Explanation of the Extensive Lost Media Iceberg

by | Jun 14, 2023 | Self Directed IRA | 41 comments

Explanation of the Extensive Lost Media Iceberg

The Massive Lost Media Iceberg Explained

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Early Morning – Chilled Lofi Beats to Study/Relax to: TheRelaxedMovement

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The Massive Lost Media Iceberg Explained: Unearthing Forgotten Treasures

Lost media has always been a curiosity for many enthusiasts, a testament to the impermanence of our cultural artifacts. From rare films to forgotten TV shows, there is a wealth of hidden content waiting to be discovered. However, the iceberg metaphor paints a clearer picture of just how extensive and mysterious the world of lost media truly is.

Imagine an iceberg looming in the vast ocean, with only a tiny fraction visible above the water. This serves as a metaphor for lost media, where the small amount of content we know is just the tip of the iceberg. Most of what is lost remains undiscovered, an enigma waiting to be unraveled.

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The Massive Lost Media Iceberg, popularized by online communities and forums, showcases this staggering depth. It is a visual representation of the layers of lost media, ranging from film and television shows to literature, video games, music, and even commercials.

The surface level of the iceberg features well-known examples of lost media, like George Lucas’ “Star Wars Holiday Special” or Orson Welles’ unfinished film “The Other Side of the Wind.” These oft-discussed cases serve as gateways into the more obscure and intriguing depths beneath.

As we delve deeper, we encounter layers that are less familiar, housing lesser-known movies, albums, and shows. Many of these rare gems disappeared due to factors like poor archiving, misunderstandings, or even intentional destruction. Only through dedicated research, discussions, and shared efforts can these elusive pieces of history potentially resurface.

The lower layers of the iceberg hold increasingly obscure and elusive content, including rare promotional material, unaired pilots, and unfinished projects. These fragments of lost media form the foundations of the iceberg, representing a vast array of unknown quantities awaiting rediscovery.

Buried beneath the surface, we confront the truly mysterious and unexplored aspects of lost media. This includes phantom TV channels, mythical video games, and cryptic audio recordings that have only been briefly mentioned or hinted at by those who claim to have encountered them. These are the hidden realms of the Massive Lost Media Iceberg, shrouded in speculation and intrigue.

Why is lost media so appealing? Partly it’s the fascination with exploring the past, revisiting familiar works, and unraveling their creation. But there is also the human desire to find something forgotten, to rediscover lost treasures that have slipped through the cracks of history.

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The Massive Lost Media Iceberg serves as a rallying point for enthusiasts, researchers, and investigators to come together and share their knowledge and theories. Online communities analyze clues, share anecdotes, and piece together fragments in hopes of unearthing forgotten treasures.

Over the years, dedicated researchers have managed to rediscover long-lost films or piece together missing episodes of television shows. Their efforts have showcased the importance of preserving and archiving our cultural heritage, ensuring that future generations can experience the creativity and artistry of the past.

Whether it be lost films, music, TV shows, or any other form of media, the Massive Lost Media Iceberg encapsulates the sheer amount of content that has vanished within the annals of time. It serves as a testament to both the fragility of our cultural heritage and the unwavering determination to uncover these hidden gems.

As we continue to delve into the depths of this mysterious iceberg, we can only hope to unearth more of these forgotten treasures, shedding light on a past that has been lost, deep beneath the surface.

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  1. eggboi101

    17:16 bruh, i cant escape weezer…

  2. TheRoky333

    8:05 looks like arnold schwarzenegger in total recall?

  3. semicharmedlife311

    7:58 This "creepy" image appears to be a still of the film "Total Recall" featuring The Governator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

  4. Finglesting

    What did the subway guy go to jail for

  5. tanzmajor

    are ayeshas songs really lost media though? last time i checked you can easily look them up on youtube? maybe im getting something wrong here

  6. Astro

    Called Chris Chan, a she. Yeah that's an automatic dislike for me.

  7. Angel Cesa

    filipino dubs are the worst thing to ever exist – filipino

  8. Pacho

    Why is everything a fking iceberg now? This is hardly an iceberg, it doesn't go into depth on anything.

