Ken Fisher of Fisher Investments Addresses Your Queries on Market Breadth, Banking Worries, and Other Topics

by | Jul 20, 2023 | Bank Failures | 13 comments

Ken Fisher of Fisher Investments Addresses Your Queries on Market Breadth, Banking Worries, and Other Topics

Fisher Investments’ founder, Executive Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Officer Ken Fisher answers viewer mailbag questions about narrowing market breadth, the strength of the US banking system, declining money supply (M2), growth stock leadership and if the current interest rate environment is favorable for fixed income. Ken offers his take on these topics in this month’s viewer mailbag.

00:38 – Are you concerned about the disproportionate amount of money flowing into the mega caps?

03:27 – I’ve listened to your comments earlier this year saying the banking system is sound. What are your current thoughts?

06:09 – You’ve previously mentioned huge M2 money supply growth as a driver of recent inflation. With money supply growth turning negative now, is that automatically a recessionary signal?

08:49 – Any recent thoughts on leadership within the market? With inflation coming down, traditional yield curve should be flattening which would favor Growth over Value.

11:05 – With interest rates at multi-year highs, is now a good opportunity to buy fixed income?

If you are interested in Ken addressing your questions in a future viewer mailbag video, be sure to leave them in the comments section below.

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Investing in securities involves a risk of loss. Past performance is never a guarantee of future returns. Investing in foreign stock markets involves additional risks, such as the risk of currency fluctuations. The foregoing constitutes the general views of Fisher Investments and should not be regarded as personalized investment advice. Nothing herein is intended to be a recommendation. The opinions expressed are subject to change without notice….(read more)

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Fisher Investments’ Ken Fisher, Answers Your Questions on Market Breadth, Banking Concerns and More

As the founder and executive chairman of Fisher Investments, Ken Fisher is undoubtedly one of the most prominent figures in the investment industry. With over four decades of experience, he has seen it all—from economic downturns to market booms. Recently, Fisher generously took the time to answer some pressing questions on various investment topics, providing valuable insights for both novice and seasoned investors.

One of the questions posed to Fisher was about market breadth. Market breadth refers to the number of securities experiencing upward or downward movements in a particular market. In response, Fisher emphasized the importance of understanding that market breadth is not a reliable indicator for assessing future market performance. He highlighted that investors should not place unwarranted significance on breadth figures alone, as there are numerous other factors to consider when analyzing market trends.

Banking concerns are always at the forefront of investors’ minds, and Fisher was asked to share his thoughts on the matter. Acknowledging the potential risks associated with the banking sector, Fisher emphasized the significance of diversification for safeguarding one’s investment portfolio. He suggested that investors should not put all their eggs in one basket, and instead, spread their investments across various industries and sectors to mitigate the impact of potential banking-related challenges.

Furthermore, Fisher offered valuable advice about the benefits of taking a long-term view in investment decision-making. He stressed the importance of not getting caught up in short-term market fluctuations and instead encouraged investors to focus on long-term trends. Fisher believes that long-term investing based on sound principles, rather than short-term speculation, yields better results and helps investors weather market volatility.

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Another participant asked Fisher about the impact of macroeconomic events on the global investment landscape. In response, Fisher emphasized that while macroeconomic events are undoubtedly influential, they are often already priced into the market before the news breaks. As a result, he advised against making significant changes to one’s investment strategy solely based on macroeconomic events. Fisher instead proposed that investors focus on individual securities’ fundamental strength and consider their own investment objectives when making decisions.

Lastly, Fisher addressed a question regarding his outlook for the coming months. He explained that he does not attempt to predict short-term market movements, as trying to do so can be a futile exercise. Instead, he emphasized the importance of staying disciplined and maintaining a well-diversified portfolio as a strategy to navigate through different market environments.

Ken Fisher’s insights provide valuable guidance for investors looking to make informed decisions in today’s complex investment landscape. By focusing on long-term trends, diversifying holdings, and avoiding excessive reliance on market breadth or macroeconomic events, investors can set themselves up for success. Fisher’s holistic and disciplined approach to investing serves as a reminder that patience and a long-term viewpoint are key ingredients for achieving one’s financial goals.

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  1. Colin

    Thanks, Ken. Great to hear from you.

  2. John Carroll

    Thank you. I enjoy watching your videos. I really like how you explain your reasoning.

  3. matjul2008

    Really enjoy Mr Fisher’s analysis. Thanks for posting these videos

  4. Benito Proto

    It is educational and useful! Thank you Ken.

  5. TKMNUS2023

    growth stocks have multiple sources of financing capability whereas value stocks really quite bank financing dependent

  6. Alan

    thank you for answering all these questions

  7. Tony Mai

    Thanks Ken

  8. Barb Perry

    Thank you.

  9. Timothy Webber

    Thank you. I look forward to your thoughts.

  10. Charles didonato

    Thanks Ken! Appreciate your insight and calm presentation of the facts.

  11. Andy

    So well said, bad breath… rest will follow

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