No Economic Recession Exists Here

by | Aug 9, 2023 | Recession News | 35 comments

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Economies in the UK and US are still suffering, while others are growing again – and some countries have dodged the recession completely.

In this video, Andrew shares countries with no recession.

00:00 Start
0:20 Diversification
1:30 Countries With Less Recession
5:40 GDP Growth in Europe
6:30 Where You Should Invest
10:46 Banking Overseas

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Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we’ve spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.

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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you….(read more)

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There’s No Recession Here

In the midst of economic uncertainty and global recession fears, there are some regions and countries that seem to be immune to these economic downturns. One such place is the bustling and vibrant city of XYZ, where the economy is thriving and prosperity abounds.

Unlike many other parts of the world, XYZ has managed to avoid the severe impact of recessions or economic slumps. The secret behind XYZ’s resilience lies in its diversified economy. While some regions rely heavily on a single industry, such as manufacturing or tourism, XYZ has managed to build a diverse economic base. This means that even if one sector is struggling, others are able to pick up the slack and keep the economy afloat.

In addition to its diversified economy, XYZ has also invested heavily in innovation and technology. The city is home to several high-tech companies, research institutions, and startups that have contributed to its continued growth. These innovative ventures have created ample job opportunities, attracting talent from all over the world and ensuring a steady influx of skilled workers.

Another contributing factor to XYZ’s economic success is its commitment to education and skill development. The city has invested heavily in creating a robust education system that produces graduates equipped with the necessary skills for the job market. This has not only helped bridge the skills gap but has also attracted multinational corporations looking for a talented workforce.

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Furthermore, XYZ has been proactive in attracting foreign investment, offering incentives and a business-friendly environment. The government has streamlined bureaucratic processes, reduced red tape, and provided tax breaks, making it an attractive destination for both local and international investors.

The city’s investment in infrastructure has also played a significant role in its economic strength. XYZ boasts modern transportation systems, well-maintained roads, efficient logistics, and state-of-the-art communication networks. These developments have facilitated smooth business operations, leading to increased productivity and competitiveness.

Despite global economic challenges, XYZ has continued to thrive and grow. Its resilience can be attributed to a combination of factors such as a diversified economy, innovation and technology-driven growth, a commitment to education, foreign investment, and quality infrastructure.

However, it’s worth noting that XYZ is not without its challenges. Income inequality and affordable housing are issues that need to be addressed to ensure that the benefits of economic growth are shared by all. The city’s leaders are aware of these challenges and are working towards finding sustainable solutions.

As global recession fears persist, XYZ serves as a shining example that with the right strategies, a region or city can overcome economic hardships. By diversifying the economy, investing in innovation, education, and infrastructure, and attracting both local and foreign investments, XYZ has managed to create a robust economy that is resilient to recessions.

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  1. Penny Krieger

    I'm seriously wondering if this little planet is big enough for you! Your knowledge base is astounding! Wish I could hire you…

  2. leplane

    I'm beginning to think the Spanish ministry of tourism is paying big bucks to Darth Davos Schwab, to have Spain at the top of every chart out there.

  3. Kalpana Parekh

    Do you have research places for retirement?

  4. Mike

    The people who have the money to avoid a recession and keep ROI at a certain rate simply by investing in foreign markets has a lot to begin with. You have to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars at a minimum make a meaningful return in the short term. At that point you probably have enough wealth to keep your standard of living the same anyways throughout a recession. This is a better long term play if anything.

  5. Alfonso Alfonso

    Another American citizens who have make USA economy crash! career politicians and are lawyers who know nothing about economic and have NO interest in helping or protecting your family! Only want to exploit, your young children. The new world economy and new western way of life. Hyper rich and multimillionaire politicians….

  6. John F

    99.9 yes recessionary

  7. DomsDocs

    love you dude! you are all about freedom and im all for it.

  8. Moto Man

    I would definitely prefer the red carpet over finger pointing. Finger pointing is all the dumb politicians do.

  9. Brian Kyle

    What about hedging with precious metals?

  10. Erik Kurilla

    Some economists have projected that both the U.S. and parts of Europe could slip into a recession for a portion of 2023. A global recession, defined as a contraction in annual global per capita income, is more rare because China and emerging markets often grow faster than more developed economies. Essentially the world economy is considered to be in recession if economic growth falls behind population growth.

  11. Pat Risberg

    Make sure you have your own economic system. Don't take prisoners. Become unsentimental.

  12. Ah Jodie

    Thank you, you make me hopeful and even excited about being alive!

  13. Kris Kravt

    Vietnam will be one day as developed as Taiwan,Japan and Korea. Similar culture , mindset and work etics. Definitely better bet than Cambodia, Philipines ,Tailand or Indonesia.

  14. Hauscchildt

    Bet all those laid off workers love this

  15. Destination Japan

    0% chance of recession does not exist. Wherever fiat exists, inflation and recessions will always be prevalent

  16. Mikeykaysuper

    No Pain no gain. My Icelandic assets have me comfortable

  17. Justsaying

    Cambodia is a country consisting of evil and corruption. How can you invest in such a country?

  18. Diego Yanes Holtz

    I think Brazil should be uper in ranking. I think Brazil will pass though a recession.

  19. Gman Jordan

    We have been in a recession since 2009, you idiot!

  20. Juan Baez

    More and more homeless in the United States of América , though you say there is no recesion .

  21. Juan Baez

    There is no recesion for you , because you are a millionare . For the other social clases there is a recesion , becoming a great depresión.

  22. Steve Drake

    Recession or not, you're still going to get CBDCs, which will be far worse, unless Asians stop it right away.

  23. DJ Tan

    Yes. Take off ya western rose tinted glasses.

  24. Cool Runnings

    True. And if your main customer base is in the western economies (whilst living elsewhere) you’ll still be affected by recessions there …

  25. Jami Nova

    "Recession is when your neighbor loses their job. Depression is when you lose yours!" – Harry S. Truman

  26. LMIMSsoi

    how do you invest in Cambodia ?

  27. T W

    The recession already started…. And then the n******crats changed the definition of what a recession is. Google it.

  28. Carl Street

    Excellent — your references to ending one's Western bias is spot on. Well Done, Sir!

  29. FreePizza007

    You mentioned Turkey but I have heard from people who have residency there have had it cancelled.

  30. justNatalia

    Poland has disproportional raises in cost of living (e.g., ridiculous electricity cost), but is still veeery cheap compared to the West.

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