Emergence of the Pagans

by | Jul 3, 2023 | Inherited IRA | 42 comments

Emergence of the Pagans

Joe Biden says he’s Catholic but thinks abortion is mostly fine; the Supreme Court rules against the independent state legislature theory; and a second Biden whistleblower emerges.


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00:00 – Rise Of The Pagans

14:54 – When Surrogacy Goes Wrong

18:47 – Quebec Is World Leader In Euthanasia

21:41 – Pelosi Calls For Term Limits On Supreme Court

27:20 – Hunter Evaded Millions In Taxes, According To Second Whistleblower

29:30 – IRS Whistleblower: Hunter Received Preferential Treatment

31:18 – Psaki: Biden Wants To ‘Show That He Loves His Son’

34:23 – Joe Is Struggling In The Polls

35:10 – White House Pushes ‘Bidenomics’

44:44 – Trump Up In The Polls

46:04 – Trump: ‘We’re Going To Evict Crooked Joe Biden’

48:00 – Trump Defends Statements About Classified Documents

51:43 – Russia Updates

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#BenShapiro #TheBenShapiroShow #News #Politics #DailyWire…(read more)




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Rise of the Pagans: A Resurgence in Ancient Beliefs

In recent years, there has been a surprising resurgence in the interest and practice of Paganism. Across the globe, adherents and practitioners of ancient belief systems are rediscovering their roots, going back to a time when nature, magic, and multiple gods were revered.

Paganism, derived from the Latin word “pagani” meaning “rural dwellers,” refers to a wide range of ancient polytheistic religions, primarily practiced in Europe before the rise of Christianity. These beliefs, rooted in nature and often tied to specific cultures and localities, had once experienced a gradual decline with the widespread adoption of monotheistic religions. However, in today’s modern era, a new wave of individuals are once again embracing these ancient theologies.

One of the main reasons for the resurrection of Paganism is a growing dissatisfaction with the religious establishments that have dominated the global spiritual landscape for centuries. As organized religions continue to face criticism for scandals, inconsistencies, and a lack of connection to the natural world, many are seeking alternative spiritual paths that align with their personal beliefs, ethics, and appreciations for the environment.

Today’s Pagans find solace in connecting to their ancestral heritage, often exploring specific historical traditions and pantheons. The Norse gods and goddesses from the Scandinavian regions, the Celtic deities from Ireland and Britain, and the ancient Greek and Roman pantheons are among the most commonly worshiped in modern Paganism. Additionally, there are practitioners who draw inspiration from ancient Egyptian, Pre-Columbian American, and various Indigenous belief systems.

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Another factor contributing to the rise of Paganism is the reconciliation of science and spirituality. While some ancient religions encountered conflict with the discoveries and advancements of the modern age, many modern Pagans view science as complementary to their beliefs. They see no contradiction between understanding the natural world through scientific study and perceiving a higher power existing within it.

For Pagans, the connection to the natural world is paramount. They often revere the Earth and its cycles, celebrating the seasons and the changing phases of the moon. Rituals and ceremonies are frequently conducted outdoors, immersing individuals in nature’s beauty. Many Pagans also engage in practices such as divination, spellcraft, and energy work, which they believe can enhance their spiritual journey and personal growth.

The internet has played a vital role in facilitating this resurgence, allowing practitioners to connect with like-minded individuals across distances, learn about different belief systems and rituals, and access a wealth of knowledge and resources. Online platforms and social media groups have become vibrant communities where Pagans can freely express their beliefs, ask questions, and find a sense of belonging.

It is important to note that not all Pagans consider themselves religious. Some might identify as spiritual, emphasizing personal experiences and connections rather than adherence to specific deities or doctrines. The contemporary Pagan movement encompasses a diverse range of beliefs and practices, allowing individuals to tailor their spirituality to their unique needs while sharing a common appreciation for nature and ancient traditions.

The rise of Paganism in the modern era offers an intriguing glimpse into the human longing for connection, spirituality, and a deeper understanding of our place in the universe. As the traditions of the past continue to be rediscovered and revived, it is clear that Paganism is more than a passing trend; it represents a profound shift in how individuals seek meaning, forge connections, and embrace the mysteries of life in an ever-changing world.

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  1. Christine Brito

    It's so funny that Roseanne said that ppl don't wanna hear the truth they just wanna go with the B.S and that's literally what the media did when they put the story out about what she said

  2. The StormCloud Wiccan

    Dear Ben and Daily Wire,

    Paganism is many different religions Not politics!!! This is starting to sound like a Modern day witch hunt. I'm a Wiccan and I'm Pro-Life. Is the Daily Wire trying to start a modern day witch hunt, if so i need know so I can unsubscribed people let me know. Like I say before Paganism is many different religions not politics. Here in America we have this thing call Freedom of Religion. And please stop trying to put all pagans in a box.

