Urgent: A Guide to Investing During High Inflation

by | Aug 14, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 5 comments

Urgent: A Guide to Investing During High Inflation

If you’ve been paying attention to financial news recently, all that has been discussed is inflation, inflation, and more inflation🙄

Is the rapidly increasing inflation a bit terrifying?


However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any opportunities to take advantage of this rising inflation🤑

What are these opportunities you may ask?

Watch the video above to find out🤓


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Bridger is the founder of Black Bridge Holdings – A privately run debt fund that has done over 290 deals in 38 states over the last 2 years.

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How To Invest During Periods of High Inflation

Inflation is a concern for many investors as it erodes the purchasing power of money over time. When inflation is high, it becomes even more critical to find investment opportunities that can protect and potentially grow your wealth. Here are some strategies to consider during periods of high inflation.

1. Diversify Your Portfolio: In times of high inflation, diversification becomes even more crucial. Spread your investments across different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities. Diversifying can help mitigate the impact of inflation on your overall portfolio.

2. Focus on Real Assets: Real assets, such as real estate, commodities, and infrastructure, tend to perform well during inflationary periods. These assets have intrinsic value and are often directly influenced by inflation. Consider allocating a portion of your portfolio to real assets to help preserve your wealth during times of high inflation.

3. Invest in Stocks: Historically, stocks have been a good hedge against inflation. Companies can pass on increased costs to consumers, leading to higher revenues and potentially higher stock prices. Look for companies with strong fundamentals and a history of consistently increasing their dividends. Also, consider investing in sectors that tend to perform well during inflation, such as consumer staples, healthcare, and energy.

4. Consider Inflation-Protected Bonds: Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) are bonds issued by the U.S. government that offer protection against inflation. The principal value of these bonds adjusts with inflation, providing a hedge against rising prices. Consider adding TIPS to your fixed income portfolio to safeguard against inflation.

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5. Seek Income-Generating Assets: During periods of high inflation, income-generating assets can be attractive. Look for investments such as high dividend-yielding stocks, rental properties, or bonds with higher coupon payments. These investments can provide a steady stream of income that can outpace inflationary pressures.

6. Invest in Foreign Currencies and International Markets: High inflation is often localized to specific regions or countries. Consider diversifying your investments internationally by investing in countries with stable economies and currencies less affected by inflation. Investing abroad can provide additional opportunities for growth and diversification.

7. Regularly Review and Adjust: Inflation rates can change rapidly, so it is essential to regularly review your investment portfolio and adjust your strategy accordingly. Stay updated on economic indicators and monitor inflation forecasts to make informed decisions about your investments.

Remember, investing during periods of high inflation carries risks, and it is crucial to consult with a financial advisor to tailor your investment strategy to your financial goals and risk tolerance. Their expertise can help navigate the complexities and uncertainties associated with inflationary environments.

In conclusion, when faced with high inflation, diversification, investing in real assets, focusing on stocks, considering inflation-protected bonds, seeking income-generating assets, and exploring international markets can help protect and potentially grow your wealth. Stay informed, adapt your strategy as needed, and seek professional advice to make the most of your investments during periods of high inflation.

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  1. Eric Yuan

    Do you have the Vegas event recorded? What did John Karony say?

  2. LookingAway

    Thanks for this

  3. Brett Mutolo

    We are in a recession not inflation rn.

  4. Tony H


  5. Thomas Henry

    I don’t know who need to hear this but stop relying on the government and savings. Invest some of your money if you want financial freedom inflation will keep rising and the government won't do anything about it save your self from inflation by having some stream of income

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