Forbes Chairman Discusses Recession, Inflation Cure, and Media’s Future

by | Aug 12, 2023 | Recession News | 32 comments

Steve Forbes, Chairman of Forbes Media and former Presidential candidate, discusses the state of the economy, entrepreneurship, and media.

*This video was recorded on July 14, 2023

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0:00 – What caused inflation?
3:00 – Economic growth
4:00 – Flat tax rate
5:05 – Recession
5:55 – Entrepreneurship
10:41 – Media
15:43 – Threats to the U.S.

#economy #media #forbes…(read more)

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REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation


Forbes Chairman On Recession, Cure For Inflation, Future Of Media

The current global economic situation has many experts concerned about the possibilities of a recession. However, Steve Forbes, the Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media, offers some unique insights into this matter. In a recent interview, Forbes shared his thoughts on the recession, the cure for inflation, and the future of media.

Regarding the potential recession, Forbes believes that it is possible but not inevitable. He argues that the economy can avoid a recession if policymakers take the right actions. Forbes suggests that reducing taxes and cutting regulations can stimulate economic growth, incentivize businesses to invest, and encourage job creation. He believes that these measures would also help restore consumer confidence, leading to increased spending which is crucial for economic stability.

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Moreover, Forbes emphasizes the importance of addressing inflation as a way to prevent a recession. He states that inflation is like a “hidden tax” on the economy, as it diminishes the value of money and erodes purchasing power. He advocates a stable and predictable monetary policy, urging central banks to avoid excessive money printing, which can fuel inflation. According to Forbes, a sound monetary policy is vital in maintaining price stability, supporting economic growth, and safeguarding the financial well-being of people.

When it comes to the future of media, Forbes acknowledges the challenges faced by traditional media outlets due to the rise of digital platforms. However, he remains optimistic about their future. Forbes believes that quality journalism will always find an audience, and media organizations need to adapt to technological advancements to stay relevant. He emphasizes the importance of embracing new technologies and utilizing them to enhance storytelling and engage with audiences.

Forbes also remarks on the need for media organizations to focus on building a strong digital presence. He suggests that media outlets should leverage social media platforms, mobile applications, and video content to reach wider audiences. Additionally, Forbes emphasizes the significance of personalized, curated news experiences that cater to the specific interests and preferences of consumers.

In conclusion, Steve Forbes offers valuable insights on the recession, the cure for inflation, and the future of media. He highlights the importance of pro-growth policies to avoid a recession and stabilize the economy. His emphasis on a stable monetary policy to combat inflation carries weight, as it is crucial for economic stability. Regarding media, Forbes believes that while traditional outlets face challenges, adapting to new technologies and embracing digital platforms can secure their future. As the Chairman of Forbes Media, his expertise and thoughtful perspective shed light on these critical issues.

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  1. David Evans

    The cure for inflammation is the elimination of PROFIT going to lazy suits like you, so the governed mint you traded your time to can Tax regulate and dictate to you for life, and slow Ed CO-Nomics graduates think that's a great deal. Dumb as tax.

  2. S Lee

    Inspiring what Steve Forbes is saying! Have to listen to this over and over again

  3. CryptoWomanist

    This mans a national treasure

  4. J eep

    Well done David, great guest and great job, as always -keep it up!

  5. wufbro

    Guest is living in the past. 8 billion people can’t keep consuming Earth’s limited resources at the current rates. American economy is overloaded with unnecessary overconsumption.

  6. Maria 28

    Just get rid of the FED

  7. Reinhard

    An amazing guest!! …a total Legend…congratulations!

  8. Real-ist

    Your hair looks good today. Stay classy.

  9. Sun of York

    Reactionary old monster wants to spread tax to the non-rich and freely pollute the soil and rivers

  10. Joseph Agoglia

    Awesome guest !!!!! Thanks

  11. James Bond

    in the end it all counts for nothing..Everything you own has no real value..Time is your most valuable asset..Dont waste it

  12. GodHead

    Wow your doing great David. Awesome interview as always. Mr.Forbes is a very open minded free market kind of guy, I like it.

  13. thomas murray

    Very brilliant and witty old man this guest was. Good work.

  14. Gabe Lee

    purchasing power is continually going lower, things will not be getting better any time soon. rich get richer, poor get poorer.

  15. Matthew

    I like this guy

  16. Sudo

    The rich always want low taxes and no regulations because that's what enables them to pillage the common man as much as possible and then ask for a bailout when the times are bad. How predictable, coming from Forbes.

  17. Rod Petrie

    Inflation is coming down but so is the Dollar which equals more inflation. No great weight given to the central issue, DEBT !! Sorry this is too simplistic a view.

  18. jeffrey goss

    In a few years maybe Forbes will be old enough to be president.

  19. c m

    David – I’m BEGGING you – we need to do something about Harry – he said he’s about to turn BULLISH if the nasdaq rises 700 more points – he’s sick David, please ask your audience to hall him, you need to help him, he’s clearly gone now

  20. David Robinson

    Great interview. Good to hear his perspective. Everything measured and time tested and the guy is still sharp.

  21. Edward Tucker

    Great guest! Thank you, both!

  22. Phil Fortner

    'leave the economy alone and thing will be just fine' says a guy who's generation kept lowering fed rates for 40 years straight so that they could bring forward 75 years of future growth. Try sticking to reality where the economy only grew over the past 50 years because thieves stole from the 99% through inflation, the hidden tax where your dollar is continually worth less.

  23. Ronald Trunk

    Listening to steve forbes talk he sounds like an old fuddy duddy. Glad he never became president. 5% flat tax worst idea ever

  24. TheQz5687

    He really sums it up, People need to realize what he is saying pretty clear to me. Forbes is right we as a country should not be told what to do, or limited by govt. look around we are losing our ability to choose what we want, you don"t think so? i went to home depot to get a gas trimmer, NONE, I asked and the employee said " They won't let us sell them anymore">> think about that.

  25. Slim

    This guy is a politician and not an economist!

  26. Rebel_Plebe

    Great stuff David.!

  27. ed behan

    Sounds like he’ll make another run at it

  28. Spencer F

    What a wise and articulate guest! What a pleasure! Thanks David

  29. Saeid Yazdani

    What a smart individual

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