  9. Helious 505

    The gman virus is a real thing, kitty0706 even included a reference to it in one of his videos

  10. TheJohn Smith

    BURH you just call chrischan a ''SHE''? even if you are pro trans right and all that stuff that just f*cking ret@rder (in this case)

  11. FlowersforSaturn

    Apparently Peru wasn’t the only place that showed South Park on a kids block people in Mexico, Ecuador and I believe Argentina have said it aired there as well. People who have seen it claimed that the dubs were censored. Considering most of the blocks ended in the early 2000s it would mean the blocks would show the first few seasons which were tamer then what the show would later become (specifically seasons 1-3) so I don’t think it would have been too hard censoring. Later on people said the show would air uncensored and on a normal block I’m assuming because after season 5 no amount of censorship would make it watchable and suitable for kids

  12. Niky

    Also, Царствие Небесное is fake. Some guy created the story, and two another made videos based on it. Video with Pozharskaya may be true, but it's highly unlikely. Nobody just exposed the guy for now. If you know Russian, you can watch Снайкс for more information about it

  13. Paprika

    Wait, I was literally at the Johnson Space Center Wiggles performance as a kid. Never thought I'd be a part of Lost Media

  14. Andrew Lennon

    Does it count as lost media if it was a cancelled project with nothing to be found in the first place, other than some concept art and ideas?

  15. opiënti

    hi! so at 29:15 you talk about interface. but you kinda get some stuff wrong like how there's a whole ten second clip of the song

  16. FLUX

    1:06:02 I've never really though about stuff like this, think of how many inventors almost inventing something but dying before it got done, and then someone else inventing it later on.

    What if someone almost invented the "smart phone" years prior for example but then dying before they could make it… Kind of makes me wonder where we would be now if it got invented a lot earlier…

    and think of all the inventions that "could have been" but never saw the light of day for whatever reason

  17. Armin Tanzarian

    If audio of trump saying slurs existed they would’ve been leaked.

  18. Alicia

    I was not expecting Chris Chan to appear

  19. Ash ns

    Loonas la maison should be on here

  20. IkeFanboy64

    Wasn't 666 a channel that was briefly run by Jaystation? could explain why it's terminated.

  21. Steve Manzano

    The tagalog dubs, I've watched back in 2009-2010's. Pretty sure the network that aired it likely had archives. Because I saw reruns of Handy Manny with the tagalog dub.

  22. christopher

    No hope in going to the past come to the loving savior today

    Romans 6:23
    For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
    Come to Jesus Christ today

    Jesus Christ is only way to heaven
    Repent and follow him today seek his heart Jesus Christ can fill the emptiness he can fill the void
    Heaven and hell is real cone to the loving savior today
    Today is the day of salvation tomorrow might be to late come to the loving savior today

    John 3:16-21

    16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

    Mark 1.15

    15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

    2 Peter 3:9

    The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

    Hebrews 11:6

    6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

  23. Mr.GamerGuy

    Im 90% sure the pic at 7:58 is Arnold from total recall

  24. Yovan Garcia Juarez

    Tuv on youtube was able to download the file of Osama and put it on youtube

  25. Pretty Trash

    This is how I find out stickdeath is gone? I can’t believe it. I remember my time in my youth being spread between SD, NG, YTMND and video games.

  26. Vitória3D

    God if they find and release 'If She Loved Me' I'll lose my mind, fucking love Type-O Negative

  27. Lofirainbow

    But, what is an iceberg!?

  28. WhiteGlove

    as a long term masa fan, like, i'm a 2014 era fan, i was not expecting to see this here! interface would have been made or scrapped a year or two before i was a fan judging by the art style

  29. c4squad

    At 1:02:29 i’m pretty sure i found the audio for these (at least the woman one). One of these is located in Kennywood park in PA and that’s how i know about this thing lol https://youtu.be/rjORY93cW-o

  30. Frederica Bernkastel

    I did NOT expect to hear MASA Works Design right here. wtf lol. that's amazing.

  31. Arnak

    Bro's really out here calling Chris a she

  32. [JKR]Tangph

    6:35 lol, there is a tv channel that regularly airs tagalog dubs of western shows. i believe i even saw ben 10 in filipino once.

  33. zanez

    Spanish conquistadors after wiping out entire civilizations 30:50

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