Christie Unveils Super PAC: Is He Prepared to Challenge Trump in 2024?

by | Jun 16, 2023 | Gold IRA | 33 comments

Christie Unveils Super PAC: Is He Prepared to Challenge Trump in 2024?

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Allies of Chris Christie, the former governor of New Jersey, have launched a powerful super PAC called “Tell It Like It Is,” signaling an imminent presidential run. Is Christie ready to challenge former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election? This strategic move by his loyal supporters has ignited speculation about his White House ambitions. However with Christie polling at just 2%, while Desantis and Trump are polling over 56%, does Christie really think he even has a shot at winning. With the political showdown looming in the Republican party, nobody knows where this race will end up.

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Christie Launches Super PAC: Is He Ready to Take a Bite of Trump in 2024?

In a political landscape still dominated by the lingering influence of Donald Trump, former New Jersey governor Chris Christie has decided to make his move. Christie recently announced the launch of a super PAC, sparking speculation about his plans for the 2024 presidential race.

With his charismatic style and combative approach, Christie had previously emerged as a prominent figure in the Republican Party. However, his political career experienced a setback in 2016 when he endorsed Trump for president, despite the subsequent controversies and divisive rhetoric that defined the Trump era.

Christie’s decision to launch a super PAC signals his determination to reclaim his spot in the limelight and potentially challenge Trump in the upcoming presidential race. By establishing this political action committee, Christie aims to raise substantial funds and secure support from influential donors. This move enables him to build a robust campaign infrastructure and amplify his message to the Republican base.

While some argue that Christie’s decision to enter the ring is ill-advised, considering the enduring loyalty many Republicans still hold for Trump, others see it as a strategic maneuver. As the only high-profile Republican forming a super PAC this early in the 2024 race, Christie hopes to establish himself as a viable alternative to Trump within the party.

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Christie’s experiences as a governor and his reputation for strong leadership on issues such as Hurricane Sandy recovery and criminal justice reform could appeal to a broader range of Republicans who may be seeking a different candidate than Trump. His political agility and willingness to defy traditional conservative orthodoxy may resonate with moderate Republicans who feel sidelined by the Trumpist influence.

However, challenging Trump is no small feat. The former president still enjoys a loyal base of supporters who remain devoted to his divisive brand of politics. Trump’s influence within the party cannot be underestimated, as evidenced by his control over primary races and his ability to sway public opinion. Any challenger would face an uphill battle against the formidable Trump machine.

Christie’s alignment with Trump in the past could also prove to be a significant obstacle for his potential bid. While some Republicans admire Christie’s no-nonsense approach, others associate him with Trump’s controversial policies and actions. Winning over skeptics who would prefer a clean break from the Trump era will be a crucial task for Christie in the coming years.

Additionally, the Republican Party has seen the rise of new contenders who are eager to present themselves as more authentic, conservative alternatives to Trump. Figures like Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have their sights set on the 2024 race. Christie will have to navigate this competitive landscape and position himself as a distinct choice among potential Republican voters.

As Christie gears up for his potential campaign, he must address the challenges that lie ahead. Confronting the Trump factor, distinguishing himself from other Republican contenders, and winning over a diverse range of Republican voters will require skillful politicking, effective messaging, and a clear articulation of his vision for the country.

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While Christie’s super PAC launch signals his intention to reenter the national political arena, only time will tell if he can truly take a bite out of Trump’s influence in the 2024 presidential race. As the Republican Party continues to grapple with its identity post-Trump, Christie’s entry into the fray adds another layer of uncertainty to an already unpredictable political landscape.

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  1. Foday Bangura

    Hahahaha hey mr trump please can you buy Christie a treadmill for 2024 because that’s the only run he needs

  2. Craig French

    Fat boy has zero chance

  3. Synthia Seven

    Christie go suck your meth pipe your a lier and a loser with shit for brains fact

  4. 1yabeyabe

    "There's gold in 'em thar elections!!" – Bernie Sanders

  5. Joe ORourke

    Christy is a joke

  6. dan

    NOBODY can fight for the welfare of the USA like President Trump! NOT even close!

  7. JNWork

    Really, the cnn republican??? Bahahahaha

  8. JNWork

    Really, the cnn republican??? Bahahahaha

  9. Carlos Lubula

    Desantis thinks that, he will destroy and dethrone Donald trump from MAGA.
    Instructions given to him by the Rhinos, donors, swamps. George soros is backing desantis can you imagine? He said the donors a quitting trump for desantis. Who's the donors?? The swamps and the Rhinos with their Money laundering from Iraq wars, Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria ect…and they become now donors. Corrupt people want to stay in control.

  10. Carlos Lubula

    Desantis baby Rhino amongst the Republicans with no experience at all forgetting that the swamps r so deep and everywhere. Trump knows them very well than desantis. But instead of learning first from the coach trump. Desantis chose to follow the donors money laundering.

  11. tim thorpe

    screw that fat rat

  12. Carlos Lubula

    Trump sa6the Rhinos are very dangerous people than the Democrats.
    The backstabbers politicians. Conspirators.

  13. uniform131

    People need to stop giving him $$$ bc it all goes into his pocket.. seems like the best way for him to keep his bank accounts full is by running losing campaigns.. he is a crook.. what did he ever do that was good in any office or political position he had ever held? Nothing.. got paid for feeding off the taxpayers money.


    Hey big boy , this isn't a game , go back to the Buffett !

  15. Alvars Dzenis

    Jabba the Hutt doesn't stand a chance. He's a RINO!!

  16. Reid Wright

    Chris is on the wrong side

  17. SW

    He ate NJ go away

  18. Barbara  Still

    You know if we're not backing Desantis, or Pence we're damn sure not backing him Trump 24..

  19. ed porter

    You realize that all those that jump into the race are only doing it so they can make money from donations even though they don't have a snowballs chance in hell to win. They know it you know it we know it and it is the ongoing corruption in this land that's killing us. Distractions everywhere. " For the LOVE of money is the root .. … …. ".

  20. Kim Coughlin

    Wonder which rich dems are paying Kristy to try take Trump down…



  22. Tom Smith

    Christie is the swamp… he has no chance or credibility against Trump

  23. Glenn Piller

    LOL the quintessential globalist patsy.

  24. Jp Palm

    Ruining for office is a ponzy scheme now.
    Raise millions travel fre, eat free, dole out funds for vavor.
    I vote foe obese twice in new jersey. He makes rinos look conservative

  25. Randy LaPerle

    It looks like Christy is taking a bite out of everything! He reminds me of the fat Bastard from Austin Powers! His neck looks like a vagina!

  26. Grantsapain

    Christie is a RINO, with no chance against Trump…

  27. Kurt Sherrick

    A waste of time and why torture Americans having to put up with his back stabbing butt. We don't want Crusty!!! He is the Establishment that needs to be destroyed.

  28. Ben

    What an example of how perverse our system is,that every four years we get a bunch of buffoons with no chance of getting more than low single digit support who get millions of dollars to run failed campaigns. It’s a great gig. You fly private jets around the country and stay at the best hotels. You indulge in senseless talk and promises to a few dozen worshippers at each campaign stop and listen to their praises. Then after a few months you pack it in and then go on all the cable shows to give your loser perspective on the more successful candidates. Millions upon millions of dollars wasted on vanity that could of helped people in need,by people claiming they want to help people in need. What a country!

  29. Howard Barrett

    Unbelievable EGO from this fat gluttonous corrupt politician…..

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