The Impending Recession: What the Government Isn’t Telling You

by | Jul 28, 2023 | Recession News | 45 comments

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The Government Doesn’t Want You To Know We Are Months Away From a Recession

In recent times, the global economy has been facing numerous challenges, and it is becoming increasingly evident that we are just months away from a severe economic recession. However, the government, with all its power and influence, seems determined to keep this information under wraps. But why would they do that? What could be the possible reasons behind this strategy?

See also  The U.S. Economy is Headed for a Deep Recession Sooner Than You Think

Firstly, it is crucial to understand that the government’s primary concern is to maintain stability in the economy. Confidence plays a vital role in economic growth, and revealing the imminent recession could potentially trigger panic among investors and the general public. This could lead to a further decline in consumer spending, business investments, and overall economic activity. By keeping the negative information hidden, the government believes it can buy some time and minimize the impact, allowing them to come up with effective solutions to mitigate the crisis.

Secondly, transparency is not always the government’s strong suit. In an effort to project strength and competence, governments often downplay negative economic indicators until it becomes impossible to ignore them. This short-term mentality can lead to delayed actions, which in turn exacerbates the severity of a recession.

Additionally, political considerations may also influence the government’s decision to keep a recession quiet. Upcoming elections or policy decisions can greatly impact a government’s chances of success. Admitting an impending recession may result in a loss of public trust and jeopardize their electoral prospects. As a result, they may choose to conceal or manipulate economic data to maintain a positive outlook and secure their position.

While the government’s intentions may seem logical from their standpoint, the consequences of their actions can be severe for the average citizen. Precious time is wasted, and opportunities for proactive measures are lost when we are left unaware of the impending economic downturn. The impact of a recession is felt most strongly by the working class, as unemployment rates rise, businesses shut down, and the cost of living increases.

See also  JPMorgan’s David Kelly suggests a decreasing likelihood of a noteworthy recession at present.

Moreover, the government’s secrecy also restricts individuals from making informed decisions about their financial security. Without adequate warning, ordinary citizens are unable to take necessary measures to protect themselves from the impending financial storm. By withholding crucial information, the government denies individuals the opportunity to adapt, plan, or save for the difficult times ahead.

It is essential to recognize that the government’s silence on an imminent recession is not solely driven by malice or intent to harm its citizens. However, the consequences of their secrecy are undeniable. Governments should prioritize transparency and open communication about the economy, even during challenging times. By doing so, citizens can better prepare themselves, and the government can work towards implementing effective measures to soften the blow of an inevitable recession.

In conclusion, it is becoming increasingly evident that we are just months away from a recession, though the government is reluctant to divulge this information. The fear of triggering panic, the desire to maintain public trust, and political considerations all contribute to the government’s strategy of secrecy. However, by choosing to conceal the truth, they deny citizens the chance to prepare and respond adequately to the impending crisis. Transparency, even in difficult times, should be a priority, allowing citizens to make informed decisions and the government to implement necessary policies to handle the recession effectively.

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  1. MrGchiasson

    Months away?
    I thought we were already in one.

  2. Galen Haugh

    You mean Depression???
    Government is the last to admit to anything!! Especially the Globalist Yellin… what a LIAR!!

  3. arthur priestley

    Do you realize, you are the boy who cried wolf ? It's not just you. Every chanel is crying wolf , day after day after day. It's a broken record of doom and gloom and boomba , busta!! Your charts and graphs. Preppers prepare . The end is near.
    Give it a rest!!

  4. Nico Lass

    .Looking at revisions inflation didn't even drop for the December data, January ticked up higher. we are officially in stagflation

  5. Toni Varipati

    The Economy has been unaffordable for many years to the likes of me, so I only invest in and hold assets with potential to hold value long term, it's the nearest thing I am going to get to a future pension, it's also very cost effective as there is no involvement of middle men or salesmen, also as these assets are kept off any market place there is no tax or duty to be paid, when it comes to selling, any tax or duty can be avoided by selling at low levels each year, this can all be carried out quite legally in hard cash, or even a swop for other assets with a potential equal value , my approach is not really suitable for high earners they will always get better returns if they know what they are doing, trouble is most don't know what they are doing, and are easily exploited by middle men and salesmen. Obviously I am hoping to cash in on a potential massive crash of the Economy , but if it don't happen in the next 10 years , my investments will still be holding good value, unlike the Dollar!

  6. Talkingonline

    Those who say we are already in a recession have no real idea of what a true recession is. In certain cities in FL, AZ and TX there is no recession but endless amounts of cash and buying power as many of these transplants are from NY and CA. The job markets are also red hot where they still can't get enough workers. There is going to have to be something financially epic to slow down the economy. They went back to refinancing mortgages again the beginning of February, causing home prices to rise for the 1st time since June 2022. The real recession hasn't really started yet

  7. John Beasley

    We have been in a recession since 1971. They have been looting american assets, company assets, national lands, pension funds, social security funds. Etc…

  8. CSARichardo

    They know. That will be the time they replenish the bullets and stimulate the economy, war economy will thrive. So will inflation.

  9. Michael Dickerson

    Great info Steve! The elites want to crash everything and take everything!!

  10. Dave B

    Why are all your videos doom and gloom? It's like the boy who cried wolf! Most educated and reasonable Americans understand that the USG numbers have been fudged from the very moment Brandon stumbled into office. We have been in a recession for at least 10 months or so.
    Your "shock" videos are becoming annoying and insult the intelligence of the very few educated that exist on this platform.

  11. Ivory Billed

    I have never seen such an avalanche of lies coming out of the US government. Every stat and report is suspect and revealed as bogus garbage as time goes by. We have to face the terrible truth that our govt. is totally corrupt and self serving.

