June 2021 Update: Revised Prediction for 2022 Senate Map

by | Jul 25, 2023 | Silver IRA | 22 comments

June 2021 Update: Revised Prediction for 2022 Senate Map

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An updated look at the 2022 US Senate Elections and how Republicans could easily retake the Senate if they play their cards right.




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As the 2022 midterm elections approach, political analysts and enthusiasts are closely monitoring the Senate races to gauge potential outcomes and assess the balance of power in Congress. While it’s still early to make definitive predictions, an updated Senate map for 2022 can offer insights into the possible outcomes that could shape the legislative landscape. Here is a June 2021 prediction of the Senate races that will occur next year.

Starting with the battleground states, three Republican-held seats are notably vulnerable. In Pennsylvania, GOP Senator Pat Toomey’s decision not to seek re-election creates an open seat. Additionally, in North Carolina, Senator Richard Burr’s retirement provides another opportunity for Democrats to make inroads. Lastly, in Wisconsin, Senator Ron Johnson’s future plans remain uncertain, making it a seat Democrats would likely target.

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Meanwhile, Democrats are also facing some challenges in retaining their seats. One significant contest is in Nevada, where Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto will vie for re-election. With Nevada being a swing state, this seat could be a crucial one for both parties to secure. Another seat Democrats must defend is in New Hampshire, where Senator Maggie Hassan seeks a second term in a state known for its political volatility.

In terms of open seats, Ohio stands out as a competitive state. Republican Senator Rob Portman’s decision not to run for re-election has left the seat up for grabs. Similarly, in Missouri, GOP Senator Roy Blunt’s retirement opens the door for a competitive race.

Looking beyond the battlegrounds, several states that traditionally lean towards one party could also witness noteworthy races. In deep-blue California, Democrats will aim to hold onto Senator Alex Padilla’s seat, who was appointed to fill Vice President Kamala Harris’s vacancy. On the other side of the spectrum, Wyoming, a heavily Republican state, could witness a contentious primary race and a potential challenge to Senator John Barrasso.

It’s important to note that these predictions are based on the current political landscape and are subject to change. Factors such as candidate recruitment, fundraising, and campaign strategies will ultimately play crucial roles in determining the outcome of each race.

Moreover, historical trends suggest that the party in power typically faces tougher battles during a midterm election. As a result, Democrats, currently holding a slim majority in the Senate, may have to overcome additional challenges to maintain control.

Ultimately, the 2022 Senate races will have far-reaching implications for the legislative agenda of President Joe Biden and the overall balance of power in Congress. As the election draws near, both parties will intensify their efforts to secure pivotal Senate seats, making it a highly anticipated and closely watched event in the political sphere.

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In conclusion, the 2022 Senate map prediction in June 2021 highlights several competitive races that could shape the composition of the Senate. While it remains uncertain how these races will unfold, the outcome will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the future of U.S. politics.

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  1. UrsusObesus

    A year later and your predictions are so far off it’s laughable.

  2. Tongey

    AZ and GA lean D atm.
    Many races will go down to the wire (PA, NV, WI, GA, NC)

  3. vccstudents

    Keep Marco Rubio in Florida. Val Demings is DANGEROUS. When she was Orlando Police Chief, she misplaced HER OWN GUN!

  4. Bob C

    Do you believe in God? Then if you do you would know that the Democratic party is going to have a 7 decade, a generation of losses. The GOP and Conservatives shall control the US Government for the next 7 decades.

  5. B.W.

    Your lips God's ears

  6. Jared Walsh

    53 Dems AZ NH WI PA By 1.0%, GA NC

  7. Jim K

    The easiest way to retake the senate is to get rid of Dominion machines.
    There’s no way there can be so many insane voters!
    Likely the democrats have been stealing election/votes for at least a decade or so…

    Conservatives probably shouldn’t have to retake it- it’s been stolen state by state for a long time.
    They know tank and file (sane) Americans would NEVER vote for a weirdo democrat these days.
    Who would vote for a higher tax- trans sexual- higher inflation- green high gas price platform like theirs?
    No. No way. They’ve been stealing elections for a long time.

  8. Beagle Boi

    For Arizona the Attorney General Mark Brynovich announced he's running for the Senate how do you think that'll play out if he's the nominee?

  9. RD Turner

    Get rid of McConnell, Rommey and others.

  10. RedSkaal

    You trust in clean elections?

  11. tmatt1999

    I think democrats are going to win especially young democrat women of color.

  12. Matthew Vecellio

    Thought I saw dealings is running again Rubio but DemocRATS won't take Florida

  13. Del Curry

    You need to update the status of West Virginia, because this state is SOLID RED, about 80% of the population is Conservative, and only a few loonies who live here are BLUE BALL BIDEN Democrats!!!

  14. Andy

    Do you think there’s any chance for CT to pick up a Republican Senate seat?

    How much would the stars have to align (despite however improbable) for the Republicans to attain 60 seats in/by 2024?

  15. Patrick Gabriel

    Did you really suggest Chuck Grassley could face a primary challenge from his grandson?

  16. Mitchell Dawes

    Hmm, i wonder why 0 dead people vote republican

  17. Mitchell Dawes

    6:37 they have a lot of room to grow in Waukesha county. Many people have died there in the past few centuries. They could go beyond 300% turnout if the media continues to cover for them.

  18. Patrick C

    Nice video. Only disagreement from me is I see us losing Pennsylvania, and I’m a bit nervous with North Carolina.

  19. Impact_ Schmidty

    The only reason Obama won Indiana in 2008 is because there was no enthusiastic republican candidate so there was no Republican turnout

  20. Marty Kusak

    Val Deming sad she is running against rubio

  21. NickTheEnlightened

    My prediction is the same as last month: Both parties will likely flip 2 seats each.

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