Mitigate Risk by Diversifying Investments Beyond Banks

by | Aug 5, 2023 | Bank Failures | 22 comments

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After the Second-Biggest Bank Failure in the United States, many of you started thinking about how you to protect your asset from a bank collapse. In this video, Andrew Henderson explains the steps you need to do to protect your wealth and your freedom.

00:00 The Second-Biggest Bank Failure
01:31 Ex Goldman Sachs Investor’s Advice
01:59 Crypto Trends
03:45 Opening Foreign Bank Accounts
06:07 Dual Citizenship
07:17 Corruption in the United States
10:03 Asset Volatility
10:50 Banking in Singapore
11:18 Huge Interest Rates
11:46 How to Use Diversification and Optionality
12:10 Citizenship by Descent

In this video, Andrew Henderson is reading a post from the ex-Goldman Sachs Investor Andrew Izyumov:

The Nomad Capitalist is the world’s most sought-after expert on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to “go where they’re treated best.”

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Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we’ve spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.

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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you….(read more)


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Diversify Away from Bank Failures

Bank failures are an unfortunate reality that can cause significant financial losses and economic turmoil. When banks collapse, they often erode the value of depositors’ savings, disrupt credit markets, and lead to a domino effect on other financial institutions. To protect oneself from the potential aftermath of a banking crisis, it is essential to diversify investments and explore alternative avenues.

One traditional approach is to spread investments across different banks. By placing funds in multiple financial institutions, the risk of losing all savings due to a single bank failure can be mitigated. However, relying solely on this strategy might not be sufficient in today’s interconnected and globalized economy. To truly diversify away from bank failures, exploring non-traditional investment options is crucial.

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Stocks and bonds, for instance, offer alternative investment vehicles that can help spread risk. Investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks can help cushion the impact of a bank failure. History has shown that even during financial crises, the stock market tends to rebound over time, offering investors an opportunity to recover losses. Bonds, on the other hand, are considered less risky than stocks and can generate a steady stream of income, providing stability during times of financial uncertainty.

Real estate can also be an attractive diversification option. Property prices tend to hold their value relatively well, even during economic downturns. Therefore, investing in real estate can provide a tangible asset that is less susceptible to sudden market volatility. Additionally, generating rental income from properties can offer a dependable source of revenue, independent of the banking system.

Another alternative is to explore investments in precious metals like gold and silver. These metals have been considered a safe haven for centuries and have retained their value even during the most severe financial crises. Investing in gold and silver can act as a hedge against inflation, currency devaluation, and banking system failures, making them an attractive option for diversification.

Cryptocurrencies have emerged as another avenue to diversify away from bank failures. While highly volatile, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin offer a decentralized and independent financial system, not tied to any particular bank or government. By investing in cryptocurrencies, individuals can potentially shield their wealth from bank failures and currency devaluation.

Moreover, investing in oneself through education and acquiring new skills can provide an added layer of protection against bank failures. By enhancing qualifications and expanding expertise, individuals can increase their earning potential and seize opportunities beyond the constraints of the banking system.

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In conclusion, bank failures can have far-reaching consequences, affecting both individuals and the broader economy. To diversify away from the risks associated with bank failures, it is essential to explore alternative investment options. Spreading investments across different banks, diversifying into stocks, bonds, real estate, precious metals, cryptocurrencies, and investing in personal development can all be effective strategies to safeguard against the potential fallout of banking crises. By taking proactive measures to protect one’s wealth, individuals can strive for financial security and resilience in an uncertain economic landscape.

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  1. Mask Master

    Invest in face masks. Pandemics are govt guaranteed.

  2. Mr. Goldstocks

    You should talk about government digitizing currency and social credit systems. Interested in seeing your take on this

  3. Lee Martinez

    Andrew, can you recommend similar service providers that offer services to middle income Americans that earn less than $100K per year? I am middle income and I am interested in obtaining multiple passports to be on the safe side. I do work remotely.

  4. Firoze Bukht

    Good intentions and a strong risk management is needed in the banking system. Receivables is very important within the speculated time.

  5. Firoze Bukht

    Good intentions and

  6. Deal Man

    My second passport just arrived today. Thank you Andrew

  7. Rossinni & Co

    Thank you so much for this video. Your content is so valuable!

  8. H H

    Thank you!

  9. Mm K

    It is like watching a never ending commercial.

  10. Antonio Brasse

    I warned about USDC in December and I said in November that Silvergate was done. And last summer my NASDAQ interview foreshadowed the coming crypto company collapses.

  11. Samuel Pallottini

    Hey Andrew,
    Although I'm not in your clientele wealth category, I follow your program (just in case). I have a question, which I've asked a few other (Professionals), none of which had an answer, attempt, or guess.
    You may not have an answer either, but I feel you would have a best guess or opinion.

    If the US exchanges our current fiat, currency, I have a watered-down idea of the sequence of events that follow up until banning the further use of and total devaluation of former currency.

    My question is, what happens to Ecuador or other countries that use the old currency? Do they have to change, or do they get flooded with worthless paper and kill their economy as well?

    Thanks for all you do,

  12. Troy Harding

    I have three different bank accounts in three different countries, and no money. Safe.

  13. Jeremy Barlow

    What this has demonstrated yet again is that in the US the game is rigged. A bank whose primary account holders are Ultra-High-Networth-Individuals, Venture Capital Funds, and start-ups funded by those financiers all of whom could have exercised reasonable caution to protect their working capital accounts by diversifying their deposits amongst multiple banks using what was formerly known as CDARS and is now IntraFI which let's one bank account act as the management account for multiple accounts at multiple banks providing FDIC insurance on deposits in excess of $250k by diversifying the banks the money is held in while providing the convenience of working as if it were a unified account. These same individuals could've also diversified cash equivalents into a brokerage account holding the cash in a money market account invested in short term treasuries – I mean the looming default risk from the not so bright members of Congress refusal to raise the debt limit aside, if US treasuries fail everyone will have bigger problems than a bank failure. What is more if their deposits exceeded the amount the FDIC could insure via the IntraFi Network, they could've purchased private deposit insurance as well, some companies with massive deposits did take these appropriately prudent steps to protect their cash holdings for Trust accounts.

    Now, as happened when small retail investors got a leg up on dumb insiders with the GameStop short squeeze, the system is moving to insulate dumb wealth from it's failure to protect itself at all times with rational actions to privately insure their cash holdings this time, while in the GameStop scenario the brokers simply forced their customers to sell to their preferred insider clients with no protection from the SEC for the small retail investor who had bested the Wall Street financiers at their own game.

    Depositors who are nothing more than ordinary creditors who would typically be wiped out in bankruptcy are being made whole on the backs of ordinary citizens who never get a bail out and always get handed the bill for the short comings of America's oligarchs. If that isn't a game more rigged than any casino, I don't know what a rigged game is then.

  14. SaceedAbul

    Second and third Andrew. It happened again

  15. Rubens Nogueira

    No news about the end of IIP (Ireland)?

  16. Wyatt World

    Buy long dated puts on said bank. Quite simple.

  17. Anastassis Economou

    For what it's worth, yes, you've inspired me to diverSIFY. Thanks.

  18. ray schoepfer

    Wow, you missed the safest form of diversification. You say, put currency in different jurisdictions in hopes that they don't follow suite. Sorry, you totally missed the boat here. Do what BIG money does, diversify OUT of currencies. What are central banks doing? Time to do a video on how different jurisdictions treat gold.

  19. TC

    This is difficult to do as an American citizen. Most offshore banks don’t want to deal with it.

  20. jamie smith

    you did call it so i respect it

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