Bitcoin is rightly acknowledged by her.

by | Apr 22, 2023 | Roth IRA | 28 comments

Elizabeth Warren stated that “nothing” backs Bitcoin in a recent interview. She also compared crypto to art. Elizabeth Warren is building an anti-crypto army and she is also pushing for CBDCs.

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Bitcoin, the world’s first cryptocurrency, has been around for more than a decade now. While some people still have a hard time wrapping their heads around the concept, others have already made fortunes investing in it. But what does the future hold for Bitcoin, and is it a wise investment?

There are many opinions on the matter, but one person who’s been speaking out about Bitcoin is American businesswoman and investor, Barbara Corcoran. And she’s right about Bitcoin.

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In a recent interview with Yahoo Finance, Corcoran spoke about the value of Bitcoin, stating that she believes it’s here to stay. She acknowledged that there are risks associated with investing in such a volatile asset, but also noted that she’s seen many people make money from it.

Corcoran’s point of view may not come as a surprise, as she has a history of investing in successful startups and businesses. Her experience in the world of business has given her a good eye for identifying promising investments, and for her, Bitcoin is no different.

One of the reasons why Corcoran believes in Bitcoin is that it represents a new way of thinking about money. While traditional currencies are managed by central banks, Bitcoin operates on a decentralized network, meaning that no single entity controls it.

This new approach to money management has caught the attention of numerous investors, including mainstream institutions such as PayPal and Square, which have started allowing their users to buy and sell Bitcoin.

Apart from the novelty factor, Bitcoin’s prices have also been on the rise in recent months, with the cryptocurrency reaching an all-time high of almost $65,000. While prices have since dipped, the trend has remained positive, and many investors see Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation.

But as Corcoran pointed out, investing in Bitcoin is not without risk. Its volatile nature means that prices can fluctuate wildly in a matter of hours, and it’s not uncommon to see double-digit percentage drops. Also, there are still debates around Bitcoin’s scalability and sustainability, with critics arguing that the network is not prepared to handle the volume of transactions required for mass adoption.

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In the end, whether Bitcoin is a wise investment or not depends on one’s risk appetite and investment strategy. For those who are willing to take the chance, the potential rewards can be significant. And as with any investment, it’s important to do one’s homework and consult with experts before making any moves.

In conclusion, Barbara Corcoran is right about Bitcoin, even if it’s not without its risks. As one of the world’s most innovative and influential businesswomen, her endorsement of the cryptocurrency could help sway those who were previously unsure about investing in it. If history is any indication, those who take the plunge may be rewarded handsomely in the long run.

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  1. alterego

    Let’s just collect Acorns and then just call it “money.”

  2. hipsonsogbo

    Good break down

  3. MeatMachine

    Cypto is the biggest scam ever, only gold can be trusted

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  5. K Nyansa

    Bitcoin is backed by electricity. Without electricity to run computer algorithm, you couldn't keep track of a ledger on a blockchain.

  6. Jml senn

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  7. The Vibe

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