into the hype & build up my cash war chest. Anyways, peace.

  9. William Santana

    I want to thank you I listen to your show all the time. And because of you up on myself a house 3 months ago. I do collect comic books in several coins. I appreciate your information thank you for sharing.

  10. Uncanny Swag

    Great vid, interest rates can’t stay at this level forever, crazy times we are in

  11. Kevin V.1978

    I’m new to your channel. Love it. Curious on how much you spend on comics per month on average? I saw one of your vids from a collection and I was blown away. Had to of cost an arm and a leg.

  12. Comic Fan Again

    Hmm…didn’t realize u were such a republican David.

  13. Glen Salch

    Wait a second….. cryptocurrency relies on fiat currency such as the dollar to transfer from and transform into. If the dollar falls and each subsequent scale of it falls with it……so will the cryptocurrency.

  14. JediFarce

    One thing you didn't address, will inflation drive up new comic book cover prices? Could we see a dollar increase to books?

  15. Scott Strobell

    Inflation is not the raising of prices, contrary to modern monetary theory. It is simply an expansion of the money supply. Prices will rise as a result, but it is not inflation itself. It means the fed has been printing money. A lot of money. There is only 1 entity to blame period, the government. They are the only entity responsible for printing money. All the other excuses like supply chain and pandemic are just the government saying “don’t blame us” when they are 100% to blame. The pandemic was a pin that popped the bubble. Who cares what happens to a pin, the problem was that our economy was a huge bubble to begin with.

  16. H Factor

    Great video, very helpful

  17. ComicCollex

    Correction, it’s not the Pandemic it’s how we chose to react to the Pandemic. Raising interest rates will bankrupt a huge amount of house holds who are mortgaged to the eyeballs. It’s a very bad catch 22.

  18. Vp

    Great info dude!

  19. Tino

    Thanks for this!

  20. Jarred Smith

    Joe Biden is the reason everything is going up and until we can get that piece trash out of office everything is going to get worse.

  21. Antifa hunter

    when interest rates are low, house prices are high. the opposite is also true either way you lose.

  22. Damon Arvid

    Bag of lentils…. still pretty affordable. Wear your shoes twice as long, a 14 percent increase in sneaker price doesn't matter. In fact you saved 86 percent. Just saying… Bitcoin will decline dramatically once it's fully taxed. And don't even start with NFT.

  23. Eduardo Duran

    Democrats snd Biden have been a disaster for our economy… I have 7 years more and I am retiring out of California too.

  24. Davi Clar

    Thank the Dems connected with China and their virus to get Trump out of office! Now we got a joke of a president who was installed by our corrupt government who needs a diaper and stopped on finishing the wall, which was paid for and resources were laying on the ground to finish! Then that clown stopped the keystone Pipeline only because Trump was all about it. Joe was installed in office who had no people show up at his rallies, had been dejected shamelessly by the media back in the 90's because of his lies and gaffs when he tried to run for president, but not now? NOT NOW! We are living in The Twilight Zone! Bizzaro World! Everything is upside down! And look at that Cackling clown behind him! And Nancy Pelosi who in just 5 years her and her husband's wealth grew 117 million from insider trading.
    Dave, if you are a Democrat then good bye!

  25. T & T

    Aren't we still in a pandemic? Aren't economic matters still very unpredictable as a result?

  26. Eric Soucy

    Thanks for these advices, hope the stock market wont fall to much

  27. KryptoniteRocks

    Don't be surprised Dave being from North America myself and I reside in Australia the average Gasolene per litre is 1.65 is about 6.60 a gallon.. Prices are ridiculous more here then in the US and if you average a wage of say 50-60k a year inflation here is outrageous.. And yet I look at how cheap things are still in the US. When you think where your living is bad look at other countries and see how much homes are to other expenses it's no wonder the 90s were s better time then today

  28. Tom Pernis

    It’s a shit show, our global leaders are criminals this is just history repeating itself. Managed markets create cycles.

  29. Pabs

    Nothing but FACTS!

  30. HeadHunter94

    BuT iT's TrAnSiToRy

  31. Thundergodd

    Thanks for the advice.

  32. Funhouse Comics

    The chip shortage has nothing to do with lack of silicone, but the shortage of the labor force to harvest the raw materials needed all the way up to the end product. Either the CPU or GPU

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