The Myth of Inflation’s Demise: Unveiling the Truth with Alex Pareene, Andrew Leeds, and Andy Kindler | MRLive

by | Jul 20, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 29 comments

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It’s a JAM PACKED Casual Friday! Sam and Emma host Alex Pareene, Contributing Editor at the New Republic and host of the Politics of Everything podcast, to round up the week in news. Then, they’re joined by actor and SAG-AFTRA member Andrew Leeds to discuss the most recent vote by the union to authorize a strike. And THEN, they’re joined by comedian Andy Kindler, host of the Thought Spiral podcast! 7/14/23

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Title: The Death of the Inflation Myth: Discussing the Woke Military Budget with Alex Pareene, Andrew Leeds, and Andy Kindler | MRLive


In recent times, discussions surrounding the state of the economy, government spending, and the military budget have taken center stage. One particular aspect of this discourse has been the notion that increased government spending, particularly within the military, will spur uncontrollable inflation. However, in a recent episode of MRLive, esteemed guests Alex Pareene, Andrew Leeds, and Andy Kindler explored the concept of the “Death of the Inflation Myth” and opened up a broader conversation surrounding the Woke Military Budget.

Unraveling the Inflation Myth:

The concept that increased government spending automatically leads to inflation has been a prevailing argument within certain political circles. However, Alex Pareene, journalist and political commentator, challenged this notion and shed light on the fallacy underlying it. Pareene argued that inflation is a complex phenomenon influenced by various factors, including market and supply chain dynamics, global economic conditions, and monetary policies. Citing historical examples, Pareene emphasized that increased government spending does not necessarily result in runaway inflation.

Andrew Leeds, an economist and researcher, further supported Pareene’s stance. Leeds argued that inflation occurs when the demand for goods and services significantly surpasses their supply, leading to rising prices. He asserts that the key to managing inflation lies in maintaining a balance between demand and supply, and monetary policies are the primary tools for regulation. Leeds also highlighted the role of productivity gains and technology advancements in combating inflation.

See also  Is Biden Refuting Claims of a Silicon Valley Bank Bailout? Matt Stoller Believes So.

The Woke Military Budget:

Turning the conversation towards the military budget, the panel delved into the notion of a “Woke Military Budget,” questioning whether it was a valid criticism or a misleading narrative. Comedian and political commentator, Andy Kindler, led the discussion, emphasizing that incorporating inclusivity and diversity within the military is not a frivolous expenditure. He argued that a diverse military ensures a stronger and more effective force, enabling a broader range of perspectives and expertise to address evolving global challenges.

Moreover, the panel discussed the tendency of carefully scrutinizing social programs while turning a blind eye to excessive defense spending. They highlighted the importance of reevaluating taxpayer funds spent on military endeavors, ensuring that the budget appropriately aligns with the current needs of the nation and its citizens.


The MRLive discussion with Alex Pareene, Andrew Leeds, and Andy Kindler highlighted the importance of critical thinking and dispelling common misconceptions surrounding inflation and government spending. The notion that increased government expenditure, especially within the military, directly leads to out-of-control inflation was challenged and refuted by the panel.

The “Woke Military Budget” narrative was also examined, with the panel emphasizing its significance in creating a more inclusive and effective armed forces. The conversation underscored the need for a reevaluation of the military budget, with a focus on prioritizing social programs and ensuring taxpayers’ funds are being effectively utilized.

Ultimately, the MRLive episode provided a platform for nuanced discussions and offered valuable insights into the complexities surrounding inflation and the military budget, debunking myths while opening up space for progressive dialogues.

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  1. Docko Nocko

    Oh. So they're basically doing what was in the movie The Congress (2013).

  2. jo johns

    Cornel West is the honest candidate for president He the voice of the working class Especially working poor Food insecurity by way of food inflation for millions of Americans Unaffordable rents fuel electric gas Biden inflation program is destroying the working class Especially the working poor

  3. Alexander Hurley

    Sam Seder thinks that corporations have pricing power. Two problems with that notion first one is explaining why prices go down. When oil is high everyone says oil companies are greedy but when oil prices collapse, they are silent. If Sam Cedar was right about pricing power, it would mean that anyone could enter the market for a product and wipe out the competition by charging less. Go ahead and try.

  4. Alexander Hurley

    Inflation is not a result of a robust job market. It is a result of excess government spending the notion that you can print unlimited amounts of money without consequences is absurd.

  5. millhouse millard

    I live in Wichita. We just had a 13,000 member machinists union strike a month or 2 ago. I wish those strikes got as much attention as actors and writers

  6. Cirith Ungol

    matt, we love you input, talk louder bruh!

  7. Anthony Smith

    Hello Fresh has had a slew of lawsuits over the years for unethical practices and false advertisement, as they advertise promotions as free and they are absolutely not. I was a customer of hello fresh and if I had the resources at the time, I would have gotten a lawyer. Got a card in the mail that very clearly says 18 FREE meals. When you go to sign up it has you pay a reduced price but doesn't say exactly what it's for or the duration for which you're paying. At the time we assumed it was like for a month subscription, it was half priced, and we assumed that half of those 30 days or a little more than half, that we were getting those meals free. Again it says absolutely nothing when you're at the checkout, which is one of the things it was sued over. Not informing a customer what they are paying for is illegal.

    As it turns out, the subscription is weekly, and again as a reminder, in no way, shape, or form were we informed how long the subscription was. Not only that but we couldn't actually find it on the website, we had to wait to be billed to figure that out, which is also illegal. As I said we assumed based on the price that it was a monthly subscription, so we weren't concerned with having to re-up it anytime soon. Then, right at the end of the week we got a surprise bill for $150 that was for the next week. Turns out they also sign you up for auto-renewal without even giving the option to opt out, or even informing you that it's inherently auto-renewal as most subscriptions are. All of those other services however, tell you right off the bat that it's auto-renewal – because it's illegal to not tell you.