  12. Fred C

    The farce perpetrated upon us never ends well.

  13. Space Sailor

    This administration is a definition changer , and if that doesn’t do it change what you track in the cpi , I’ll bet they will tamper with the cpe befor the next report . Note every report is staggered by months , why don’t they report all at the same time ,answer they couldn’t creat a excuse and the true economy would be exposed.

  14. Sonny

    isn't PCE a personal measure instead of business measure? the P stands for personal?

  15. Lamin

    This is sick…investing is not about views

  16. John Faris

    As long as the federal government continues to pump money into the economy in the form of the deceptively, named inflation, reduction act, or Covid, relief, or Child, tax credits, inflation will continue to rage. Milton Friedman told us that anytime you have an increase in the supply of money without an increase in the production of goods and services you have inflation, and that’s what we are going to continue to see. To be more precise we are going to have stagflation, the economy will contract, while inflation continues to rise As the idiots in Washington, continue to throw money at the problem.

  17. Nancy K

    I've got to laugh. How can anyone who think we're not already in a recession? Have you seen food prices, the cost of utilities, shortages, evictions, homeless populations exploding, massive lay offs????? I think what you mean is we're only months away from a Great Depression. There is much anticipation that with all the mysterious food plants and processing centers burning down, disease (chickens), cows farmers are unable to feed, chemicals spilling into our waters…. need I go on. That inflation with certainly continue and unrest is about to begin. It's sad when your readers are getting ahead of you in what we know. Please come out from under that rock you live under.

  18. John Doe

    What? We've been in a recession for the last 3 quarters.

  19. Mike Young

    Months away? We're in one now, and it's worsening.
    Those nutty "experts".

  20. andy

    i think we have been talking about a recession since 2008.

  21. No Hair

    Yellen's ability to fart thru her elbows is unsurpassed.

  22. 63123LEWIS

    It's a loop. People are buying NOW before prices increase. This has happened many times in South American countries that had high inflation. I'm a senior and It's scary watching my savings value spiral downwards.

  23. John O

    Time to short the market; especially the S & P

  24. Michael Reither

    The best Democrat is a dead one!

  25. John Stibal

    I love it when I hear something like "Inflation is coming down from the rake hikes, but the rate hikes won't impact the economy for about 18 months so we need to go even higher"…lol

  26. Jeremy Czerwinski

    They still haven't mentioned fait. Flexible average inflation targeting. They don't need it to get exactly to 2% they just need it to average. They implemented this in 2019

  27. Jon Z

    Bulls make more money than bears

  28. RBTC

    Politician lying? I don't believe it!!

  29. S K

    We are already in one

  30. billb89

    It’s transitory…it’s peaked…it’s sticky

  31. Tea Tree


  32. FLPanhandle Life

    Steven`s biggest fault is he believes the government propaganda , We are in a recession and headed for a depression . The government can`t fix the economy by changing the formula`s or using fake data . In the real world inflation in upwards of 10% , unemployment is upwards of 20% and gdp has been negative for 3 quarters . Soon earnings reports will drag the stock market lower and all hopes of a soft landing will be crushed , as we enter a decade of suffering.

  33. Daren Smithers

    We are already in a recession heading to a depression.

  34. Contrarian08

    Still the same perspective and opinion no matter what the data says! I find that irritating. I think the energy data lately reinforces the data, that disinflation is peaking and that consumption and sales are turning back up too soon. I saw on Friday the dollar rise, stocks sell off sharply and oil actually rally!

    Crude is finding a bottom here, it has seasonal tailwinds going into the summer, OPEC and Russia have production cuts in place, the SPR is running out, and if oil finds a bottom at neutral here or 0 that means disinflation could be very muted and will even have the risk of turning back up and reversing if anything happens such as another oil shock due to geopolitical risks etc. You can’t rule out another spike in the price of oil, and even a run to $100 crude would be very supportive of a stagflationary scenario with a weak economy and much higher than 2% inflation. More and more this is looking like the base case scenario and the market is seeing that.

    We need to see progress with disinflation over the next few months (Ukraine started in February so base effects will kick in y/y) and into the summer or else forget about 2%, unless we have a harsh recession/crash!

  35. Dane Slaughter

    Yellen is a bag of hot air, a liar, and extremely stupid. She is a freak and should be ignored completely. I do not know how she could even shower herself, wipe her own a$&, or balance a checkbook. Way too dumb to have an important role.

  36. Delmonico Farquhar

    Mark Twain said there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics, but he left out the most important fourth one– denial.

  37. Tyler LaBelle

    That personal income going positive could be a sign of wage price spiral.

  38. Flyin Hawaiian

    Recession? More like a depression coming

  39. MA2I

    @5:30 Finally Janet Yellen utters an intelligent opinion

  40. Tim ODonnell

    After reading a WSJ article about commercial office loans defaulting it occurred to me that no one is talking about how commercial loans are really 5-7 year balloons in most cases and some are coming due when money is much more expensive. This cascade will increase in the coming months at the worst time as the recession hits hard. I'd like to hear your take Steven.

  41. Nick M

    Headed into a depression…. Govt total control and loss of freedom…. Abolish WEF, WHO AND UN

  42. Kiss My_Butt

    We have been in a recession since last year when they changed the definition. The government has been doing their best by changing definitions and how they calculate and report numbers. There are some numbers they can't hide. The number of jobs created that are part time and not full time. The record amount of credit card and general debt to revenue ratio the common person is carrying. The rise in defaults on car , home and commercial property loans. The number of public companies reporting layoffs.

    At this point when it collapses and we are in a full blown Depression they will declare it is so good a record number of people are on sabbatical.

  43. Conversations With Me

    Let's hope so… Blow the shit out of Lucifers earth! Free us all!!

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