    Blessed Be,

  3. Chicken Little wny

    Modernism is “the synthesis of all heresies”-Pope Pius X 1907

  4. Al the Pal

    Yeah, being a 65% catholic is like saying you believe in the teachings of Jesus 65% of the time and the other 35% it’s all about satan. I’m pretty sure that the Bible defines this wishy washy bafoonery as Babylon. Aka paganism Maximus.

  5. bucketofcrows

    My pathetic art sales wish to differ on the "magic" of Bidenomics, when I used to pull in 5 figures under Trump, even during the pandemic. Money's basically coming in and going right back out to bills and groceries with little room to keep my business from going stagnant.

  6. Beaumont WTF

    The Catholic religion a bunch of writings assembled into one book four hundred years after Christ died. Overseen by Constantine who was the pagan that switched sides in the middle of battle(how unusual for the Italians to switch sides) A formation in the clouds that resembled a cross.
    Mary Magdalene was a prostitute that's a nice story, actually Mary Magdalene was from a wealthy family, at least a couple thousand years later they recognized the mistake.
    And the story about the Jews killing Jesus that's a funny one
    He entered the holy land on a donkey jarring Passover not the best of ideas.
    All the rabbis would have to tell the Romans this man is taking so much money it's difficult to pay tribute for your occupation.
    And Jesus being placed in a very expensive tumbe after his death, somebody had some money.
    And everybody believes their God is the best.
    Being a musician I always buy the best guitar until I buy my next one.

  7. Jose Pablo Luna Sanchez

    For years they have pushed to separate church and government. In the case of paganism, under that principle, government should not promote pagan agenda either. Ideology has dogma, heresy and a custom made devil, just like a cult.

  8. korr4000

    Daily wire might as well change their name to Gaia now with this ridiculousness. Daily wire is moving closer to being televangelists at this point and its getting dumb.

  9. Bad Motivator

    As a Germanic pagan (not a web, not a larp, not a trend) these people do not represent me or my values at all. Read Havamal or the Eddas and it is very clear- the values are far closer to Ben’s and not at all involving sexual impropriety etc. modern ‘pagans’ want an excuse for their degeneracy. See lately Loki is called the good guy. Read the stories. He is NOT a good guy. Or trans. Or gay. Or pan. Or any of that nonsense.

  10. Shelly Duprie

    Where are you getting your poor information that pagans are baby killers????? Please do better home work. No harm, so mote it be. Shame, categorizing one size Pagan fits all, shame on you, shame on you. I thought you were smarter than that, evidently, I was wrong.

  11. Anthony Sarber

    Norse pagan women had more rights and privileges then Christian women.. they didnt have to marry their rapist either.. Christian faith isnt perfect either lol

  12. Anthony Sarber

    As a norse pagan, the crazies don't speak for us. What they do is no where in the eddas or any for of our literature or history.

  13. Jose Pablo Luna Sanchez

    They are playing an Overton window game. Moving from point A to B via C to make paganism be considered Christian.
    New Age beliefs like Law of Attraction, Oneness, Religious Pluralism, Universalism, Mysticism are being adopted by Christians are being considered "biblical" by churches with followers who are lazy and do not read the bible. Overton window games.

  14. Spencer Shears

    For your edification: Traditional pagans are pro-life. Birth is sacred, life is sacred, marriage is sacred, all of the passages are sacred, and, yes, death is sacred at the end. Some are vegans, some are omnivores (me), some are globalists. some are nationalists (me). We area diverse group philosophically, but we share a reverence for Life. Do not confuse the children of the good gods with those who worship MAN. My friend Ben, you truly have never met a real pagan, have you?

  15. lorry geewhizzbang

    A pagan just means believes in more than one God, that would include religions like Hinduism. The evil you are talking about isn't pagan. Being a druid isn't evil or any other nature based religion. Saying paganism is taking over is an uneducated statement. The catholic church took many of it's principles from pagan religions, do unto others as you would have done to you, being the main one. Not sure what crazy people are pushing in America but countries like Ireland emalgimated the catholic religion with the beliefs that were already there.

  16. Anthony

    Ever since I visited Rome in 2012. I was enamored about the Pagans. Not cause i wanted to be one but because I could see the appeal. Also i noticed the current culture reminded mean of the Pagans lifestyle when i learned of it. The rulers love paganism because its easy to divide the people when there isnt a way to unionize the people.

  17. Dusten Cross

    Born in lust turn to dust,
    Born in sin come on in…

  18. Cult of the Void

    Good. The Pagan Gods actually answer my prayers and they saved me from suicide. The Christian God never really acknowledged me.

  19. Kelley Butler

    Obama is running Bidenomics, this is Obama’s third term.

  20. Matthew Holliday

    Joe Biden is whatever he thinks his voter's want him to be. Catholic, non-racist, pro-immigrant, etc., etc. He's a true "politician". Fake, soulless, shell of a human being. He'll say anything to get votes.

  21. CFkatehudson

    pro moloch catholics sounds very pagan. read leviticus today and casting your seed into the fires of moloch is frowned upon

  22. HelloOutsiders

    The elf has nothing to do with Christianity btw, that was paganism adopted by the Catholic Church.

