How does the story end when the couple turns against each other due to the cunning mistress? #MainlandShortDrama #Love #Twist

by | Jul 13, 2023 | Inherited IRA | 29 comments

How does the story end when the couple turns against each other due to the cunning mistress? #MainlandShortDrama #Love #Twist

影片名称:《離婚後,請別來煩我》 全集
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As the saying goes, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” But what happens when a conniving third party enters the picture, causing havoc in a seemingly happy marriage? This is the premise behind many Chinese mainland short dramas, where the storyline often revolves around the complexities of love, betrayal, and unexpected twists.

In these dramas, the protagonist is usually a married couple deeply in love, devoted to each other, and living a peaceful life. However, their tranquil existence is shattered when a cunning “小三” (xiaosan), or third party, enters the scene. Often portrayed as manipulative and full of deceit, the xiaosan is determined to drive a wedge between the couple, leading to devastating consequences.

The xiaosan might use various tactics to achieve their goal. They could feign innocence, pretending to be a friend or confidant to either the husband or the wife. Alternatively, they may try to seduce one of the spouses, exploiting weaknesses or insecurities in their relationship. Infiltrating the couple’s lives, the xiaosan’s ultimate aim is to supplant the wife or husband and assume their coveted position.

As the plot unfolds, viewers witness the once harmonious relationship between the husband and wife start to crumble. The xiaosan’s manipulations gradually drive a wedge between them, creating misunderstandings, mistrust, and resentment. The couple, once deeply in love, become bitter enemies as they battle with these external forces.

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Against all odds, love often finds a way to prevail. While the audience is kept on the edge of their seats, expecting a tragic ending, the drama takes an unexpected turn. In a sudden twist, the xiaosan’s true intentions are exposed, revealing their true colors to the couple and everyone around them. The once oblivious husband or wife finally realizes the extent of the xiaosan’s deception and the loyalty and love shared with their spouse.

As the truth unfolds, the couple stands united against the xiaosan, determined to reclaim their love and rebuild their shattered relationship. Together, they expose the xiaosan’s true nature and finally bring an end to the havoc they have wrought. In a dramatic climax, justice is delivered, and the couple emerges stronger than ever before.

The story of a conniving xiaosan, a couple torn apart, and their ultimate redemption captivates audiences not only because of the thrilling storyline but also because it explores the complexities of love, trust, and loyalty. It reminds us that while temptations may arise, true love has the power to overcome adversity and emerge victorious.

In the end, these mainland Chinese short dramas offer us a glimpse into the challenges faced by couples in our modern society. They serve as a reminder to cherish our relationships, remain vigilant against external influences, and fight for love when faced with trials. Ultimately, they teach us that even in the darkest moments, love and perseverance can lead to a more profound and enduring bond between two people.

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  1. RND


  2. Анатолий Сухушин

    Конечно, нравится несмотря на то что гг не думает головой,а жена хоть и развелась с мужем,но никак не может идти даьше. Жаль ее,рядом преданный друг а она все оглядывается назад.

  3. Ума Магомедова

    Как можно такое снимать издевательство над был еоеменной

  4. di didi

    Mulher levou tabefe e ainda casou de novo c o indivíduo,essa gosta de apanhar,aff

  5. Victoria Hammett

    My god did he do a flying kick at his pregnant wife?????

  6. Валентина

    Ау, господа авторы этого "шедевра", Вы совсем с ума сошли? Как может героиня все простить и вернуться к этому подонку? Ведь даже назвать человеком того, кто избивал жену, к тому же беременную, обращался с ней, как с мусором, язык не поднимется. Это худший финал, какой можно было придумать. Интересно, есть хоть одна азиатская дорама, где героиня посылает к черту бывшего мужа изменщика и находит своё счастье с другим порядочным мужчиной?

  7. 陳惠英


  8. Shanti

    ROTFL! This FL is superhuman. LOL! She's beaten, drugged, stabbed etc and she simply gets up and walks around like nothing has happened.

  9. Shanti

    I don't know what is more painful to watch. The FL scumbag husband beating up on her during and even after marriage or her scumbag father using her for money. It's painful to watch how dumb and stupid and pitiful she is. I can only hope these writers are not writing from experience. Or maybe they do and venting their anger out on the audience LOL

  10. Shanti

    These fcuking dramas are so toxic. The writers must hate women. Because they make it look like the FL likes the abuse. If she didn't she would leave. Where are the laws? Why can't she take pics or set up cameras etc? The writers make the women to be so dumb and pathetic and pitiful, it's sickening. So he beats her non stop, have an affair with another woman, killed her child and literally enslaves her and then she takes him back in the end and it's all forgiven? What a load of bull crap!

  11. Leonor H

    I would have left him immediately, jerk!!

  12. Lana Blake

    FL is an idiot. She went back to the guy who humiliated her and nearly killed her, instead of choosing someone who stood by her, who gave her wealth and comfort, who defended her at all costs and would do anything for her happiness. Don't tell me it's love. The relationship with the ex-husband had nothing to do with this feeling. On his part, it was a desire for control, and on her part, it was an addiction to a sick relationship. If she had been wise, she would have freed herself from this abyss and chosen Minghan, but she wasn't. The film ends with a wedding, but in real life such a couple would fall back on their bad habits. He would abuse her, and she would go along with it.

    Sometimes I wonder what screenwriters think about when they write such scripts. These are real promotions of consent to domestic violence. I won't mention the scenes where the husband is forcing his wife, and everyone thinks it's ok. When a woman screams "no" and the man continues to force her, it's a rape, even if he is her husband. It's sad that some people consider such behavior to be natural…

  13. Aditya Barman

    Why 2nd lead has no chance in all drama

  14. Cédric


  15. Mírian Segala

    Assistir esses mini dramas com tanta violência contra as mulheres é revoltante… Os roteiristas fazem as esposas submissas aos mal tratos infligidos por um marido completamente idiota, burro e manipulado por amante para no final serem perdoados. Fora esses roteiros sempre iguais há que parabenizar aos figurinistas. Há em muitos desses dramas roupas realmente maravilhosas.

  16. Long Pou


  17. Long Pou


  18. Long Pou


  19. Nannette Harmon

    So glad to see her smack that ex MIL .

  20. Silvia Cervantes

    Estos películas me has hecho pensar que los ricos … Son es*****OS hay no . Pero están buenas me gustan mucho cuando las mujeres no son golpeadas ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  21. Angela Avila

    Me gusto mucho este drama , los felicito buen contenido

  22. eerye70

    Yet another one where the woman goes brain dead and takes back the man who hit her and took the side of the woman he is supposedly having an affair with.

  23. 莊秋香

    Semua film China akhir ceritanya sama, perempuan disiksa suaminya akhirnya memaafkan, lekaki biadab, wanita bodoh

  24. Dorcia Dorcia

    Następny film kiedy kobieta zamiast rozumu ma siano,nie da sie oglądać tych gniotów…..

  25. Y. Seise

    He is so dumbfounded,the lady is faking that she is pregnant and he treat his wife like trash for a useless mistress that only want his money. Divorce him and NEVER take him back.

  26. María Cual

    Estas tramas presentando a mujeres abusadas que terminan contentas con el abusador será una moda!? estarán, los guionistas, siguiendo un mismo patrón ? Esta actriz no me gusta en éste papel

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