Ken Fisher from Fisher Investments Shares Market Outlook for Remaining 2023

by | Aug 5, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 17 comments

Ken Fisher from Fisher Investments Shares Market Outlook for Remaining 2023

Fisher Investments’ founder, Executive Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Officer Ken Fisher recaps why stocks rallied the first half of 2023, and shares his forecast for the remainder of this year. Ken believes a key driver since October’s market lows is what he coins the “Midterm Miracle”—where historically, the three consecutive calendar quarters beginning in October of US midterm election years are overwhelmingly positive tied to increased political gridlock.

Looking ahead to the rest of 2023, Ken explains the back half of US presidents’ third years tend to be positive for stocks as gridlock strengthens and risk aversion falls. Ken also notes how pervasive pessimistic investor sentiment—which he refers to as “the pessimism of disbelief”—sets the stage for better-than-feared economic results, typically a positive for stocks. Last, Ken details why he believes high quality, mega-cap growth stocks should continue to lead the market higher in the intermediate future.

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Investing in securities involves a risk of loss. Past performance is never a guarantee of future returns. Investing in foreign stock markets involves additional risks, such as the risk of currency fluctuations. The foregoing constitutes the general views of Fisher Investments and should not be regarded as personalized investment advice. Nothing herein is intended to be a recommendation. The opinions expressed are subject to change without notice….(read more)

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Fisher Investments’ Ken Fisher Provides His Market Outlook for the Rest of 2023

Ken Fisher, the founder and executive chairman of Fisher Investments, recently shared his market outlook for the rest of 2023. As one of the most respected investment professionals in the industry, Fisher’s insights hold significant weight and can provide valuable guidance for investors.

Despite recent volatility in the markets, Fisher remains optimistic about the prospects for the global economy. He believes that the ongoing reopening of economies post-pandemic will continue to drive growth and lead to positive market returns. However, Fisher does acknowledge that there may be short-term fluctuations and potential pullbacks along the way.

Fisher emphasizes the importance of taking a long-term perspective when it comes to investing. He encourages investors to not get caught up in short-term market noise and instead focus on the underlying fundamentals of individual companies and the broader economy. According to Fisher, a solid investment strategy should be rooted in a thorough analysis of the factors that drive long-term growth and profitability.

One key theme that Fisher highlights is the continued dominance of technology stocks. He believes that the rapid pace of technological innovation will persist and that companies in the tech sector will continue to outperform. Fisher advises investors to maintain exposure to technology stocks as they remain well-positioned for growth.

Furthermore, Fisher is also bullish on specific industries that have been heavily impacted by the pandemic, such as travel and entertainment. As economies reopen and people gradually return to normalcy, these industries are expected to rebound strongly, presenting attractive investment opportunities.

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However, as with any market outlook, there are risks that should not be ignored. Fisher mentions factors such as rising inflation, geopolitical tensions, and policy changes as potential headwinds that could impact markets. He advises investors to stay informed, diversify their portfolios, and remain flexible to navigate through any potential challenges that may arise.

Overall, Fisher’s market outlook for the rest of 2023 is one of cautious optimism. He recognizes the potential for near-term market volatility but believes that the underlying fundamentals of the economy and certain sectors remain strong. Investors should heed his advice to stay focused on the long term, conduct thorough research, and remain disciplined in their investment approach.

As with any investment strategy or outlook, it is important to remember that market conditions can change rapidly, and individual circumstances may vary. It is always a prudent approach to consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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  1. Jim Meyer

    Thank you Mr. Fisher !

  2. Vincent Hurst

    Your vision is always encouraging to me. Thank you.

  3. Moh J

    Why are this posted 1 month later

  4. Iron

    Thank you for your vision sir ❤

  5. Aggerlee Jones

    Thank you so much Mr. Fisher for sharing all of your wisdom… It’s absolutely priceless!

  6. 0ldPlayer

    this was really insightful, thanks Ken!

  7. Lakshmi Prabahkar Koppolu

    Second half should be pretty good. High interest rates will consistently drag markets and worldwide interest rates hikes crazily.
    I am paying 13% interest on margin money with Schwab broker.

  8. Southern C

    Brilliant evaluation that is ignored by most. Ken is the best. He’s my hero!

  9. Ryan Tinney

    Thank you for the upload.

  10. Colin

    Thanks, Ken!

  11. M Maranta

    What happens in the 4th year of the presidency?

  12. UandIhaveOneEye Peace

    Like Ken’s dad Phil used to tell people, when asked . . . “ When would be a good time to sell my stocks ? “. Phil’s response . . . “ Almost never ! “. Thanks Ken !

    Still those gut wrenching corrections rear their ugly head from time to time and could again hear in the 2H of 2023 ! I’ll just have to suck it up !

  13. Bobby Crudup

    When Ken Fisher speaks, I listen!!!

  14. Barb Perry

    Yes, I've been following you & you were & still are spot on! Thank you.

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