The Edge of Global Recession: Gravitas

by | May 7, 2023 | Recession News | 37 comments

European economies are in bad shape. The Euro has touched a new low against the Dollar. An energy crisis, rising inflation, and political uncertainty in some countries have raised the risk of recession. Will a global recession start in Europe? Palki Sharma tells you more.

#Gravitas #GlobalRecession #Europe

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Gravitas: World Teetering on the Edge of a Global Recession

The world is currently on the edge of a global recession with many countries experiencing economic slowdowns. The signs of a recession have been imminent for many months in many parts of the world. The global economy is showing visible signs of stress, with a myriad of economic indicators heading south. Global trade tensions, slowing economic growth, and geopolitical uncertainties, have given rise to a sense of anxiety in financial markets. Analysts have predicted that a recession is more likely than not to occur by 2021.

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Gravitas, the weight and seriousness perceived by others about a person or situation, is the need of the hour. Leaders and policymakers must act with utmost seriousness to cushion the impact of the imminent recession. Failing to do so will cause social and economic chaos across the world. A recession will lead to job losses, a subsequent drop in consumer spending, and an overall decrease in economic activity.

The global economy is stuttering due to a combination of factors such as the Trump administration’s trade war with China, which has disrupted global trade, Brexit, and the slowdown in the Chinese economy, among many others. The world’s economies are interconnected, and a slowdown in one country’s economy can have a ripple effect on the rest of the world.

Furthermore, geopolitical uncertainties, such as the tensions in the Middle East, have further worsened the global economic outlook. These tensions create uncertainty in the world’s financial markets, triggering panic among investors, who then withdraw their investments, causing economic turbulence.

In addition to the economic and geopolitical factors, there is also a psychological aspect contributing to the current economic outlook. Many people, including policymakers, analysts and the general public, are projecting negativity, which feeds into a self-fulfilling prophesy resulting in an economic downturn.

Therefore, world leaders and policymakers must act with gravitas and urgency to prevent a looming economic recession. They need to come up with a comprehensive plan encompassing fiscal, monetary, and social policies to cushion the impact of a recession.

In conclusion, the world is currently teetering on the edge of a global recession. A downturn in one of the world’s largest economies will have a ripple effect on the rest of the world. As such, world leaders and policymakers must act with gravitas to prevent a potentially severe economic downturn. A comprehensive plan that considers all facets of society must be crafted to mitigate the impact of a looming recession. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and in these uncertain times, it’s better to be prepared than sorry.

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  1. iampennochio

    We used to criticise rich people for having money hidden in offshore bank accounts. Today the average citizen needs an offshore bank account to hide their money from the government. Its a certainty that your government will take your money and say its legal.



    1.)Trapped russia into war w Ukraine puppet
    2.) Robbed russia of it's money overseas in the name of war
    3.)Tax payers payers money to pay for all the weapons
    4)America getting $$$ profit from sales of weapons while people of Ukraine n russia shedding blood,
    5)america n western europe traping eastern europe to be cows to slaughter house by escalating the war
    6) more weapon$$$ for America.
    7)keep printing worthless us$ for their wants n needs. Us$ no longer backup by gold, the only support created is getting middle east to mandate using us$ as the only currency to trade for their oil thru offering them military support. Any countries that go against this wl face wrath from u.s., to prevent rising of euro dollars, create chaos n wars in europe, to punish/stop russia, iran n china from trying to trade oil with currency other than us$, find all ways to provoke wars, create chaos, impose sanction. In the meantime the world continue to pay while America just need to print money.

  3. M.L.Y

    I live in the Netherlands and our gas was already rising before the war. It's our leaders idealist green dreams that are creating this energy crisis.

  4. Gisela Meunier

    ne fallait pas sutenirZelzensky, but the real reason are the Sanktions against Russia

  5. JERRYR708

    Biden: I did this

  6. Joe Alcamo

    Europe asked for it, the countries sent weapons to Ukraine!

  7. Finest Bear Hug

    Been quite unsure about investing in this current market and at the same time I feel it's the best time to get started on the market, heard some guy speaking of making over a million dollars from a $300k capital since the pandemic and I'm driven to ask what skillet and strategy can generate such profit

  8. Red Warrior

    European economics succumbed to the dumb handling of COVID and dumb green policies; Ukraine war in comparison is insignificant.

  9. Mohd Fauzi Mohd Shariff

    EU should be grateful to Russia for the cheap gas and oil. EU should not make an enemy of Russia. It's better for EU now to make an enemy with USA than Russia…

  10. The INTRAdibles

    This too shall pass, we're in a FOURTH TURNING.

  11. janaka chaminda

    Three months ago I have posted a comment to this channel. I told that Europe has fallen into the US trap. One bullet two birds and finally it's happening.

  12. Roop M

    War and peace. Take your pick. Choose peace & be normal. A thoughtless war? Face the music!

  13. hush bash

    Stocks are falling and bond yields are rising, but markets still don’t seem convinced the Federal Reserve will pursue plans to keep increasing interest rates until inflation is under control. I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $117k stocck portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?

  14. Yash Parmar

    Italy 3rd largest economy.

  15. artin vartanian

    This was all planned by the NWO.