  23. Prismatic Beetle

    "inconvenience" is not a valid reason for an abortion…

  24. Johnny Toobad

    It has now become intuitively obvious that the United States IS the "Whore of Babylon" as mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
    The only piece missing is a Female president which we'll get soon.

  25. Nostradamus of Games

    Theyre not Pagans, theyre Satanists. Pagans (like Hellenists and Vidilists) still value tradition and morality, Satanists are the opposite to the extreme.

  26. 52marli

    Her economy might be better but us living in the real world are not. As far as broadband goes, i don't see any difference except the 5G is slower.

  27. 52marli

    I thought the Supreme Court had rules. Called the Constitution.

  28. Ned Cartman

    OMgOD!! now i am stuck here! I have to watch these wierd thoughts with Ben Shapiro!

  29. NeutroN ShivA

    LOL Ben lost hils last braincell 😀 Blaming faults of judeochristian desert cult on noble indigenous pagan religions which were light-years ahead of jews in terms of morality. Total meltdown. Moloch my ass.

  30. Brian Checketts

    "They are nature's garbage!" Lol! I have to buy those just based on that one line…

  31. Vito Carbonara

    Ben, not sure if you respond to comments posted? But the Catholic Church is not a religious organization its a Government. Its position as you say is pro life….and i agree; but its actions are entirely different.

  32. hy_e

    Right on bro ❤

  33. Rose Munro

    You can’t call it Judeo and Christian. The Christians claim to be following our God but do they? Their refusal to keep the law proves their religion is nothing like Judaism. They do NOT worship our God as they say that Jesus is our God.

    Don’t get me wrong, Mr. Shapiro, I do believe that Yeshua was our Mashiach but I do not believe that he is God, nor do I believe that he was conceived super naturally conceived, and he most certainly did not die for our sins, not the way the Xtians teach it anyway. We have to die for our own sins!

    Plus, the only sins to them are homosexuality and abortion. I try to tell them that God said eating pork is an abomination, too. In fact, Shlomo said that if you turn your ear away from hearing the law, you prayers are an abomination. The “church” is in a complete and utter state of apostasy!

    They say the OT is there but like all the Christian religions, they have no use for it and only read the Psalms. They claim that the whole Bible is the “Holy Ghost inspired word of God,” but then tell you that the OLD law has been abolished. It hasn’t been. They claim the blessings of God; however, the blessings came with obedience to the law.

    You need to listen to me!!!

  34. Arslan Yousaf Yakob Khan

    You get it Ben, I used to say the exact same thing until I began to to notice that pagans is another word for free masons. The right word is free mason. If you notice around you, every single thing has the symbol of free masons.. the symbols of the world around us and the universe. The language the universe speaks understands and respects. Every thing from road signs, to traffic lights to the designs, to the patterns, every single one is based on the teachings of free masons, kabalah and every single object and shape you will see, every major car make their logos their trademarks are all based on what? This world was built by free masons.

  35. Verna Bryant

    They don't like it because The Supreme Court doesn't agree with them on everything.

  36. Verna Bryant

    Why is the leaders of the Catholic Church not condemning these people?

  37. Verna Bryant

    I could never be a catholic if they believe these things.Homosexuality and abortion.How do these politicians get by with promoting these things that the Bible condemns?

  38. Francesca De Rimini

    As a women who is Roman Catholic whose Fathers side of the Family were all Jewish Atheist/ Communist, I was horrified to learn of the Gay Rights Movement against the Ultra Orthodox Jewish Community. Those Protesting are Jewish. Keinehore!

  39. Jonas Cole

    Well said, Ben!

  40. Toby

    pagan typing

    What the actual FUCK is the thumbnail? We dont sacrifice babies…

  41. Marcus Karno

    TLDR; Call Biden a hypocrite or liar but don't call him a Pagan it just shows what you don't know and doesn't advance your argument well. Paganism was just as stupid as Judaism/Christianity/Islam in how it explained the world.
    I wish Ben would stop conflating terms with completely unrelated meanings. Paganism is a specific set of belief structures from the time of the Pre-Christian Roman Empire and has little in common with what he is attaching to it with this video. The Christians also believed the world was unknowable except through their God, the same as the Pagans would sacrifice to Gods to reveal the reality of the universe to them; Oracle at Delphi. Acting like Judaism/Christianity has some great steeped tradition of scientific discovery is just absurd, they were just as likely to conflict with scientific observations of the world as accept depending on whether it could expand their power. Example prior to William the Conqueror the church had little to do with marriage in western Europe after William the Conqueror, the churches benefited by being the only power to grant a marriage and received money to do so and in the case of death with no heirs all the inheritance, they were glad to accept the increase in power. When Galileo should that the Sun was the center of the universe they imprisoned him, when they figured it wouldn't hurt their control of society they released him. Paganism is no better nor worse when it comes to the stupidities heaped on the world by the religious zealots of any group.

  42. Loris

    Wait! Why is an elf in a Christmas play?

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