Are taxes applicable to pensions, social security, and cash in Spain upon retirement?

by | Aug 1, 2023 | Retirement Pension | 4 comments

I plan to retire in Spain. Are pension, social security and cash taxable?

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==========❇️✳️ About Spainguru ✳️❇️=========== is a website dedicated to providing comprehensive information and resources about immigration to Spain. The website is an invaluable resource for individuals who are considering moving to Spain, as well as for those who are already living in the country.

The website provides detailed guides and articles on a wide range of topics related to immigration to Spain, including how to obtain visas, work permits, residency permits, to name a few. Visitors can also find information about the various types of visas and permits available, as well as the requirements and application processes for each.

One of the unique features of is its focus on providing practical information and advice from experienced community members. The website is run by a team with extensive knowledge and experience in the field of immigration law and policy in Spain.

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In addition to its articles and guides, also offers a variety of recommended partners to help individuals navigate the immigration process. These include personalized immigration experts’ consultations, assistance with document preparation and submission, and representation in legal proceedings related to immigration, health insurances, sworn translations, medical certificates, bank accounts, money services and much more.

Overall, is an essential resource for anyone who is interested in immigrating to Spain or who needs information and support related to the immigration process. The website’s focus on providing practical advice and assistance from experienced professionals makes it a valuable tool for anyone who wants to make the move to Spain….(read more)

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Planning to Retire in Spain? Here’s What You Need to Know About Taxation on Pension, Social Security, and Cash

Retirement is a time many people look forward to, a chapter in life where you can relax, explore new hobbies, and perhaps live in an exotic location. Spain is a popular choice for retirees, thanks to its pleasant climate, rich culture, warm people, and a significantly lower cost of living compared to many other European countries. However, before making the decision to retire in Spain, it’s important to understand how various forms of income, such as pensions, social security, and cash, are taxed in the country.

For many retirees, pensions form a significant part of their retirement income. The good news is that if your pension is earned abroad, Spain has a favorable tax regime in place. Under the Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) regime, if you become a tax resident in Spain, pensions earned from another country are generally exempt from Spanish income tax for the first ten years of residency. This means you won’t be taxed by the Spanish government on the income you receive from your pension.

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Social Security:
Similar to pensions, social security benefits earned abroad are typically not taxable in Spain for non-habitual residents. The NHR regime allows you to enjoy your social security benefits without being burdened by additional taxes. It’s important to note that if you are receiving social security benefits from Spain itself, there may be some taxes applicable, but it is usually at a lower rate.

Cash and Investments:
When it comes to cash and investments, the tax rules can vary depending on various factors such as the origin of the money, the amount, and how it is being used. Generally, if you have savings, investments, or cash in Spain, you won’t be taxed on those assets as long as you are a non-habitual resident. However, it is crucial to consult with a tax professional or seek expert advice to understand the specific tax implications based on your individual circumstances.

Other Tax Considerations:
While pensions, social security, and cash usually have favorable tax treatment, it’s important to consider other taxes that may be applicable when retiring in Spain. Some of the common ones include property taxes, wealth taxes, and inheritance taxes. The tax rates and exemptions for these may vary between regions in Spain. Therefore, understanding the local tax regulations and seeking professional advice can help you make informed decisions about your retirement income and financial planning.

It’s worth mentioning that tax laws are subject to change, and countries may enter into new agreements that can affect taxation for retired expatriates. To stay updated on your tax obligations and rights, you should regularly review the tax regulations and seek guidance from a knowledgeable tax advisor or accountant specializing in international tax matters.

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Spain continues to attract retirees from around the world, offering a high quality of life, stunning landscapes, and a vibrant culture. By understanding the tax implications on various income sources, such as pensions, social security, and cash, you can plan your retirement in Spain more effectively, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable transition to your new chapter in this beautiful Mediterranean country.

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  1. jay23cr

    I’m interested in knowing:

    I’m a 100% service connected disabled veteran and I receive VA disability benefits close to $4,000/month and I have recently obtained a Spanish passport by means of my ancestry.

    I read in the Spanish-American tax treaty that pensions originating in the USA will not be taxed by Spain, unless the beneficiary is a citizen of Spain, in which case, Spain will have sole taxation authority over that income.

    Are VA disability benefits considered a ‘pension’ that Spain will tax if I decide to move to Spain?

  2. jj sc

    Will I only pay social security tax to US, not Spain? no double tax?
    Can I report no SS, no deposit to Spain bank, no tax to pay?

  3. WhazUpMike

    I understand that Spain and US have an agreement for those who live in Spain over 6.1 months.

    Question:. Is the agreement still followed if I become a Spanish citizen?

  4. FriedPlantains84

    I have a disability pension from the United States for being in the Iraq War. Wanting to get the Non-Lucrative Visa, but was afraid that my pension would get tax. Is this still in effect in Spain? Thanks

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