    The lawsuits they faced were I think around like 2020 but as of this year, they are still engaged in these practices. I don't recommend doing business with them. I'm sure your experience with them has been decent enough Sam, but for the majority of people it is not that way, especially if you are tight on money and see one of these promotions as a way to get some food for free so that you have money for bills, or save that money for food the next month. Unfortunately, despite it being a sponsor, I feel obligated to advise the viewers and listeners against your suggestion and suggest instead that they should probably not do business with Hello Fresh.

  8. zeradordeyoutube

    Of course it doesn't matter,but, i always thought Emma was gay. That whole crop top thing was pretty funny ngl

  9. Mikey G.

    Why no mention of Cornel West campaign? I’ve been watching for years, and have been waiting for you to talk about his platform.

  10. David Westwater

    Or they can make some funny faces.

  11. Quintavious Gooch

    Price gouging has been happening on almost everything as producers hedge against inflation more aggressively than necessary due to greed. However, many people don't understand currency inflation. What is inflation? What gets inflated? The money supply….that is the amount of fiat currency in circulation…. printed by the $Trillions$ out of thin air and backed by nothing. What is the immediate effect on everyone? Every dollar you have…including the mattress stuffed with cash or bank savings account… is worth 10%-20% less than it was just prior to the money printing. Your savings and retirement plan are decimated and whatever wealth you had is now substantially less… almost instantly. Then, inflation is reported as a rate…. compared to 1 year ago (year-over-year). It appears that after 1 year has passed, the rate of inflation is being calculated and compared to a set of already higher consumer prices….thus making it appear that inflation is "slowing" or "going down". The fact is, a massive amount of wealth is stolen from the poor and middle economic classes, as well as the rich who had large amounts of cash. Unless you somehow managed to increase your income/salary in terms of dollars to beyond the inflation rate, you are not only poorer, but you are now spending a greater percentage of whatever you have on anything and everything that you try to purchase. The "value" of money was forced down, and thus, the value of your time, your product, your service was forced down with it. In other words, we are all poorer due to our currency being devalued. Endless numbers of pod casters and talking heads will say whatever they think, some correct, but many incorrect.

  12. Zwean

    But yeah, Americans voted for Biden, and look at the idiots they call experts in this video, come on, for real?? This dude has no idea

  13. Zwean

    Joe Biden: Assumed office January 20, 2021
    Covid Alert
    Invasion of Ukraine: 24 February 2022
    I remember writing somewhere on youtube, please do not vote for Biden, do not vote for Biden because there is going to be a war, vote for Trump, vote for Trump, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!
    Even my father told me many years ago and not so long ago that the third world war was going to be between the US and Europe because of the economy.
    He didn't know that european politicians and NATO are puppets of Washington.

  14. Wynter

    The laughing in that Jimmy Door set sounded like a Seth Meyers "Corrections" night if they miced the writers.

  15. AisuruMirai

    Wait a second . . . .
    According to Tim Pool, Emma is a pedophile groomer. According to Ben Shapiro, crop tops turn men into women, so Emma is a… lesbian?

  16. Kado Kang

    We need more of them and they should be appreciated because he just saved her from an azz whopping. Lol.

  17. Laura

    1:00:13 interview about the writer and actor’s strike

  18. Steve Ochry

    Good to see you have an acting guild cards Sam as you have been acting ever since you predicted biotin should use the fourteenth amendment you've been acting like you never said it. And for that trick you get an Emmy, if we had listened to your stupid advice and Biden had decided to use the fourteenth amendment it would be exactly opposite of what it is today a booming economy know we would be down schitt's Creek because of your stupidity

  19. VeganMarx

    Ben Shapiros eyebrows are out of control.

  20. lady lo-fi

    Not that it's a huge power move, but I just canceled my streaming services. Netflix lets you add a comment as to why you canceled, so you can say it's because they're screwing over writers, or something to that effect. That's what I did after watching this. Thanks, Sam, for the idea.

  21. jumbo slice

    I love the simplicity of the Andy Kimmler intro song

  22. Bambalam!

    Graham Linehan is Irish, not British.

  23. Crazyliberal1

    Exactly one thing is accidentally true, with what Jimmy Dore said, Obama likely was a war criminal. Not on the scale of Bush, but one nonetheless.

  24. Wynoglia

    5:28 when are you releasing those mixtapes from those rap sessions Sam? We deserve to be gifted with such talents and art

  25. Zwean

    Yes, very good, very good Sam, that's correct, that budget is used to kill people, you are improving your analysis, and now tell us what hapened if it turns that you runned out of amunition

  26. Wesley

    Gender is fixed in individuals – it's just society's understanding of gender that can change. It can't be both an innate characteristic in the brain and also be a social construct. I think Sam is thinking of gender roles/gender expression, but those things are just how people present themselves and the place they hold in society. The fact that gender is innate is why transgender people exist – they can't change it just because society has constructed gender roles a certain way. Nobody would put themselves through hell to transition and suffer an extremely high suicide rate if it was merely a social construct telling them where to fit in like they're blank slates at birth.

  27. Zwean

    Grotesque is that you have now realized about that astronomical budget, you could compare it to others as I mentioned to you a day or two ago

  28. Zwean

    Having a piercing in your mouth makes you support circumcision

  29. Christine Herrmann

    Me, wondering where I know this actor from, finally yelling out "OMG, He was the serial killer on BONES."

    In other news, pulling for you guys with this strike.

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