  16. salim handayani

    Why does those foolish Europeans wants to listen to the U.S. policy….now they have had it.
    Abolish Nato. War is not a sensible thing today…Push the economy is the most important thing…people must all live in prosperity….Dont listen to the U.S anymore…look at the home less people there…you ignorant

  17. Shirley Matthaeus

    There is a second war going to start and everyone are going to forget Ukraine which is going on the back burner. The second war is going to be in Europe. The European media which was shocked at the war in Ukraine and said Europe was too sophisticated for this is going to have a shocker because Europe is going to throw man against man because this is now for survival with no gas and oil

  18. peter sack

    ? So, where is Greece, Portugal, Switzerland, and others',… this discussion ? The problem, globally, is GREED. There will be no food, water and decent growing ' weather '' pretty soon. WILL YOU all, here in comments, be able to 'buy' something, with worthless money then ? we think not. The top 100 persons', owning as much 'wealth' as the rest of earths' human beings combined, WILL NOT PART WITH THEIR MONEY……until they all D I E OFF. Then what ? families will fight tooth and nail, over it. Oh well, the sad story of mankinds' foolish human governments, WILL COME TO A CLOSE, when nuclear war is unleashed. THEN WHAT WILL ALL YOUR MONEY DO ? absolutely nothing. GOD our maker, WHICH OWNS ALL THERE IS: all matter, all forces, all energy, space and time, will SAVE US FROM OURSELVES, there is no other way for us to survive. WE were/are made, in H I S physical image, and likeness. (Likeness; meaning we have creative mind powers, for music, art, mathematica, = making ALL THINGS, which come OUT OF THE GROUND. EVERYTHING DOES come out '' of the ground '. Analyze this fact, you will find it's true. WE are created from ' dust ' and to this dust, does ALL THINGS RETURN. History proves this, but todays' lost, dumb, illogical generation is V O I D of any of this truth. Darwin was/is a L I A R. Each species, reproduces after its' KIND, where ever on the planet they have been given to live. Above, on, in the ground/seas, rivers and lakes. WAKE UP fools, we are in the '' last days ' of human existence.

  19. Paul

    I think it's time to forget about savings. Go out and spend everything you got doing everything you want… cos the trouble with money is… you can't take it with you when you're dead.
    And there's a lot of really serious problems fighting for the honour of wiping human life off the planet.

  20. R B

    Europe didn't succumb to Ukraine war. It succumbed to its own sanctions. Russia not the reason but US

  21. Common Sense

    But the EU union says that the Russian economy is sinking!! ??

  22. upbeatmantis86

    Its all the west doing that the world is suffering now..

  23. Andres Bonifacio

    We are very happy to see before our eyes the collapse of EU , NATO is to be blame for not respecting Russia that leads to invasion of Ukraine by Russia if only NATO ,EU , the US shows respect to Russia this global energy crisis won't happen since they did it , they will pay the price of it. The EU and NATO are now reaping what they sowed .

  24. Imani Smith

    Where's the mediator? Someone to smooth things over and mend relationships

  25. Bob Bush

    Europe is ready to die without food and gas for Ukraine. Currency and economy is going down but they have to obey Joe Biden.

  26. IGWT

    NEWS FLASH!! We are already in a recession. The corporation’s of this world ran up their credit card bills and can’t pay people back (the bond market inflated through the working classes retirement contributions) and these corporations can’t even show decent growth because of the cash strapped society’s due to money printing to cover all the “free stuff” we deserve (inflation)

    This market is a TRAIN WRECK bubble inflated on not one…not two…but all three possible balloons. Stock markets, Real estate, and bond markets. One bubble popping is a recession…all three popping will cause misery, starvation, and depression.

    Have a great week full of liberty, individual human rights, and respect.

    Side note: If you’re still distracted with the “woke” nonsense. Do yourself a favor. Stop sleep walking.

  27. KingDavid

    The volatility in the market is alarming. How can i diversify my reserve across multiple markets while creating a comprehensive portfolio allocation that balances my concerns of risk aversion and returns that meet yearly inflation? I mean I've heard of people making up to $300k weeks during this crash and I'd like to know how.

  28. Barry Wakeford

    I said it previously, and i'll say it again. The Ukrainian has yet to be born. That's worth turning the WORLD inside out for.

  29. Rene Tremblay

    Stupid people though, right

  30. George

    It's not going to just hurt Europe it will soon effect the world

  31. Rico Aranilla

    That was biden and zelen fault and who will suffer not them but his people

  32. Roger Diogo

    Was predictable that after the 2nd half of August, covid cases would start to go up again in Europe…

  33. Vinnie gku

    Gas is not more important than freedom

  34. Ervin Murray

    Heard someone say the best season for a fin.ancial breakthrough is now, especially with inflation running at a four-decade high. I have approximately $750k stagnant in my port_folio that needs growth. What is the best way to take advantage of this downturn?

  35. Umang Shanker

    Who is asking you to give certificate of moral justification of war or not?just concentrate on the news which you do good instead of acting as a moral judge

  36. Sulley Mumuni

    All this is happening to europe yet Boris Johnson is still all over the place trying to down Rusia. He seem not to know or care about the predicament of europe

  37. marcum exe

    He who has the gold sets the price, he who has the oil rules the world. Nothing moves without this stuff, no matter how technologically advanced and Russia is in a very good position in this regard, all they have to do is wait until people start screaming enough and give Russia whatever it asks for. Imagine civilization as spoiled as it has become doing without heat and transportation because it costs too much, boy are there going to be a lot of sad, sad faces..

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