Veteran Respect and Acknowledgment, Bank Bailouts with Blyth, Hoyer’s Perspective on the Sequester:

by | Aug 4, 2023 | Bank Failures

First, Andrew Bacevich, a retired Army colonel and a military historian, says we could best honor our veterans on Memorial Day by holding civilian policymakers more accountable.

Next, Brown University economist Mark Blyth, a leading authority on the financial meltdown, says Democrats can take a lesson from the tea party — and not bail out banks. He argues that banks are supposed to manage risk, not become casinos.

Then, Bill Press talks with House Democratic whip Steny Hoyer about the stupidity of sequester.

And Jim Hightower doesn’t like the compromise that Senators Chuck Schumer and Orrin Hatch reached on the immigration bill….(read more)


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America’ A Platform for Progress

America’ is a progressive platform that aims to provide a voice for Democrats across America. With a focus on policy issues, this website offers insightful articles, interviews, and podcasts to inform and engage its audience. Here, we highlight some of the noteworthy contributions made by three prominent voices featured on Andrew Bacevich, Mark Blyth, and Steny Hoyer.

One of the key concerns for any nation is how it honors its veterans. Andrew Bacevich, a retired U.S. Army Colonel and professor of history and international relations, proposes a fresh perspective on this issue. He argues that instead of merely settling for the rhetoric of “supporting the troops,” Americans should prioritize the well-being of veterans by investing in their healthcare, job training, and mental health services. Bacevich believes that honoring veterans means more than just celebrating their service; it requires ensuring their successful reintegration into civilian life. Through, Bacevich urges the government and society as a whole to do more for those who have sacrificed for their country.

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Another significant topic covered on is the contentious issue of bank bailouts. Mark Blyth, a political economist and Brown University professor, challenges the conventional wisdom surrounding these controversial actions. Blyth argues that the public’s perception of the bank bailout is often inaccurate. While many believe it was a bailout for the banks, he asserts that it was, in fact, a bailout for the creditors of the banks. By highlighting this distinction, Blyth sheds light on the complexities of the situation and urges policymakers to address the root causes of economic crises rather than simply focusing on rescuing financial institutions. His thought-provoking analysis on encourages a more nuanced understanding of the issue for Democrats and the broader public.

On the subject of the sequester, Steny Hoyer, the House Majority Leader at the time, provides an insider’s perspective on this contentious fiscal policy. Hoyer emphasizes that the sequester, which imposed automatic spending cuts, has had detrimental effects on critical government programs and services. He argues that the indiscriminate nature of these cuts is counterproductive and hampers the nation’s ability to invest in areas such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure. Through, Hoyer calls for a balanced approach to deficit reduction that does not disproportionately burden the most vulnerable members of society, thus echoing the core values of the Democratic Party.

In conclusion, serves as an essential platform for Democrats to articulate their ideas and engage in meaningful discussions about policy issues. The contributions of Andrew Bacevich, Mark Blyth, and Steny Hoyer emphasize the critical need for progressive perspectives on veterans’ issues, bank bailouts, and the sequester. Through this online hub, Democrats across the nation can access insightful analysis, thought-provoking articles, and interviews with influential voices. empowers Democrats to advocate for policies that promote fairness, justice, and progress for all Americans.

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